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Thread: Want to maximize your gold production? Read this!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by blup View Post
    speaking of alternative ways to get gold. beer is also an option.
    a gold mine and coal mine needs together 4438 resources, and produces 262,5 coins (non gem) (to simplify i value hwp, marble and tools the same, 1 coal mine produces enough coal for 4 gold mines)
    2 farms and 1 well cost 75 resources, and can produces 44375 beer, wich means 443,75 coins (provisionshouse -> 1000beer = 10 coins)
    so farms and beer are cheaper. and this is without buffs. there is just one big disavantages. and that is time. it takes about 40 days to produces 44k beer....
    Your forgetting the more important factor. That is how much building licences it costs per coin.

  2. #12
    Skilled Student
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilbe View Post
    Your forgetting the more important factor. That is how much building licences it costs per coin.
    that's right. but to run a brewery efficiently you need 3 licenses. brewery and 2 farms. you need the same for coin production. so i think the factor time is very important.
    I guess we can better calculate things back to amount of building licenses and production a day. since with gold production u get 105 coins a day, and with brewery u get 11 coins a day. the only remaining question is: is it worth to spend many marble/HWP/Tools for faster gold? perhaps someone can calculate the break even point for gold production?

  3. #13
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2012
    In the long/short run, beer is better agreed. but the amount off licences to do it, or have a good/sucessful chain, well that would depend on how much gold coin income you want (rough example) 5 brewery's lvl 5 buffed make 12000 beer a day (without calculating in travel time to storage ect) so we are talking about 15 licences for 120 gold coins a day. (ish) Now if you calculate this, by the first and second method, you make way more than the first (good so far) and the same as the second. Now you dont make as much via the third or forth, but then why would you need too, no gem cost. In conclusion It is better, But only if you can spare the licenses.

    Also i didn't even mention trading purposes off beer... you can trade 400 for around 10-25 gold (depending on your server & what trade is like) which means you get even more gold coins.
    Last edited by Drarious; 27.02.12 at 01:10.

  4. #14
    Skilled Student
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    I've done really thorough calculations for total amount of time needed for 1 coin, starting from planting the first tree needed up to getting coins.
    This is assuming that hwp/marble buildings are t2, lower level buildings at t3, all mines at t1.
    Total time for 1 coin through beer: ~44000 seconds
    Total time for 1 coin though mining: ~82000 seconds
    Most of the time cost using the mine route is not the actual melting, but getting the materials to build a mine.

    This calculation does not include baskets, those are far more efficient on the mine chain.

  5. #15
    Skilled Student Emurock's Avatar
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    Should I still build gold mines or is there a better return from trading the resources in Trade tab for coin?
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Emurock View Post
    Should I still build gold mines or is there a better return from trading the resources in Trade tab for coin?
    Run 1 single mine.Upgrade it to level 5.Buy Golden Parrot from the Shop with the gems that you receive after a 7 days daily login.Refill the mine every week.Buff it with a 3fold buff as long as you extract the ore.Never let the deposit getting depleted.You will have enough ore to process into coins.Lots of them.Keep your gold smelter(>lvl3) and the coinage(>lvl 3) buffed(x3) as long as you have them runing.For me, all this worth the time spent.All you need is patience.Or you can just go and trade stuff.But trading can be stressing sometimes.Have fun

  7. #17
    Erudite Pioneer
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    why buy parrots in the gemshop? those cost 75 gems for 500refill that's at most 500coin running everything buffed. those latest 750gem purchasable storage houses sell for 8-10 coin per gem. sound easier and faster

    for gold ore try running lvl 2 goldmines with an irma basket on them or lvl one goldmines unbuffed. both fine aslong as you buff the rest of the chain

    aah trip buff. still not worth it only if you have a faster science mine and even then you can just trip buff a lvl 2 let it deplete.

    ok I must admit I run one lvl 5 mine (fast& trip buff) lately but only because I looted way to many gold refills, with 3x lvl 5 gold smelters you should be able to support with only lvl 2 goldmines.

    But honestly you don't really need a gold chain, they require to much maintenance. now with premium still keeping loot-spots prices up coin is easy to get if you have enough weapons&bakers. If you can't say you have the time to play adventures do you really have time to run gold effectively?
    Last edited by NightEye; 22.11.13 at 20:00.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    The numbers have changed. A trained geologist can find goldmines with 401 gold ore. Triple buffs are relatively easy to make. A friend with premium can keep you buffed nearly non stop.

  9. #19
    Nifty Buzzaroo's Avatar
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    get a mine bring it to lvl 5 with tools and fill it with 1 or two gold parots then make a 1 or 2 tripple buffs with collectibles or guild coins and trade it with a friend, who did exactly the same and ask him to buff your lvl5. you will buff his. then you'll have 1300x 5 x 3 = 19500 gold ore.
    If you have a rarity provisionhouse you'll be able to make even more buffs and put them on your melter and or coinagel
    it's a bit of work but it works for me.

  10. #20
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Still spending rather a lot of gems for little gain. Just needs a little patience and organisation rather than just 'buy' extra.
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    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
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