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Thread: Want to maximize your gold production? Read this!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Lightbulb Want to maximize your gold production? Read this!

    Here's some baisc info on the gold production and related stuff:
    + Each gold mine orginally has 300 gold ores
    + A gold mine produces one gold ore every 12 min at lv1
    + A gold smelter produces one gold bar for 2 gold ores every 12 min at lv1
    + A coinage produces one coin for 4 gold bars every 24 min at lv1
    + The best ratio for the gold production is 1 coinage/2 gold smelters (2 coal mines)/4 gold mines
    + You can buy a golden parrot for 75 gems to increase 500 gold ores on a deposit.
    + You can buy a treasure chest for 350 gems to get 100 coins.
    + Friend's buffs duration is increased by 50%

    1. Normal production

    300 gold ores = 150 gold bars = 37.5 coins
    37.5 coins x 24 min = 660 min/60 = 11 hours

    You get 1 coin for every 8 gold ores from a normal production. That means you get 37.5 coin for 300 gold ores in 11 hours.

    Conclusion: This production is NOT recommended for any players.

    2. x2 output production

    300 gold ores x2 = 300 gold bars x2 = 150 coins x2 = 300 coins
    150 coins x 24 min = 3600 min/60 = 60 hours
    (300 gold ores x 12 min) + (300 gold bars x 12 min) + (150 coins x 24 min) = 10800 min/60 = 180 hours/6 = 30 baskets

    You get 1 coin for every gold ore from a x2 output production. That means you get 300 coins for 300 gold ores in 60 hours and you need 30 baskets or 90 sandwiches or 360 fish platters.

    Conclusion: You pay 30 baskets to receive 262.5 coins in 49 hours (compares to a normal production). This production is highly recommended for non-gem buyers.

    Note: The best ratio for this production is 1 coinage:1 gold smelter:1 gold mines

    3. x3 output production

    300 gold ores x3 = 450 gold bars x3 = 337.5 coins x3 = 1012.5 coins
    337.5 coins x 24 min = 8100 min/60 = 135 hours
    (300 gold ores x 12 min) + (450 gold bars x 12 min) + (337.5 coins x 24 min) = 17100 min/60 = 285 hours/24 = ~12 Red flying settlers = 2388 gems
    2388 gems/350 = ~6.82 treasure chests x100 = 682 coins

    You get 3.375 coins for every gold ore from a x3 output production. That means you get 1012.5 coins for 300 gold ores in 135 hours and you need 12 red flying settlers (2388 gems).

    Conclusion: You pay 2388 gems to receive 712.5 coins in 75 hours (compares to a x2 output production). However, you can get 682 coins instantly from the shop with 2388 gems. This production is NOT recommended.

    4. Friend's buff x3 output production

    300 gold ores x3 = 450 gold bars x3 = 337.5 coins x3 = 1012.5 coins
    337.5 coins x 24 min = 8100 min/60 = 135 hours
    (300 gold ores x 12 min) + (450 gold bars x 12 min) + (337.5 coins x 24 min) = 17100 min/60 = 285 hours/36 = ~8 Red flying settlers = 1592 gems
    1592 gems/350 = ~4.54 treasure chests x100 = 454 coins

    You get 3.375 coins for every gold ore from a friend's buff x3 output production. That means you get 1012.5 coins for 300 ores in 135 hours and you need 8 red flying settlers (1592 gems).

    Conclusion: You pay 1592 gems to receive 712.5 coins in 75 hours. You can only get 454 coins with 1592 gems if you buy treasure chests. This production is highly recommended for gem buyers.

    Note: if you have a very limited amount of gems, you can buy golden parrots instead. You'll get 500 coins in 100 hours from a golden parrot with a x2 output production.


    Thank you for reading. All corrections and suggestions are welcome

    Note: All buildings are calculated at level 1.
    Last edited by MOD_Seanery; 02.01.12 at 07:52.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Seanery View Post
    2. x2 output production

    300 gold ores x2 = 300 gold bars x2 = 150 coins x2 = 300 coins
    150 coins x 24 min = 3600 min/60 = 60 hours
    (300 gold ores x 12 min) + (300 gold bars x 12 min) + (150 coins x 24 min) = 10800 min/60 = 180 hours/6 = 30 baskets

    You get 1 coin for every gold ore from a x2 output production. That means you get 300 coins for 300 gold ores in 60 hours and you need 30 baskets or 90 sandwiches or 360 fish platters.

    Conclusion: You pay 30 baskets to receive 262.5 coins in 49 hours (compares to a normal production). This production is highly recommended for non-gem buyers.

    Note: The best ratio for this production is 1 coinage:1 gold smelter:2 gold mines
    its 1:1:1. One buffed mine is enough to supply a smelter.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Fixed. Thank you. That got added last and I was kinda sloppy at the end :P

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Would be cool if you took the mats cost for the mine(s), smelter(s) & coinage(s) into the calculation, to see how much you need of Hardwood, Marble and tools for these productions setup

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    the only mat that really matters is the mine- everything else will be a one off cost and will last as long as you play (normally)

    for using buffs, you will be best off with upgraded buildings, it will pay off in the long run

    I think the balancing equation will highly depend on how long you intend to play the game really.

    Also- the cost of production will be influenced by adventuring rewards- gold refills will make it more attractive to have some sort of gold production running even when using gems so i presume most high end players will end up with a hybrid version anyway (material costs will become relatively inconsequential once you have your core economy in place and with upgrading eventually all materials will be available in storage except coins

  6. #6
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Nov 2011
    I sugest to use your friends and your own cookies, which gives x3 for 32 hours and 48h from friend. They are easy to buy em from guys who has no coinage.

  7. #7
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    Also- the cost of production will be influenced by adventuring rewards- gold refills will make it more attractive to have some sort of gold production running even when using gems so i presume most high end players will end up with a hybrid version anyway (material costs will become relatively inconsequential once you have your core economy in place and with upgrading eventually all materials will be available in storage except coins
    Gold refills from adventures are barely a 10-15% chance, and they dont come with every adventure.

    Gem refills work much better, especially if you have a well established gift community (people buying gems and trading them in exchange for gold). Avg price for a golden parrot where I play is 200-230 coins which is a fair trade considering it gives 500 extra resource (= 500 coins).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    1x gold mine needs 1400 hardwood + 1400 marble and 1500 tools to build, u can sell this sources at trade channel to get gold. and u can get something like 800-1000 gold .

  9. #9
    Skilled Student
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    Jan 2012
    speaking of alternative ways to get gold. beer is also an option.
    a gold mine and coal mine needs together 4438 resources, and produces 262,5 coins (non gem) (to simplify i value hwp, marble and tools the same, 1 coal mine produces enough coal for 4 gold mines)
    2 farms and 1 well cost 75 resources, and can produces 44375 beer, wich means 443,75 coins (provisionshouse -> 1000beer = 10 coins)
    so farms and beer are cheaper. and this is without buffs. there is just one big disavantages. and that is time. it takes about 40 days to produces 44k beer....

  10. #10
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SamaelM3 View Post
    1x gold mine needs 1400 hardwood + 1400 marble and 1500 tools to build, u can sell this sources at trade channel to get gold. and u can get something like 800-1000 gold .
    You're still going to need a supply of gold from somewhere.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

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