no you are not the only one .. since this afternoon the server is down , they are working on it :) scroll through the pages on this post and you will see what its all about
Type: Posts; User: Miranda_84
no you are not the only one .. since this afternoon the server is down , they are working on it :) scroll through the pages on this post and you will see what its all about
just hold your horses and be patient :) BB knows this effects more than just 1 player and they are well aware of all the "consequenses" of this error ..
pff peeps start screaming murder and fire...
i agree with Kit :D
hahaha nice one ;)
i today am doing this adv with this guide next to it .. 1st 3 camps can be killed with 1 MMA attack .. intercept 2x but kills all 3 camps with just 220 R in and when last camp is defeated you have 55...
hahaha , i seriously cant stop laughing!!
hahaha very Cool!!
i find it sorry that there are no pumpkins on explorer search but to then also HARDLY give any on a collectible spwan is beyond me..
last year was way easier to get pumpkins..
ofc i am not saying...
i think its just to see how far a player would go , so setting up that coal / beans trade was just to see if they could pull it off.. as the seller i think does know it would be hardly impossible.....
i agree :)
i agree , too much peeps get to much random invites..
they say hi in g1 or help and bam a guild invite.. 1 second you see em without tag and the next with tag.. this is not how its done!! ( when...
are you looking for a fun Guild?? are you commited too the game?? do you login everyday too do your Guild Quest and too have fun?? contact us :...
i didnt get one either! same as Bluefairy , loged in and out , cache was empty etc etc..
the THU guild is still recruiting..
send me a mail ingame and ill contact you..
we are looking for adult players that are really loyal and do there GQ everyday. from levels 20 and up!