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Thread: Cancellation of mines need to re discover the resources.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Cancellation of mines need to re discover the resources.

    Discovered today when in built queue 2 coal mines (not yet begun), regret the order and simply canceled them. The resources was vanished and had to be re discovered by geologist.

    Perhaps something to alter / tweak?

  2. #2
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset
    Or be more careful before placing buildings?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Nogbad View Post
    Or be more careful before placing buildings?
    I dissagree. This is logical bug (and I think everyone must agree on this). I have personaly met it ingame as well.

    In your answer you are just trying to mark it as a feature, but this kind of "features" spoil the play experience of the game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Not on this topic perhaps really but i would like to have the possibility to dismantle not only mines but also quarrys.
    Sometimes you are left with quarrys with very little in them as the miner starts on a new site.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Well it makes not much sense that a build up in QUEUE would remove the resources it was placed upon. for me as MaxiSir also mention, it makes not much sense.
    I would agree a cancellation on a mine that has started to build would make such sense the resources disappear, but it's in a queue to be built not even yet begun.

    Any who if not at least a nice little reminder in the TSO could be in place. It's a nasty surprise to find out after you have done the "mistake"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bannor View Post
    Not on this topic perhaps really but i would like to have the possibility to dismantle not only mines but also quarrys.
    Sometimes you are left with quarrys with very little in them as the miner starts on a new site.
    I agree Bannor, nothing worse than logging out knowing your quarrys are on their last legs and will not last through the night and when you log on next you have to search for more resources, which can take some time.

  7. #7
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Nogbad View Post
    Or be more careful before placing buildings?
    is this a troll answer ? u cannot be serious !? did u even read what the man posted

  8. #8
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer Nukar's Avatar
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    Somewhat (semi-)offtopic here but:

    You can jump at Nogbad... or not.
    If you decide on building a mine, and then reconcidder its your choice. No matter the way the game has been designed, you should take into account own responcibility. No fun if the game takes away any responcibility, not very settler like.

    More on-topic.
    This request could well backfire.
    The game is set up to remove resources when a mine is removed. And a planned structure counts as a structure.
    Now lets say they make it more realistic and leave the ores there when you cancel, then the same logic should aply for a removed mine before depletion (a trick many use to regain 25% of the build resources) If we implement this option they should implement that option as well because that would follow the same logics. So you will be stuck with waiting till depleted. i know many players that would be upset if they lose thise option to regain resources.

    Dont try to make games to be logic as in real life. Games need to be a challange.

  9. #9
    Original Serf
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    Jan 2012
    With everything else in the build queue, though, nothing has yet been taken from resources. I was bitten by this last night, and stopping a mine that hadn't yet been built cost me an hour's geologist time. It certainly surprised me, and was at least a little bit annoying to find out that the game worked that way. I can see mines already built taking their deposits with them.

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