Did anyone even notice this is the second time this event got activated this year? That never happens. Ever considered the activation was a bug?
BB certainly didn't :p
Type: Posts; User: copycat71
Did anyone even notice this is the second time this event got activated this year? That never happens. Ever considered the activation was a bug?
BB certainly didn't :p
For ease of use and when wiki-page may be offline during event.
Clicking on the picture will take you to the wiki-page, when not offline ;)
To the wiki page
yes, it's the forum part that needs to be done in full screen (F11 or something).
German homepage.
Translation is up to you :)
Or maybe just get rid of this all together?
And sometimes 3 steps back.
Really?? Going there now~!
it's 6 years, almost, and it works fine for me every time. never had this issue.
Might want to re-visit adventure island or log out for 16 minutes.
erm... it was active in his/her questbook. So no such workarounds are needed.
Aim properly onto that mountain under sector 3.
You think maybe you only put 250 in?
I made 1500 and took 20hours+. You sure you put the right amount in PH?
Check the VPN, it might work when it's off.
(If you don't have a VPN i don't know what to tell yah.)
Might as wel stop with the game suggestions untill they actually make the game playable on unity.... which will be around 2043 at this pace.
it always does it's own maintenance at 3 in the mornin' :p
Take a wild guess.
It's the same for multi-player adventures. Can't see when player made a kill.
Need to go to home island and back to see the actual number of troops left in a camp my lootspotter made the kill in....
Anybody asking for a dev to come and explain things... looks silly in their own right.
Could have bought off the quest for 150 gems...
The other thread
So: pay to win really... not so powerfull then