I for one wouldnt mind the roads and carriers in TSO. Building a strategy around the transportation of...
Type: Posts; User: Toothpaste
I for one wouldnt mind the roads and carriers in TSO. Building a strategy around the transportation of...
As you see on my screenie, I'm building 3 buildings (3 wells, marked with yellow color). But only two of them shows up on the que.
This walkthrough might help,
Bronze is used by tool production and the weaponsmith. Might it be so that your bronze you've produced over the past 6 hours, has been used by any of the two?
One does not simply walk into a camp of rednecks...
Thank you for this! Much appretiated! Every new player should start looking here - it will save a lot of moving resources like it did for me!
Best guide there is! Love it!
thank you Tage!
Easy Camp (20 Scavenger + 20 Stone Thrower) [32R & 26B (27R)]
Bandit Leader (30 Scavenger + 20 Stone Thrower) [45R & 32B (33R)]
What does he mean with the quote his wrote...
Thats correct! I was able to attack the camp leader with having to fight the camb B :)
Thank you for taking time to answer my question Sinister-King! Thats much appritiated.
Unfortunately, I have to correct you: my general didnt engage camp B. He attacked camp A, then moved back home...
I'm planning my 3rd attack. I am aiming to hit the target A. But I wonder, will my general automatically engage target B before - or after - the...