Please feel free to give us your suggestions right here!
Many members of our Community have suggested some great ideas that improve the game in some way. Particularly lately, we've had a large number of...
Can the Spring Parks Spring cleaning buff include the Bio Farm? And will we be able to use the Harvest Ritual or Helpful Scarecrow on them? I'm...
what sense it makes to give us floating buildings in events (or whenever) when we don´t have anymore spots to build them. Please BB open more spots...
or at least end on Wednesday. Ending an event on Monday mornings has an almost guaranteed chance to create a mess somewhere. Wednesday means 2 days...
When generals return to home island make them land in the same place they took off from. -- My original wish and intent was to create a...
Please add these new generals so all the messages in game make sense: 1) General Error 2) General Failure 3) General Exception Thanks in...
i think there should be a full screen option witch brings it out n covers all desktop like f11 zooms it out ect most games have this feature...
Can we please have the stacked blocking back please that you implemented with the Change log: 8/10/2016 - This is where...
I have troubles with finding buildings on my map which is full with building spots. Yes, I know that buildings producing items can be found by...
When I select a General close the star menu. ::skull:: This would improve quality of life approximately 2 billion percent. If I wanted the star...
Hi, My star menu is awash with loads of useless specialists. Would be nice to pop them in a box, or tab them off somewhere so they are grey'd out....
Can we have some Northern Snowbound Archipelago Islands - somewhere else to build water buildings around and to place more buildings upon. I'm...
Well, yes, that was the expected result. Please also show an at-a-glance summary of what happened to the enemy troops too. It would be useful to know...
- Which of these adventures is mine? How can I tell which one I'm sending generals to? How incompe... oh never mind, *sigh*. Add the name of...
It is getting highly annoying to have mini events which excludes (by now) the largest part of the player base to actively participate as there is no...
Why does my Epic Frog [sic] sometimes look like this but sometimes look like this Consistency is key and BB are locked out. This is...
Today we're in the field of IT operations. Often I get bored of waiting for the spinny thing when assigning troops to a general and switch to...
When displaying long numbers please use a thousands seperator. In the image above the first line is bad, the second (and last) is good. It would...
When shortening numbers, please make sure that you actually do: 1.77k is five characters and loses information compared to the four characters...
I noticed to follow the map they find only certain collectibles. (Herbs,Barrel,Scerecrow). While, Grain Sackes, Food Cart, are found very rarely or...
when are we going to get new level that must be the easiset thing on the to do list that you will start losing big players wo help bring new plsyers...
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