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Thread: [Guide] Killste : Collected Adventure Guides by Various Authors

  1. #101
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Roaring Bull

    Adventure Infos:
    Player Level: 42+
    Difficulty: 9/10
    Number of Players: 3
    Duration: 5 days
    Where to get?:

    Andreen Tactical map

    Units need :
    1004R 95B 203ES 200XB

    Units max lost:
    1004R 95B 1XB

  2. #102
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Wetterd View Post
    seems a complete waste of time, since i can take out the last leader with 100b and 45m losses
    Yes, that is quite a viable solution, also for the blocking:

    29a) 50 JomVikings, 140 HouseCarls, 30 Berzerks [100B (100B)] {1 round}
    29b) 25-28 JomVikings, 140 HouseCarls, 30 Berzerks [46M 1S 203XB (36M - 41M - 46M)] {2 rounds}

    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Wetterd View Post
    camp 28 and 27 don't even require losses.
    If, like me, you haven't got any crossbows, you would lose some on camp 28, e.g:

    NORMAL general: 28) 150 Karls [86R 1S 113LB (68R - 77R - 86R)]
    VETERAN general: 28) 150 Karls [39R 1S 210LB (32R - 35R - 39R)]

    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Wetterd View Post
    so the block would only mean camp 26, which doesn't have that much losses
    Ahh, but blocks are fun, even if not always saving huge amounts of your units.

  3. #103
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by msouden View Post
    wasted lots of Cavalry and Soldiers with the 2nd method of the block tactic! The first general I sent in finished the battle way before the general fighting the leader! Use 1r and wait for general to recover instead.
    Care to tell us which attacks in which adventures, please?

    If done exactly as instructed, the round blocks are generally safer than the 1R blocks
    (there are a few rather critical ones though).

    The 1R blocks only last one round, and allow only for very short passages of the main attack through the red influence area of another camp. They can never be used if your main force needs to walk through more than half a red area of influence.

  4. #104
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kavoan View Post
    How many soldier I need to the block attacks in the "Stealing" adventurer? I cant see it in the guide.
    I'm just now once again playing Stealing from the Rich, and have been using round blocks instead of 1R blocks this time.
    They are a lot safer to use than the previous 1R blocks, and are not as critical to server lagging.

    Give me till tomorrow night and I should have a complete post on the subject

  5. #105
    Jolly Advisor
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dnarag1m View Post
    A large majority of the numbers used in these guides are wrong. I just checked many of them, and they quote far lower max losses than when properly calculated (e.g. 1000+ repeats). Some of their setups could mean you lose S, Cav or even Xbow.

    I suggest people do not use these setups, they are not of high detail/quality. Seems the german settler guys have much lower standards than us here, at least the 3 guys mentioned...
    You should always calculate your own numbers or at least check...I think that is the RULE for everybody, I've just posted those pictures for tactics and to take alternatives troops into consideration.
    Nobody's saying that any guide is 100% correct.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Thumbs up

    Gratz to killste - a lot of effort and a great guide, well done mate.

  7. #107
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Hi gyus ... I've just finished The Nords

    I've used SidV's tactical map with an additional round-block and what bothers me that I forgott to test Turion87's attack on the last camp 12 (SidV's camp 29) -> you can see the positioning on Turion's map.
    You should attack the leader camp 12 (SidV's camp 29) with 81M+1ES+168A -> camp 11 (SidV's camp 28) will intercept you general, but there will be no losses and after camp 11 (SidV's camp 28) is defeated your general should continue to the leader...if the general will be intercepted by any other camp you should retreat - that's the theory, I would like to test it, but I don't have another Nords right now.


    G1 (red - Tavern) - attack camp 6
    G2 (yellow - Veteran) - attack camp 5, when G1 is in the blue square or even later...because the camp 6 will fight 8-11-16 rounds


    PS - Attack on camp 11 (green row) - 2nd player
    PS2 - I've used Militia because it allowed me to use as much crossbowman as possible.
    Last edited by sk_setttler; 08.05.12 at 20:48.

  8. #108
    Original Serf
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    Jan 2012
    outlaws triple block. On the map it doesnt specify if I need normal generals or if bh general or veteran can also be used for blocking some of the camps. I have 2 normal generals, bh general and a veteran, so this information is vital for me. On the video I can see 3 normal generals being used for blocking... so any chance one can be blocked with bh?

  9. #109
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Dec 2011
    Thanks again, sk_setttler!

    Quote Originally Posted by sk_setttler View Post
    I would like to test it, but I don't have another Nords right now.
    I do have one of them, so count on me for doing some testing in the not too distant future...

    Quote Originally Posted by onlem View Post
    so any chance one can be blocked with bh?
    No, I wouldn't even consider that.
    Whenever used for that purpose, a blocking general must be a normal one.

  10. #110
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Stealing from the Rich
    Veteran General and Round Blocks

    Adventure Info:
    Player Level: 26+
    Difficulty: 4/10
    Number of Players: 2
    Duration: 4 days
    Where to get?: Adventure seek with Explorer or Trader (Shop) for 195 gems

    Only one version is presented below, and it is based on a single player doing everything in this 2-player adventure.

    You need at least 3 generals:
    • Two NORMAL generals.
    • One VETERAN general.
    You need to send troops 5-6 times.

    This guide includes two round blocks of method 2.

    Units needed and lost:
    • Units needed, average: 652R 168S 230C (1050 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 720R 168S 230C (1118 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 448R
    • Units lost, average: 637R
    • Units lost, maximum: 720R

    Game flow, garrison settings and losses (minimum - average - maximum):

    Garrison Position G1

    If you have more than 3 generals, a few have probably arrived in landing zone 2.
    In that case, move all those generals to landing zone 1 (garrison position G1).

    Trap T1) 40 Wolves
    ANY general: [1R 39S (1R)]

    Trap T2) 100 Wolves
    ANY general: [5R 99S (5R)]

    Camp 1) 30 Recruit Deserters, 40 Bowman Deserters
    ANY general: [1S 199C (-)]

    Trap T9) 40 Wolves
    ANY general: [1R 39S (1R)]

    Camp 12) 20 Elite Soldier Deserters, 20 Crossbowman Deserters, 20 Cannoneer Deserters, 1 Sir Robin
    VETERAN general: [82R 168S (46R - 74R - 82R)]

    Garrison Position G2

    Move at least one veteran general to garrison position G2.

    Do not move your generals any further to the west (left) than shown on the image above.
    Otherwise they might be intercepted by trap T15.

    Tower 13) 15 Longbowman Deserters
    ANY general: [100C (-)]

    Tower 13) 15 Longbowman Deserters
    ANY general: [100C (-)]

    Before attacking camp 14, make sure the towers (13) have been destroyed first.
    Otherwise, if the right-most tower is still standing, the general going to camp 14 will be intercepted by tower 15.

    Camp 14) 50 Soldier Deserters, 50 Cavalry Deserters, 50 Longbowman Deserters, 1 Big Bertha
    VETERAN general: [140R 110S (100R - 124R - 140R)]

    Camp 3) 65 Recruit Deserters, 85 Bowman Deserters
    VETERAN general: [19R 1S 230C (14R - 17R - 19R)]

    Garrison Position G3

    Move one veteran general and two normal generals to garrison position G3:
    • Position A: Normal general
    • Position B: Normal general
    • Position C: Veteran general
    Send all three generals after each other in this order (as soon as you can):

    From A to Camp 6) 60 Militia Deserters, 20 Longbowman Deserters
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [136C (-)] {5 - 7.5 - 10 rounds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 7) 40 Militia Deserters, 40 Longbowman Deserters
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [4R 94C (-)] {5 - 7.4 - 9 rounds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 8) 40 Militia Deserters, 40 Cavalry Deserters, 1 Sir Robin
    VETERAN general: [86R 164S (48R - 75R - 86R)] {3 rounds of fighting}

    Garrison Position G4

    Move your veteran general to garrison position G4.

    Camp 21) 85 Recruit Deserters, 65 Bowman Deserters
    VETERAN general: [27R 1S 222C (21R - 25R - 27R)]

    Move your veteran general to garrison position G5.

    Camp 18) 20 Militia Deserters, 60 Longbowman Deserters
    VETERAN general: [1S 230C (-)]

    Garrison Position G5

    Move one normal general to the western garrison position G5, so that you now have:
    • Position A: Normal general
    • Position B: Veteran general

    Send both generals after each other in this order (as soon as you can, but no more than 10 seconds between them):

    From A to Camp 19) 40 Militia Deserters, 40 Longbowman Deserters
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [4R 94C (-)] {5 - 7.4 - 9 rounds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 20) 40 Militia Deserters, 40 Longbowman Deserters, 1 Sir Robin
    VETERAN general: [110R 140S (68R - 96R - 110R)] {3 rounds of fighting}

    Garrison Position G6

    Move at least your veteran general to garrison position G6.

    Do not attack from anywhere further south than the two garrisons shown in the image above.
    In that case your general would be intercepted by 160 wolves hiding in the forest (trap T8).

    To kill the towers (camps 9), send your general to the last one and he will be intercepted and kill all four of them.

    The last (eastern-most) tower 9 can be left to a lootspot buyer.
    In that case, do make sure the lootspot buyer gets to destroy that tower completely, before you yourself destroy the final camp 11.
    Otherwise, the sold lootspot will be lost.

    Also, make sure the lootspot buyer is moving his general to G6, and nowhere further south than the garrisons shown above.
    Wolf traps T6, T7 and T8 are still blocking the entrance from all other directions.

    Tower 9) 30 Longbowman Deserters
    ANY general: [100C (-)]

    Tower 9) 30 Longbowman Deserters
    ANY general: [100C (-)]

    Tower 9) 30 Longbowman Deserters
    ANY general: [100C (-)]

    Tower 9) 30 Longbowman Deserters
    ANY general: [100C (-)]

    Camp 10) 30 Soldier Deserters, 30 Cavalry Deserters, 40 Longbowman Deserters, 1 Sir Robin
    VETERAN general: [109R 141S (64R - 95R - 109R)]

    Camp 11) 50 Soldier Deserters, 50 Longbowman Deserters, 1 Sir Robin
    VETERAN general: [140R 110S (80R - 124R - 140R)]

    All garrison setups where recruits and soldiers are included have a very small chance of one or a few soldiers being killed.
    I prefer having it so tight, that in most cases that one soldier survives and actually saves one recruit by taking the last hits in the battle.
    That being said, be prepared to lose the odd soldier(s) after playing the same adventure hundreds of times...
    Last edited by Tage; 14.08.12 at 02:14. Reason: Made obsolete

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