Haha that is so cool! Thanks Larili, I hope he'll win a lot of battles for you!
It's been great getting to know the TSO community, from all servers.
Type: Posts; User: Sinister-King
Haha that is so cool! Thanks Larili, I hope he'll win a lot of battles for you!
It's been great getting to know the TSO community, from all servers.
It takes so long to level up - I don't have the patience lol.
I've given away most of the buildings on my island now, but if you need anything send me an in-game message mate. ;)
Send me in-game f/r I'll send you some stuff - tell me what you need.
Hi BlueByte,
Would you help me.
I have so many premium buildings and 203,564 Gems sat in the bank that I would like to share with active players - is there anyway I can send gems to my friends...
I second this!
Nice one, loving the new stacking feature.
Nice one FastSimTSOmaps! :)
This thing doesn't work on Mac either ... I've tried Western (Mac OS Roman) and Western (Mac Mail) no idea what the difference is but regardless, none work.
That looks awesome Jason.
If you had opened and closed the oven door quick enough - you might have got another 2 or 3.
Yup, I also paid for (real money) Christmas boxes in the hope of getting an extra gingerbread house, and failed to do so ...these guys got numerous amounts for free.
Where's the justice in...
It's much more than 100k if someone got 3 or 4 of these things - besides why should they be allowed more reward boxes??
Fishslice is right, this is double-standards and poor decision making on...
Okay, thanks bud :).
My 9 explorers haven't found a single egg this week - has the Easter event ended?
Also, eggs don't appear on my island anymore?
I have over 200k of gems and nothing to spend it on.
Any chance of an Unlimited Iron Mine?
I think the Chinese probably have a better PvP system than this.
Any chance BB could migrate my account over?
Let me try understand this having just completed an expedition.
The buildings/resources/military/population on my main island have ZERO influence when playing PvP - this might as well just be...
Sorry to see you paint such a pretty picture of these banned players Ethelred1.
I'm a nice guy, I've paid to play and I've done my bit for the community so wheres my half-a-dozen or more free...
I think the development team are being spread too thin, with the priority being on producing new games.
We've had Anno and now Panzer, both games released in under 12 months ..congratulations...