Here is the place to chat, sell/exchange items or recruit for your guild if you're on the Northisle world.
Official Questions thread...
14.03.23 09:57
Come and sell or exchange your resources or adventures!
Trade for levelling up to...
09.04.18 15:53
Guild business here!
Tombstone Warriors [ZOMBI]...
06.06.24 16:48
I have been playing for a while but realised I really do need some fwends! Please add!
hallo were loking for new members for ore guild SPATACUS zo if you want to have some fun and helping each other com and join us now
What the God damn hell is going on? I've been playing The Settlers Online now for, I don't know, 8? years. A few months ago, I decided to take...
We are a guild quest-focused group with the majority of players completing on a daily basis. Helping each other is a given, free loot spots, and...
If you want to be deadly serious about the game & you're more interested about the mathematics of the game, then this isn't the guild for you. We're...
could you please add me as a :):)friend thank you:):)
whats happened. ages to bootup. freeze all the time etc. i give up. back to xbox me thinks
Hello I´m a level 72 player and guild leader at The Professionals with the guild tag PR0. In guild chat we speak English because it is a guild with...
I miss Pinky - will he ever be back? :-(
It's true I like cake, oh hai btw
Get into the spirit of the Black Knight Event.... Post a picture of the 2nd castle going down...full BK.... and the time on the clock please.......
Hey Settlers, I have decided to share my personal Northisle Price List ( with the community. I...
Who do you think is the best Mod of our server? Please vote!
I brought a loot spot today and the owner of the adventure sent the final attack before i'd even appeared on the map. While i was able to make a...
Dear fellow settlers, I have taken the liberty to put a major update on my buff list...
Is there anyone who want to swap grilled steak every 3 days ??
Can anyone post a link for a new pricelist.The old one isnt working atm
Latest one today from edited (edited - who I don't know, and don't think I've ever spoken to). Can something be done to stop this - I thought all...
Hey Settlers, If you're like me, then you like getting the most bang for your buck. I remember wondering, since I started playing The Settlers...
Now the Guild Market has changed it is no longer viable to buy IOP (Island of Pirates) in Merchant Only way is for your explorer to search for...
HI all think the best way forward for this event is to cover your island in wells and convert the water into balloons i suggest this as i think that...
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