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Thread: [Guide] Killste : Collected Adventure Guides by Various Authors

  1. #1001
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    There is a little place around the Witch Tower which is enough to place a general there. It should be possible to place a general there and destroy leader of the third sector with it without attacking the rest of the camps there (verifying it right now).

    EDIT 1: Managed to put the general in there, but as it was a normal one, didn't attack yet. In a while I will clean the second sector and try with third.
    Last edited by Owczankota; 27.06.13 at 20:41.

  2. #1002
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Quick made guide for Old Ruins adventure for Veteran general with Elite soldiers and Cannoneers. (no blocks)
    You lose only recruits except for C6.

    C1 - 12r, 1E, 237C (60 scavenger, 60 stone thrower)
    C2 - 40r, 200E (60 scavenger, 70 guard dogs)
    C3 - 11r, 1E, 238C (60 scavengers, 50 rangers)
    L1 - 100C 100A (60 rangers, 1 one-eyed bert)

    HSW - Attack all sections of the huge stone wall with 1r.

    L2 - 7r, 93E, 150A (100 grey wolf, 1 croaker)

    C4 - 85r, 165E (80 shadowsneakers, 80 fanatics)
    It may be possible to sneak past C4 to attack the camps behind it, but the camp was already gone, before I could try.
    C5 - 55r, 195K (80 cultists, 1 witch of the swamp) or 68r, 1E, 181A
    C6 - 90r, 100C, 60K (80 fire dancers, 1 witch of the swamp) you lose 90r and 22C max
    L3 - 40r, 200K (1 spawn of hell) or 120r, 130E

    Reward: 5340 XP

    Edit: I can now confirm that you can skip C4 if you place your general to the far right along the border of the last area. The result of this however, is that you'll be intercepted by C6 when attacking C5, so you'll have to attack C6 first.
    Last edited by Goudsten; 28.06.13 at 12:32. Reason: updated info

  3. #1003
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GDHeka View Post
    Third sector:
    4: (block) 77E 109C (5 rounds min + victory = 140 secs min?)
    75S 125C is 6-12 rounds, and that way you don't need elites. Plenty of extra time either way.

  4. #1004
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Owczankota View Post
    There is a little place around the Witch Tower which is enough to place a general there. It should be possible to place a general there and destroy leader of the third sector with it without attacking the rest of the camps there (verifying it right now).
    You can only attack the last sector from there. Or that's what happened to me anyway.

  5. #1005
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Owczankota View Post
    There is a little place around the Witch Tower which is enough to place a general there. It should be possible to place a general there and destroy leader of the third sector with it without attacking the rest of the camps there (verifying it right now).

    EDIT 1: Managed to put the general in there, but as it was a normal one, didn't attack yet. In a while I will clean the second sector and try with third.
    Yes once you click the witch tower you are able to teleport one general next to it even with the 3rd Leader Camp on the way.

  6. #1006
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Shaman Guide for Normal and Battle Hardened Generals

    My first guide here, hope you guys like it!

    It's not QUITE complete yet, but I have all the troop setups there. The only thing I'm missing is a couple block diagrams, and troop totals.

    NOTE: Highlighted troops are those above Soldiers.

    Please scrutinize fully, etc.

    And sorry Veteran players...

    The Shaman

    Troop totals:
    follow REALLY soon

    When you get into the adventure, you will find two "rocks" in the position of A and B in the diagram above. Click on them. This is a quest in the adventure. Also, Camp 13 has no troops and is part of the quest: click on it to make it disappear.

    Garrison Position G1 (BLOCK)
    Position A: NORMAL General
    Position B: ANY General

    For the block, send A and B right after each other.

    Camp 6: 80 Scavengers, 80 Stone Throwers
    BLOCKING NORMAL General A: 1S 173C (120-220 seconds)
    BLOCKING NORMAL General A: 1R (20 seconds)

    Camp 7: 100 Scavengers, 80 Guard Dogs, 1 Skunk
    General B: 77R 123S (62R - 71R - 77R) (50 or 100 seconds)
    General B: 75R 1S 124K (60R - 68R - 75R) (40 or 80 seconds)

    NOTE: The block with normal generals and no Cannoneers will be VERY tight. Thus, I recommend the 1R block if you only have normal generals.

    Garrison Position G2 (BLOCK)
    Position A: NORMAL General
    Position B: ANY General

    For the block, send Generals A and B right after each other.

    Camp 2: 80 Scavengers
    BLOCKING NORMAL General A: 1S 135C (120-220 seconds)
    BLOCKING NORMAL General A: 1R (20 seconds)

    Camp 3: 50 Scavengers, 50 Guard Dogs, 80 Stone Throwers
    133R 67S (105R - 118R - 133R) (40 or 80 seconds)

    I would recommend the round block for all players, but the 1R block is there if you want.

    Garrison Position G3 (BLOCK):

    Camp 8: 100 Scavengers, 80 Guard Dogs
    73R 127S (61R - 68R - 73R)

    Camp 9: 100 Guard Dogs, 80 Rangers
    88R 112S (65R - 76R - 88R)

    Camp 10: 100 Scavengers, 40 Guard Dogs, 50 Stone Throwers
    141R 59S (115R - 129R - 141R)

    Camp 11 can be blocked if you have a Battle Hardened General.

    If you do not want to use the block:

    Camp 11a: 160 Thugs
    104R (104R)
    Camp 11b: 110-121 Thugs
    99R 1S 100LB/XB (68R - 82R - 99R)

    Camp 12 with Longbows:
    Camp 12a: 80 Scavengers, 100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    148R (148R)
    Camp 12b: 67-100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    11R 1S 139C 49LB (7R - 9R - 11R)

    Camp 12 with Crossbows:
    Camp 12a: 80 Scavengers, 100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    127R (127R)
    Camp 12b: 4-19 Scavengers, 100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    21R 1S 139C 39XB (7R - 13R - 21R)

    Position A: NORMAL General
    Position B: ANY General
    Position C: BATTLE HARDENED General

    For the block, send all generals right after each other.

    Camp 11: 160 Thugs
    BLOCKING NORMAL General A: 125S 2C (140-240 seconds)

    Camp 12 with Longbows:
    Camp 12a: 80 Scavengers, 100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    ANY General B: 148R (148R) (20 or 40 seconds)
    Camp 12b: 67-100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    BATTLE HARDENED General C: 11R 1S 139C 49LB (7R - 9R - 11R) (40 seconds)

    Camp 12 with Crossbows:
    Camp 12a: 80 Scavengers, 100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    ANY General B: 127R (127R) (10-20 or 20-40 seconds)
    Camp 12b: 4-19 Scavengers, 100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    BATTLE HARDENED General C: 21R 1S 139C 39XB (7R - 13R - 21R) (40 seconds)

    NOTE: If you only have one Battle Hardened General, the block is a bit tight. Make sure you send your generals within 10 seconds of each other.

    Garrison Position G4:

    Camp 14: 60 Cultists, 80 Shadowsneakers, 60 Dark Priests
    157R 43S (152R - 155R - 157R)

    Camp 17 with Longbows:
    Camp 17a: 40 Shadowsneakers, 80 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    145R (145R)
    Camp 17b: 0-5 Firedancers, 74-80 Dancing Dervishes
    29C 171LB (0)

    Camp 17 with Crossbows:
    Camp 17a: 40 Shadowsneakers, 80 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    140R (140R)
    Camp 17b: 0-21 Firedancers, 75-80 Dancing Dervishes
    87C 113XB (0)

    Camp 16: 80 Cultists, 60 Shadowsneakers, 50 Firedancers
    147R 53S (140R - 144R - 147R)

    Camp 18a: 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    15R 136B (15R 136B)
    Camp 18b: 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    106R 94S (45R - 93R - 104R)

    Or if you have Cannoneers:
    Camp 18: 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    117R 83K (81R - 107R - 117R)

    If you have Cannoneers or a Battle Hardened General, you may want to use the following block:

    Position A: NORMAL General
    Position B: ANY General with Cannoneers OR ANY General
    Position C: BATTLE HARDENED General (not needed if you have Cannoneers)

    Camp 16: 80 Cultists, 60 Shadowsneakers, 50 Firedancers
    BLOCKING NORMAL General A: 37S 163C (120-220 seconds)

    With Cannoneers:
    Camp 18: 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    ANY General B: 117R 83K (81R - 107R - 117R) (40 or 80 seconds)

    Or without Cannoneers:
    Camp 18a: 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    ANY General B: 15R 136B (15R 136B) (10 or 20 seconds)
    Camp 18b: 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    BATTLE HARDENDED General C: 106R 94S (45R - 93R - 104R) (70 seconds)

    All garrison setups have been simulated at least 5000 times, using this simulator, except for Camp 18, which was simulated 2200 times with this simulator, as well as with a little bit of math.

    I take no responsibility for troops lost inadvertently by trying this guide.
    Last edited by SmogDude; 28.06.13 at 01:43.

  7. #1007
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Well, after cleaning sector two, I can't place a general there again. Maybe someone could try taking down the third sector before taking down 2nd?

  8. #1008
    Battle Hardened Contributor Jamdoggy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Halesowen, England
    The Shaman

    Here's my final sector (using metsjuku's numbering from this post):
    Camp 10: 95R 155E [91R - 95R]

    Camp 11: 45R 1E 204C [39R - 45R] - don't bother attacking this camp, it can be avoided

    Camp 12:
    • Wave 1:42R
    • Wave 2:63R 1E 68C 118XB [101R - 105R]
    Camp 13: 105R 145E [90R - 105R 1E]

    • Wave 1: 150R
    • Wave 2: 74R 77S 99E [205-224R]
    Last edited by Jamdoggy; 27.06.13 at 22:41.

  9. #1009
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Can someone post a proper level attack force 200 for all camps without blocks for this quest? this is a level 22 quest, and at level 22 players dont have ES's, etc

  10. #1010
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    There seems to be an inflation on guides covering this particular adventure...
    I must say I liked this adventure. Thank you BB for enabling blocks again!

    Adventure Info:
    Player Level: 26+
    Difficulty: 6/10
    Number of Players: 1
    Duration: 3 days
    Where to get?: Originally as part of the Anniversary Event 2013. Now from the Trader (Shop) for 195 gems

    For more information about the loot, please refer to Triple-J's Loot Overview

    This guide contains several optional setups, and no total number of needed troops are mentioned, at least for the time being...

    This guide includes 4 round blocks of method 2. Two of them can be replaced by 1R blocks of method 1.

    Game flow, garrison settings and losses (minimum - average - maximum):

    Garrison Position G1 (Camps 1-3 BLOCK)

    Move two normal generals and one fast general to G1:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    From A to Camp 1) 100 Scavengers, 50 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [198C (-)] {> 140 seconds of fighting, 0.2% chance of 120 seconds}

    From B to Camp 2) 80 Scavengers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [140C (-)] {> 140 seconds of fighting, 0.2% chance of 120 seconds}

    From C to Camp 3) 50 Scavengers, 50 Guard Dogs, 80 Stone Throwers
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [130R 70S/E (106R - 118R - 130R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [130R 69E 1K (106R - 118R - 130R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [98R 152S/E (80R - 90R - 98R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [98R 151S/E 1K (80R - 90R - 98R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general C from the moment general A starts his fight is about 90 seconds. The fight lasts 20-40 seconds, so a block of more than 130 seconds is needed. Note that the block has a small chance of lasting only 120 seconds.

    If you don't want to (or cannot) do the round block above, kill camp 1 first:

    From A to Camp 1) 100 Scavengers, 50 Rangers
    ANY general: [48R 1S 92C 59LB (39R - 43R - 48R)]
    ANY general: [45R 1S 113C 41XB (37R - 41R - 45R)]
    VETERAN general: [36R 5S 209C (27R - 32R - 36R)]

    After this you can do the round block above from garrisons B and C, or replace the block from B by a 1R block:

    From B to Camp 2) 80 Scavengers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 3) 50 Scavengers, 50 Guard Dogs, 80 Stone Throwers
    ANY general: [130R 70S/E (106R - 118R - 130R)]
    VETERAN general: [98R 152S/E (80R - 90R - 98R)]

    If you haven't already done it, click the two rocks shown in the image above.

    It is also possible to open the mountain pass first, and move to garrison position G2 right away.
    After executing the block at G2 below, you should be able to return up north and attack camp 3 from the south.
    You will thus be able to ignore camp 1, while doing a 1R block on camp 2 and killing camp 3.
    I hope there will be more chances to play this adventure, and at that point I will update the guide accordingly.

    Garrison Position G2 (Camps 4-7 BLOCK)

    Move one normal general and one fast general to G2:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    From A to Camp 6) 80 Scavengers, 80 Stone Throwers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [176C (-)] {> 140 seconds of fighting, 0.3% chance of 120 seconds}

    Send general B when you see that general A has appeared outside his garrison:

    From B to Camp 7) 100 Scavengers, 80 Guard Dogs, 1 Skunk
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [75R 125S (63R - 70R - 75R 1S)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [75R 125E (63R - 70R - 75R)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [72R 1E 127K (61R - 68R - 72R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [68R 182S/E (57R - 64R - 68R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [68R 181S/E 1K (57R - 64R - 68R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is less than 40 seconds. The fight lasts 30-50 seconds, so a block of more than 90 seconds is needed. The block has a small chance of lasting only 120 seconds, but should still be safe enough in all cases.

    You may also opt to use a 1R block on camp 6. In that case, send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 6) 80 Scavengers, 80 Stone Throwers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 7) 100 Scavengers, 80 Guard Dogs, 1 Skunk
    ANY general: [75R 125S (63R - 70R - 75R 1S)]
    ANY general: [75R 125E (63R - 70R - 75R)]
    ANY general: [72R 1E 127K (61R - 68R - 72R)]
    VETERAN general: [68R 182S/E (57R - 64R - 68R)]

    Note that the 1R block is rather tight. Thus, watch your generals, and retreat your second general if he gets intercepted.

    The Village

    Click the 3 residences and the tavern in the village near garrison position G2 above.

    Garrison Position G3 (Camps 8-10)

    Move one normal general and one fast general to G3:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    First, kill the next three camps one at a time:

    Camp 8) 100 Scavengers, 80 Guard Dogs
    ANY general: [70R 130S (62R - 68R - 70R 1S)]
    ANY general: [70R 125E (61R - 67R - 70R)]
    VETERAN general: [65R 185S (56R - 61R - 65R)]
    VETERAN general: [64R 186E (56R - 61R - 64R)]

    Camp 9) 100 Guard Dogs, 80 Rangers
    ANY general: [86R 114S (66R - 76R - 86R)]
    ANY general: [85R 115E (66R - 76R - 85R)]

    Camp 10) 100 Scavengers, 40 Guard Dogs, 50 Stone Throwers
    ANY general: [137R 63S (118R - 128R - 137 1S)]
    ANY general: [137R 63E (118R - 128R - 137R)]
    VETERAN general: [102R 148S (81R - 91R - 102R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [98R 152E (80R - 90R - 98R)]
    VETERAN general: [97R 23E 130K (80R - 89R - 97R)]

    Garrison Position G3 (Camps 11-12 BLOCK)

    If you want to kill camp 12 in two waves (see below), you will need to move your battle hardened general to position C.
    In that case, if you have two battle hardened generals, place the other one in position B.
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general or ANY general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general (Optional, see below)

    If you don't want to try this block, kill camp 11 first:

    Camp 11) 160 Thugs
    ANY general: [150R 16S 34LB (142R - 150R 5S - 150R 15S)]
    ANY general: [150R 16S 34XB (142R - 150R 5S - 150R 15S)]
    ANY general: [58S 142LB (45S - 51S - 57S)]
    ANY general: [58S 142XB (45S - 51S - 57S)]
    VETERAN general: [134R 2S 114LB (104R - 119R - 134R)]
    VETERAN general: [134R 2S 114XB (104R - 119R - 134R)]

    For the block send generals A and B right after each other:

    From A to Camp 11) 160 Thugs
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [79S 121C (-)] {> 160 seconds of fighting, 0.05% chance of 140 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [20S 97E (-)] {> 160 seconds of fighting, 0.05% chance of 140 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [104E 30C (-)] {> 160 seconds of fighting, 0.01% chance of 140 seconds}

    From B to Camp 12) 80 Scavengers, 100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [50R 23S 84C 43LB (50R 5S - 50R 14S - 50R 22S)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [94R 4S 70C 32XB (74R - 87R - 94R 3S)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [94R 4S 70C 31XB 1K (74R - 87R - 94R 3S)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [60R 1S 155C 34LB (44R - 53R - 60R)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [49R 1S/E 143C 57XB (38R - 45R - 49R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [49R 1E 143C 56XB 1K (38R - 45R - 49R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    If your best general is a BATTLE HARDENED general with Longbows, you may want to save your soldiers by killing camp 12 in two waves.
    In that case, first send general B right after general A:

    From B to Camp 12) 80 Scavengers, 100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    ANY general: [94R (94R)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [94R (94R)] {10 seconds of fighting}

    Send general C when generals B marches past his garrison (as shown in the inset above).
    General C must be a BHG and is to be marching behind general B:

    From C to Camp 12) 32-36 Scavengers, 100 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [45R 1S 125C 29LB (27R - 35R - 45R)] {50 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is about 60 seconds. The fight lasts 30-70 seconds, so in the worst case a block of more than 130 seconds is needed. The blocks all have a small chance of lasting only 140 seconds, but should still be safe enough, even if general C is a BHG and general B is not a fast general.

    Do not forget to click the witch tower before moving on...

    Garrison Position G4 (Camp 13)

    Move one any general, one normal general and one fast general to G4:
    • Position A: ANY general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    First, kill camp 13:

    Camp 13) 60 Cultists, 80 Shadowsneakers, 60 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [157R 43S/E (152R - 155R - 157R)]
    ANY general: [157R 1E 42K (152R - 155R - 157R)]
    VETERAN general: [109R 141S (99R - 104R - 109R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [108R 142E (98R - 103R - 108R)]
    VETERAN general: [105R 1E 144K (96R - 101R - 105R)]

    Garrison Position G4 (Camps 15-17 BLOCK for VETERAN general with Cannoneers)

    This optional block is a bit dangerous, and you may not want to risk it, considering the expensive troops involved in the first block.

    Move two normal generals and one veteran general to G4:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: VETERAN general

    Send all three generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 15) 40 Shadowsneakers, 80 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [169E 31XB (-)] {> 100 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 16) 80 Cultists, 60 Shadowsneakers, 50 Firedancers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [42S 156C (-)] {> 120 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [30E 168C (-)] {> 120 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 17) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    VETERAN general: [120R 130K (77R - 97R - 105R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general C from the moment general A starts his fight is about 55 seconds. The fight lasts 30 seconds, so a block of more than 85 seconds is needed. Thus, a block lasting 100 seconds should be enough. Note however that the losses will be expensive if the block on camp 15 fails.

    Garrison Position G4 (Camp 15)

    Unless you've got a VETERAN general with Crossbows, kill camp 15 in two waves. Use general A for the suicide.
    Note that the consist of the suicide wave depends on what kind of general your main general, C, is:

    From A to Camp 15) 40 Shadowsneakers, 80 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    ANY general: [121R (121R)]
    ANY general: [131B (131B)]
    From C to Camp 15) 5-24 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    ANY general: [24R 176LB (5R - 14R - 24R)]

    From A to Camp 15) 40 Shadowsneakers, 80 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    ANY general: [54R (54R)]
    ANY general: [65B (65B)]
    From C to Camp 15) 67-73 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    ANY general: [73R 127XB (67R - 70R - 73R)]

    From A to Camp 15) 40 Shadowsneakers, 80 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    ANY general: [67R (67R)]
    ANY general: [78B (78B)]
    From C to Camp 15) 54-64 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    VETERAN general: [64R 186LB (54R - 59R - 64R)]

    If you have a VETERAN general with enough Bows and Crossbows, kill camp 15 in one wave:

    From C to Camp 15) 40 Shadowsneakers, 80 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    VETERAN general: [83R 1S/E 18B 148XB (80R 6B - 80R 12B - 83R 17B)]

    The 2-wave alternative is given only for reference:

    From A to Camp 15) 40 Shadowsneakers, 80 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    ANY general: [43R (43R)]
    ANY general: [55B (55B)]
    From C to Camp 15) 77-80 Firedancers, 80 Dancing Dervishes
    VETERAN general: [80R 130XB (77R - 79R - 80R)]

    Garrison Position G4 (Camps 16-17 BLOCK)

    If you do not want to try the block, kill camp 16 first:

    Camp 16) 80 Cultists, 60 Shadowsneakers, 50 Firedancers
    ANY general: [146R 54S/E (141R - 144R - 146R 1S)]
    ANY general: [146R 1E 53K (139R - 144R - 146R)]
    VETERAN general: [112R 138S (92R - 102R - 112R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [107R 143E (91R - 97R - 107R)]
    VETERAN general: [95R 35E 120K (90R - 93R - 95R)]

    For the block, send generals B and C right after each other:

    From B to Camp 16) 80 Cultists, 60 Shadowsneakers, 50 Firedancers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [42S 156C (-)] {> 120 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [30E 168C (-)] {> 120 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 17) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [53R 147S (53R 33S - 53R 51S - 53R 60S)] {80 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [61R 55S 84E (61R 28S - 61R 46S - 61R 55S)] {80 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [120R 80K (83R - 107R - 117R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [115R 135S (107R - 115R 11S - 115R 18S)] {70 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [126R 13S 111E (108R - 126R 7S - 126R 13S)] {70 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [120R 130K (77R - 97R - 105R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    If you do not own a veteran general, and want to save your soldiers, you may kill camp 17 in two waves.
    Place the suicide wave on position C, and your BATTLE HARDENED general between B and C (let's call it D).

    From C to Camp 17) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    ANY general: [15R 130B (15R 130B)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [15R 130B (15R 130B)] {10 seconds of fighting}

    Send your BATTLE HARDENED general to follow after general C, when he passes garrison D:

    From D to Camp 17) 1 Witch of the Swamp, 1 Mystical Shaman
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [58R 142S (40R - 58R 10S - 58R 16S)] {60 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [68R 12S 120E (40R - 68R 6S - 68R 12S)] {60 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is about 30 seconds. The fight lasts 30-80 seconds, so a block of more than 110 seconds is needed. Both blocks last at least 120 seconds. I'll update this as soon as I can get accurate results from the simulator(s).

    All garrison setups have been simulated at least 5000 times, using this simulator.
    Even if I do the utmost to ensure that no errors occur anywhere, I am only human, and errors might always appear.
    Thus, I do recommend that you double-check all setups in the simulator, especially before trying an attack the first time in a newly published setup.

    All garrison setups where recruits and soldiers are included have a very small chance of one or a few soldiers being killed.
    I prefer having it so tight, that in most cases that one soldier survives and actually might save one recruit by taking the last hits in the battle.
    That being said, be prepared to lose the odd soldier(s) after playing the same adventure hundreds or thousands of times...

    On the other hand, all garrison setups have also been made so that the risk of losing longbows or crossbows is next to negligible.
    Due to this, some setups have more recruits/soldiers than what can be seen in other guides.
    In some cases this will increase the maximum losses (of recruits), but save the rare occasion of losing crossbows.

    All round blocks have been optimised using this simulator.
    The duration of the blocks and attacks are based on this post.
    Last edited by Tage; 28.12.14 at 01:19. Reason: Added new loot

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