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Thread: [Guide] Beginner's guide to TSO

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Someone asked before but I didn't see any answer so I'll ask again. Is there any way to start over this game. I messed up my building positions and I would like to start building from scratch. I was thinking about making another account with different mail but I'm not sure can you do that without geting baned for multiple accounts.

  2. #72
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by saty666 View Post
    there is a word Zzz on my bulidings and they don't wanna finsh construction?
    Maybe because you clicked to stop production,click on building and resume production..Or maybe you dont have enough
    resources on land that that building produce.

  3. #73
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AgnesNitt View Post
    Someone asked before but I didn't see any answer so I'll ask again. Is there any way to start over this game. I messed up my building positions and I would like to start building from scratch. I was thinking about making another account with different mail but I'm not sure can you do that without geting baned for multiple accounts.
    Why you should do that? Maybe admins will add MOVE option in this game later,so you will be able to move buildings.And this is just a game,
    its not very important positions of your buldings,its important what that buildings produce,how much produce and can you have enough
    resources for further expanding.

  4. #74
    Pathfinder Dean69's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Azariel View Post
    Hi SryanD,

    For the moment the only way is to count. I hope we get a better economy tool soon though as it would be really useful.

    Have only just started playing and asked myself this question and sifted through the forum for an answer, is there now away how you know how many buildings you have?
    Last edited by Dean69; 02.04.12 at 23:40.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    How do you join a guild? I don't want to found one, I'd like to join a pre-existing one, but unless I've missed something there doesn't seem to be an option for that.

  6. #76
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    choose guild from the guild list and choose where you want to join. Guild probably has requirements, like pay 400coins, you must have branch office etc.
    Branch office= Building that you need if you want trade other peoples.
    400 coins= Leader need probably to buy membership that cost 400 coins that give 1 member more to join to the guild.
    If you can fill those requiments send applications to guild leader. I find my guild this way, I hope its helps you too.

  7. #77
    Original Serf pietjepukkie's Avatar
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    Mar 2012

    Some added tips for new players

    Maybe some useful tips to add for those at the early stages of this game.

    (#) This game is different from earlier Settler games. Every resource is brought to the nearest storehouse, even in between the steps in a particular production chain (f.i. Mine -> storehouse -> melter -> storehouse -> toolmaker -> storehouse). So it's very important to build your buildings as close as possible to a storehouse or the mayor's house, to keep production times (which includes travel) to a minimum. Another important piece of information is that the buildings in a production chain do not need to be close to each other. The melters can be on the other side of the map from the mines, as long as both are close to a storehouse. Resources dropped off in one storehouse can be picked up instantly from a storehouse on the other side of the island (how's that for logistics...)

    (#) Another tip with regard to building placement... There are some buildings that have no direct interaction with your storehouses (no travel to and from), so they can be build as far away as possible from the storehouses, so you keep the space around them available for the buildings that do have that interaction. The buildings that do not interact (with the storehouse) are: Residence, Provision house, Barracks, Tavern, Branch office, Guild house and Noble residence. Also, if you build farms, place the farm buildings close to the storehouse and the fields around that.

    (#) Upgrading you basic resource buildings can free up building licences. In stead of having 6 foresters and 4 woodcutters to supply 4 sawmills and 2 coking plants for instance, you can have the same production with half those buildings by upgrading them to level 2, saving 8 building license that you can use on other buildings. You can also use the upgrades to increase production if it's not enough to meet your demands. Keep in mind that the buildings that produce the advanced resources (like Marble and Hardwood) require gold to upgrade the buildings. Gold is always in short supply, so invest it wisely.

    (#) The building location of Quarries and mines depend on the place where the geologist discovers the resources. These locations determine where a quarry is best built and also where to place your storehouses close to those locations. I made a map with all the stone, copper, marble, iron, gold and coal deposits I have found so far... (the geologist will keep finding new deposits in these locations if you send him out after one is depleted)

    (#) Hiring a second geologist at some point is not a bad thing either. When you start getting access to more resources (Marble, Iron, Coal and Gold) 1 geologist is just not enough to keep discovering all those deposits. A second one can be hired from the Tavern for 300 gold coins. (A third one costs 600)
    Last edited by pietjepukkie; 06.04.12 at 11:27.

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    how do i get unemployed workers to work?

  9. #79
    I guess this also depends on the buildings lvls? If, say, a forester is on lvl 2 that will change the ratio?!

  10. #80
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    You state that if you demolish a building or mine you get a building license back. I do not get one back why?

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