The recent changes to the game regarding Guild Quests has produced some serious side effects for smaller guilds. The HCD is a small guild, with a very active number of members. For the past year we have been cranking out the quests on a daily basis. This has seriously increased our Guild Coin collection.

However the Guild Quest changes effectively penalise smaller guilds by forcing players to jump ship to larger guilds just to be able to gain coins without significantly impacting the associated costs of completing them. In short, the costs for coins in smaller guild is horrendous. So everybody jumps ship for larger, established guilds leaving the smaller ones to flounder.

Alternatively they need to indulge is a serious recruitment drive.

So, calling all players. We already posses a large percentage of active members. Adding more to the ranks will only increase the number of coins you get.

So don't delay. Join the Hot Coffee Drinkers today. And get free buffs into the bargain.