Its not all about throwing resources at BB or churning the co-ops its clear that we have a vibrant and active membership.
Type: Posts; User: stonewaller
Its not all about throwing resources at BB or churning the co-ops its clear that we have a vibrant and active membership.
Looking for a guild with a chance of winning the guild fest, we're here for you!
We have more active guild members than most guilds have members, and are looking for individuals or small guilds...
All the building spots are at the top next to each other. You Only need to make 3 of the 4 available buildings, personally I don't bother with the provision house,
if you make all 4 you cant...
Paraphrasing the descriptor for the treeit says explorers sent before it expires will bring back extra event resource... Humbles and fast explorers i sent before it expired this morning have come...
ZON (AMAZONIAN SETTLERS) are looking for smaller (or medium sized) guilds who are struggling with membership to merge with.
Game changes have reduced our active membership but we still have a core...
I seem to be missing some mail, has something changed?
On client I have20 pages going back almost exactly a year
On Unity they go back several months more.
I did have around 100 pages... I...
Happy to say latest swf seems to have cured my memory problems, even looks like I'm using less than before. Game now stable. Thank you very much!
Have been suffering memory leakage since valentine installation, slowly then, much faster since this latest update, Have tried latest swf but no improvement, after an hour computer is more or less...
I would not necessarily argue that BB do not stuff up, but even if you stuff up all the time you can be hit by unexpected glitches you are not responsible for and given this seems to have been server...
I posted about this under the workaround client thread... was ikay logged into Ares and couldnt get on to northisle no log in pages. the log in pages came back I logged out ares and trie logging in...
I'm no expert but not sure thats the current issue... whilst login page is back up cant connect to server message is coming up on unity and client, so it looks as if its a problem at BB/server end of...
Amazonian Settlers recruiting
Are you and individual new player or an old one returning and looking for a home, a small guild looking to 'upgrade'
We are always looking for future recruits. We...
in which case the search function isnt working very well (or I'm not) as I didnt find it :)
Medipaks made in sickbay dont seem to be working... whatever they are made from, I apply the general heals, shortly after they are dead again and the pak returns to star, soetimes even enough time to...
5 rewards from 9 lanterns, used to get 6 from 6 (mostly)
The quest requires looting of 2k beans, i just added 4.5k plus prem from third thief and it registered just 1999 and did not complete. at about the same time this also happened to a guild mate so it...
skills seem to have been affected by maintenance a week ago, I mentioned in bug section for example charming is finding large deposits but the speed increase is missing, the description of what...
Oh well I didnt have this problem before this mornings hotfix, after the fix I got in fine to start with then clicked in collectible, game crashed and now all I get every time I try to load on this...
updated client but I'm just getting the blue screen with some 'invisible' buttons.
HELP!!!! :(
had hoped that latest update might solve mail issues
I still have no mail in inbox, I get messages saying I have mail but they don't show... if I leave the mailbox open for more than a couple of...