I got the MMA, hes great. I use him whenever cav is used against ennemy camp, he can be on his way while my Vet is returning from yet another victory. Also I use him (+ 1 recriut) as cannon fodder...
Type: Posts; User: Ely666
I got the MMA, hes great. I use him whenever cav is used against ennemy camp, he can be on his way while my Vet is returning from yet another victory. Also I use him (+ 1 recriut) as cannon fodder...
I think I know what you mean, a few of the new quest want you to look in to your economy overview. If the quest requires the production of a certain item to be 0+, it simply means you need to create...
The new quests are great, gives me thigs to do while building ect, but im stuck on this one as I canceled the tutorial adventure and obiously can`t buy it again. is it possable to find with a scout...
thank you both for the replies, like you posted Unlucky I have been skimming through the trade tab to get an idea of what things can go for, then selling high and dropping if no takers.
The past few days I have been trading a lot to get gold to upgrade the higher lev buildings, now in a game like this with so many diff resorces and times to get them trading can be a little confusing...
Thx for all the quick replies, think I`ll take all your advise and save them for licences later on down the road.
I only have 125 at my curent lev as i`ve only played for 2 days, I dont intend to buy any more, so 2 questions rly.
1. Whats the mose usfull thing to buy.
2. Apart from hard cash where do they...