Here you can find various player guides with some great tips and pointers for adventures.
Adventure Guides
Different Guides by DLCatlord
11.06.24 07:02
As your questions about various adventures here.
The People of the Mountain
25.09.23 18:48
Various tips, Faqs and game guides
What server and how to find...
01.02.25 11:09
Ask questions about the various game mechanics here.
Dear Settlers With the current version, we are offering an interesting way to get rare items in a bidding system. Shady Auction Hall -...
~or~ The Hidden Trick to prntscrs This comes up fairly often so here's a (very) quick "How To" for posting Lightshot's "prntscr" screenshots...
This post contains instructions on how to improve the loading times. What are the issues? The loading bar gets stuck Loading takes...
Jamdoggy's Guide to BB Codes Thanks to BB_Rawren (, CL_Aquila...
The guide still under the progress and the goal is the make easier the strategy over the elite units ...
Settlersportal has some very helpful data I have not seen anywhere else, like charts comparing the stats of explorers and even the chances for them...
Are there any adventures/ventures with gems as loot or reward? Thanks
Motes : Crystals : ( blue shields )...
Hello Everyone Welcome to my own thread TSO Infographic Data Base for Travel Seasons [Seasonal Adventures - Mini Events] Here you can take always...
Has something changed with the maintain clan campaigns? Or are the guides in the wiki way off as I'm losing troops I shouldn't be all over the place?...
So I am doing “Shrouded in Legend” Quest I have done all the “Complete the adventure….” Got the green ticks, but the first one “Complete the...
Put in Riches of the Mountain too. Great fast scenario with good amount of eggs. Rest of them are all the 'Doubles'. (seasonal adventures) please ignore 3 rd phase as wrong
I've posted a short YouTube video play thru of the Storm Recovery scenario, with commentary. The complete solution is written underneath the video...
I've posted a video walkthrough of the Ali Baba The Young Woodcutter adventure on YouTube, with commentary. The text underneath the video contains...
I've posted a video walkthrough of the Hansel & Gretel adventure on YouTube, with commentary. The video is timestamped so you can jump to where... Check it out ! Losses are not bad 400MS,200K and 120S pls leave comment if you see way to improve... check it out ! Finaly frosties used on 2-3 camps .. also cool attack with vargus that kills 5 camps! check it out needs 3x loner general , YGG and nusala (with 1-up) 670 R, 95 S losses this is speed run , losses slightly higher then on wiki guide 26 mins with Obs ON and platinum... here is my 9 generals + 1 transport guide for 1st thief .. made for speed loses 1417 MS 28K
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