+1 good luck to everyone, take care, stay safe
Type: Posts; User: bullybeef
+1 good luck to everyone, take care, stay safe
Once again I cannot play because of a hotfix going on.
Do not get me wrong I understand fixes have to be carried out and now and again it can be such a fundamental issue it has to be done quickly,...
Sorry to see you go Bodders, afraid you wont be the last this week :(
As I have written too many times over the last 12 to 18 months the game has been losing its way with increasing event rewards,...
Jeez the guy was only making a suggestion that suits his way of playing. I too wish iron mines lasted longer but i am a lazy player playing for fun and not bothered about getting to lvl 75. Doubt BB...
not for me but nothing against it, reminds me too much of cross server event lol
Tried getting in several times no luck :( and now i read another down time planned for several hours that means for me today is a non settlers day. Not bothered about crisis quest as its not meant...
Another event downtime today. Can we have 1 day extension to make up for it? Not bothered for myself but many will miss out logging in today and lose out on bonus and sending out explorers. Seems...
Welcome to you BB_Saqui, I hope you can settle in and enjoy your new job. There seems to be a lot of changes in the BB realms and some not staying too long, just hope this isnt a bad sign. Either way...
Sad day in my opinion :( Thank you so very much for all the good you have done Ravel. You helped me when i was having trouble here and i wont forget that. Good luck to you in whatever path you take...
The Bi-polar one - goes between extreme of annoying everyone by constantly filling global chat with drivel to concentrating on helping everyone that comes into help with all their needs often...
Mine missing too, tried refresh and all sorts still missing :( cant be sure but think i got mine in event.
Thanks Ravel
similar on Sandycove in help tab and trade tab, first messages after welcome are from yesterday.
Nice one Larili :) I would even it up by allowing all 3 recovery rates in all levels of building so everyone has same chance to make them though obviously taking longer on lower upgrade. Bur...
Wouldn't it be good to get xp for chatting in global 1. May liven the place up a bit :)
Agreed Rince, mines wheatfields and wells are a right pain. I am certain it drives many new players away
i am sure you told me it had my name on it
thought it was mine?
2 rabbid statues :)
Cant help feeling sorry for Aguton and Ravel :( Having to pass on continuous unreliable updates knowing people are upsrt is a job i dont envy.
For me 10 hours of hoping is enough, giving up now till...