[UnityCache] 'https://ubistatic-a.akamaihd.net/0018/staging/debug/unity/SWMMO/Build/2f75fbd21a10dc37ed073625151dd58c.unityweb' has been successfully revalidated and served from indexed database cache565 06573ef4638 : 1367867f5fb:
The use of CanvasRenderingContext2D's drawWindow method is deprecated. Use tabs.captureTab API for extensions instead https://developer.mozilla.org/en/doc...abs/captureTab pagedata-script.js: 1: 5791
[UnityCache] 'https://ubistatic-a.akamaihd.net/0018/staging/debug/unity/SWMMO/Build/dec0a97927178002344db3dc6dd52d8e.unityweb' has been successfully revalidated and served from indexed database cache465 067f46 : 1325487f567b
The use of the motion detector is no longer permitted. 816399a8-5bd2-4194-a02e-534d61c11bdb: 8: 210627
The use of the orientation sensor is no longer permitted. 816399a8-5bd2-4194-a02e-534d61c11bdb: 8: 210627
Loading player data from data.unity3d
Loading FSB failed for audio clip "GeologistStart_GoldheartedGeologist".
(Filename: Line: 272)
Loading FSB failed for audio clip "GeologistStart_GoldheartedGeologist".
(Filename: Line: 272)

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The buffer passed to decodeAudioData contains an unknown content type.

On the other hand it would be necessary to accelerate the data, more memory to the other to allocate it is extremely slow