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Forum: Game Questions

Ask questions about the various game mechanics here.

  1. How do I add wheat to a deposit? stuck on the quest

    hi total newbie here, How do i add wheat to a deposit?

    Started by chirsby33, 14.09.16 20:58
    • Replies: 3
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    15.09.16 08:48 Go to last post
  2. production

    plz helpppp how are you suppose to do the production in 12hrs quests when do what it says they keep changing from one to the other from green tick...

    Started by sparky1123, 30.01.16 20:16
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    30.01.16 20:48 Go to last post
  3. Mastery / Prudence main quest

    "Invest at least 6 (resp 11) Codices in one of your Explorers (resp. Geologists)." Does that mean they have to be invested in one and the same...

    Started by HFoC, 12.01.16 13:12
    • Replies: 3
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    12.01.16 21:44 Go to last post
  4. Storage Quest

    Hi how do I pay from storage? I have various quests that state: eg: "Pay 150 tools from storage" how do I do this?

    Started by ActiveFire13, 21.12.15 19:00
    • Replies: 1
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    21.12.15 19:02 Go to last post
  5. Red face Need to clear island of bandits to get new sector to complete mission Need help

    is there a way to clear a sector without using combat please help me

    Started by Kingt73, 12.11.15 15:24
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    12.11.15 15:54 Go to last post
  6. Combat Academy Island

    Where do I find Combat Academy Island?

    Started by davely, 21.10.15 15:34
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    21.10.15 16:02 Go to last post
  7. refilling mines

    How does one refill a mine instead of having to tear it down when it's depleted? I get a note to do so before it's empty, but have no idea how one...

    Started by Amadeus, 16.01.12 12:58
    2 Pages
    1 2
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    24.09.15 23:02 Go to last post
  8. Question Does the duration of buffs stack?

    That is, can I use one Solid Sandwich (lasting two hours) immediately after another, for a total duration of four hours, or is the time wasted unless...

    Started by JDWard, 03.01.13 20:45
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 48,724
    07.06.15 20:38 Go to last post
  9. The Greatest Explorer of All Time

    I don't know how to get help as I am since long time on ban, I have a quest name : ( The Greatest Explorer of All Time ) I finished many epic...

    Started by Naveed1967, 30.05.15 13:23
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 46,885
    01.06.15 22:07 Go to last post
  10. How to change from Sandycove to Newfoundland

    Help please, My friend is playing on Newfoundland and me, Sandycove. We can't add each other as friends on the game. How can I change to...

    Started by Maiju75, 05.03.15 19:43
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 51,736
    24.03.15 22:03 Go to last post
  11. Travelling Erudite

    Can you still find event items during events, when using artefact search?

    Started by Gemna, 30.07.14 03:47
    • Replies: 2
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    30.07.14 15:36 Go to last post
  12. How can you delete mails from your outbox?

    how does one delete the messages in the outbox?

    Started by ShellaRose, 29.07.14 21:00
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 47,631
    29.07.14 23:46 Go to last post
  13. Gem Mine

    Can you only ever have 10? or is it only 10 at one time?

    Started by Gemna, 29.07.14 03:47
    • Replies: 3
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    29.07.14 12:19 Go to last post
  14. Level up rewards

    I recently went up by more than one level in one go due to defeating a leader and getting the xp for all camps. I only received level up rewards for...

    Started by mellihorn, 18.07.14 14:33
    • Replies: 2
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    18.07.14 14:58 Go to last post
  15. Stuck on sub-quest 'Coins on the street'

    I had that quest for a long time now, and I spent my explorer many times (well over 20) in the required Medium Treasure search. So far he mostly...

    Started by Fafhred, 22.10.13 12:46
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    28.06.14 16:54 Go to last post
  16. Unhappy no more adventures

    I cannot play any more adventures including the world cup due to playing too many consecutive adventures {the caption says}. what do I do ??

    Started by ninenettles, 18.06.14 07:21
    • Replies: 3
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    18.06.14 09:34 Go to last post
  17. Mine limits

    Is quite confusing from mine point of view the question with the mines and the limits of their number Can anyone explain me in very simple way -...

    Started by Korbun, 03.05.14 19:23
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    03.05.14 20:17 Go to last post
  18. Lightbulb Regarding Combat

    I m finding this game's combat little confusing!!!!! (too much) Can anyone please clarify 2 things for me??? Does they mean...... attacking...

    Started by Marauderer, 15.04.14 18:57
    • Replies: 3
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    16.04.14 05:03 Go to last post
  19. Waiting Quest

    I got 2 Waiting quests can not complete. Collapsed Mine - Have at least 1 copper mine(s) on your island. Village Contract (Guild Quest) - Have...

    Started by eVren_ShiStar, 26.03.14 07:51
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    26.03.14 07:56 Go to last post
  20. How do I add a friend

    I have a different do i add friends when i can't see them

    Started by MrsStahl1, 22.02.14 18:34
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 15,662
    22.02.14 18:34 Go to last post

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