Can we fix the downtimes while u at it- Seems the new datacenter is using some sub par equipment by the look of it
Type: Posts; User: Qualan
Can we fix the downtimes while u at it- Seems the new datacenter is using some sub par equipment by the look of it
I do so love this line :
Event Resources from this year's Anniversary Event should also be converted with this update!
I mean, you either know it did or know it didn't if you deliberately post...
Wiki is player made so it is correct to a point. Also, most of the data is gleaned from test server- What is correct on test is not always correct on live servers- either intentionally or...
nah- but BB is in a league of it's own at times
i know, but guess what- i wa bored :P
1) very timely announcement again ... alas
2) i assume u meant 9-11 not 9-10 :P
communications are slightly lacking BB, seeing there was no announcement regarding the outage this month here...
With Bb we never know- i havent paid attention to the geologist so i wouldnt know
It is Bb and we all know them, if the geologist states it will refill... then usually that means...
Yes, the first one, they need to program a new limit when they add the same item and it has been hardcoded to a maximum amount and they forgot- it happens every so often (and has been for years) ...
once again, a sandycove only problem it seems
The short answer is, they don;t really care. it has been reported on forums , in chats and to support multiple times including solutions
The problem is they like simple, one size fits all...
You could have treated yourself to a nice UN, EU and Pride flag with the footballs !!
When they say something like that, usually fairly quickly after the post- a year or 2-3
Nice wish- but space is a very deliberate part of the game, or "lack of space" scarcity of space.
This forces you to make decisions and make consessions or find different routes - Having more than...
Check out for some possible tips and solutions and/or the forum how to get browsers to "betetr behave" with unity - but my advice would still be to check out what's on...
I guess they are fixing the issues on sandycove and german servers ) Alas .... they tripped over the newfoundland wire i guess
Posts like this wont help you get things resolved- These threads are for more general signalling of issues for devs to ignore or adress
If you have an individual issue that needs solving-...
my lovetree has always been 8 hrs with 15 buildings, so a 2 hr gap between refreshes - It could be there was some non general bug on the cooldown that gave you an additional benefit and that got...
The relevance is that sometimes another general is better suited than MMA as guides were mostly made years ago and sometimes other generals are available that are better on a certain camp.
So let me try to understand this:
If you bought all available lucky explorers, you will be locked out of the 2 top event rewards in the shop .....
Still trying to understand this..
How to...
Do you have any good reason to resurrect a post out of 2017 ?