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Thread: Quest - Off into the unknown - Send out the explorers

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Quest - Off into the unknown - Send out the explorers

    So I was finally thinking of starting to do PvP quests, and didn't get far before I reached a problem.

    the quest is:
    * Have one explorer
    * Search for a small colony island
    * Confirm the selected island and start conquering it.

    Now, there is more than 60 explorers in my star menu, so that checks out.
    I do search for small colonies, it doesn't register.
    Even after conquering the island, it still doesn't register.
    I have tried to search with different explorers, still no respons...

    Is this a new bug that came with last game "upgrade", or is it supposed to be something special done, to complete this task???

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    they already said that PVP isnt working currently in Unity deployment- it didnt work on test either and with the current batch of issues i expect that PVP will be out of order for a few months at least if they can sort out the rest

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