lol we are still bannend from playing settlers
Type: Posts; User: heinwe
lol we are still bannend from playing settlers i get nearly always a freezing of the loading of the game very often in google crome so i hope you guys can fix it this launcher is as broken as it can come it wont load properly even if i try restart or redownload it is dam slow and often wont load this will realy break the game if ubisoft...
please i want my browser settlers back this dum tuff of a new client is not working good it is lagging does not load correctly i want my browser back how can i go baCk to browser i want browser back
this new client is awfull does not work good loads bad i want my browser back bring back browser
this client is nog good is realy bad bring back bring back browser
me to i cant get in
hi i want to report very bad lag i cant login now the lag is keeping me from loading the game i use chrome and im was doing nothing als then wait for settlers to load please...
i dont know what happend to the server but i cant login i cleanend the cahce and cookies and have a very good internet np there but it takes the game or site more then 1 hour to load it is still...
i cleanend the cookies and cache and everything and still when i press play the game does not load please fix this and i hope for them i will not loose my daily reward because i cant load the game... on this you see i mist the login that is what the game is saying but i login yesterday on day 6 and today is day 7 off that daily login. but why is this happening please fix... thios is how far it loads and it stops if this is not fix i will never come live in this game again this is starting to get bored about everytime there is a update the game is...
1. Agnate Irma's repast = Aunt Irma's Feast
2. Philtre = Love potion
3. Stock dwelling = Storehouse
4. Detractor cantonment = Enemy camp/encampment
5. Palatial mansion = Magnificent residence
it is the nearing the end of easter when unicorn are on your island they come to take the rabbid bunny's away
why not a building for the gen's where thy are in and you can gif them the army inthe building
i can not login good please fix it and i have it not only with uk server but i have it in all servers please fix it
i can,t get in the uk server i get login que i have clean the cache but stil no getting in the uk server
please fix it
i have 6900 in total of settlers but now i see that i have 4681/6900
but i have 354 working settlers
and unassiged units 5925
and colony unassiged units 150
than i need to have 471 settlers...
i can not find the link to the combat sim on that site please bring back the site one was the beste not that what is now i get nothing no combat...
i have a little problem with camp 10 the gen with 100c is not going to the wathtower but attacking camp 10 eh is not getting interceptet