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Thread: [Guide] Killste : Collected Adventure Guides by Various Authors

  1. #111
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    THNX Tage for the SftR...I'll definitely try block camps 6/7

  2. #112
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    That's a very nice rich map, Tage, and well explained. would defineltely recomend it to new players, gj (I might peek too )

  3. #113
    Original Serf Zothem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Amazing long and detailed tactics in "words". My goal is to get it all in 1 picture in high detail.
    I think I have done that for "traitors" with a veteran general.
    Imageshack and this forum won't allow larger files so I cannot upload full version and max quality. But if you like it w me in game and I will mail it to you.

    To be honest I was lost after 1st section. And I saw max lost units and I think I did better for I only will loose max 706 recruits and my actuals are only 640 recruits.


    Last edited by Zothem; 08.05.12 at 23:05.

  4. #114
    Original Serf Zothem's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Let me know if you see any mistakes
    Last edited by Zothem; 09.05.12 at 00:12.

  5. #115
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    Thanks again, sk_setttler!

    I do have one of them, so count on me for doing some testing in the not too distant future...

    Hi Tage & everybody, I bought The Nords again and it's working!
    So with the RB I've described in earlier post (OK...I know, since the Veteran, the block is not necessary, 4M+1ES+62C+183A or 1ES+65C+184A finishes with 0 losses, I've used it automatically because I was using it before the Veteran ) and with Turions last attack I finished this gr8 adventure with only 126M losses.

    Here's the setup.
    Last edited by sk_setttler; 10.05.12 at 15:43.

  6. #116
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sk_setttler View Post
    Hi Tage & everybody, I bought The Nords again and it's working!

    Quote Originally Posted by sk_setttler View Post
    and with Turions last attack I finished this gr8 adventure with only 126M losses.
    My only problem now is that I still don't have any crossbows...

    Oh, btw... WTB crossbows

  7. #117
    Nifty Ra_V_en's Avatar
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    Poland, Warsaw
    Quote Originally Posted by Zothem View Post

    Imageshack and this forum won't allow larger files so I cannot upload full version and max quality.

    As i remember its limited to 5MB, how about higher compression on jpg settings?

    Still Picasa or Flickr have 20MB limit on free accounts

  8. #118
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Killste View Post
    thanks for your feedback im sorry for your losses, I change it immediatly.

    Garssion settings is now fixed

    Im sorry for your losses. Add me in game as friend and I give you 200coins 1 noble deed and 2k horses for sorry for my error. I hope these "rewards" will help you.
    Cannot argue with that

  9. #119
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Victor the Vicious
    Veteran General and Round Blocks

    Adventure Info:
    Player Level: 36+
    Difficulty: 8/10
    Number of Players: 3
    Duration: 8 days
    Where to get?: Adventure seek with Explorer or Trader (Shop) for 200 map fragments


    You need at least 4 generals:
    • Two NORMAL generals
    • One BATTLE HARDENED general
    • One VETERAN general
    Notes regarding the battle hardened general:
    • The battle hardened general can always be replaced by another (your friend's?) veteran general.
    • The battle hardened general can in fact be replaced by a normal general.
      This will slightly prolong the fighting, and make the blocks a little more risky, so please be cautious.
      If possible, avoid replacing the BHG with a normal general in the blocks sent from G1 and G5.
    You need to send troops 9-13 times.

    Two versions are presented below. Note that the versions can be mixed, if 2-3 players play it together.
    Unless you're playing it alone, it's up to you to decide how you share the camps between you.
    The units needed are valid only if you're playing it alone.

    VETERAN general with Longbows
    • Units needed, average: 1570R 11M 203S 196C 185LB (2165 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 1655R 11M 203S 209C 185LB (2263 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 1413R 11M 144S 164C
    • Units lost, average: 1555R 11M 159S 179C
    • Units lost, maximum: 1655R 11M 185S 209C

    VETERAN general XB with Crossbows
    • Units needed, average: 1334R 156M 200S 236C 165XB (2091 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 1428R 156M 200S 236C 165XB (2185 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 1222R 133M 41S 170C
    • Units lost, average: 1334R 145M 54S 170C
    • Units lost, maximum: 1428R 156M 65S 170C

    This guide includes several round blocks of method 2.

    Game flow, garrison settings and losses (minimum - average - maximum):

    Garrison Position G1

    Most of your generals will have arrived in Landing Zone 1 (click the map above to see where it is).
    For the first two attacks, move at least one veteran general to garrison position G1.

    Camp 1) 50 Thugs, 50 Guard Dogs, 50 Rangers
    VETERAN general: [91R 140S (69R - 81R - 91R)]

    Camp 2) 50 Roughnecks, 100 Rangers
    VETERAN general: [38R 2S 180C 30LB (26R - 32R - 38R)]
    VETERAN general XB: [35R 2S 196C 17XB (25R - 31R - 35R)]

    Garrison Position G1 (BLOCK)

    Move at least one veteran, one battle hardened and two normal generals to garrison position G1:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general
    • Position D: VETERAN general

    Unless otherwise stated, send the generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 3) 100 Roughnecks, 50 Guard Dogs
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [109S 1C (-)] {7 - 9.2 - 13 rounds of fighting}

    Send General B to Camp 4 some 10-15 seconds after General A, or when General A has reached this spot:

    From B to Camp 4) 50 Roughnecks, 60 Guard Dogs, 50 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [5S 195C (-)] {6 - 8.9 - 12 rounds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 5) 99 Roughnecks, 100 Guard Dogs, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [116R (116R)] {2 rounds of fighting}

    Send General D to leader camp 5 after General C has reached this position (General D is to follow behind General C):

    From D to Camp 5) 90-98 Roughnecks, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    VETERAN general: [88R 3S 159LB (62R - 77R - 88R 2S)] {2 rounds of fighting}
    VETERAN general XB: [88R 3S 159XB (62R - 77R - 88R 2S)] {2 rounds of fighting}
    VETERAN general XB: [60R 9S 181XB (53R - 60R 3S - 60R 8S)] {1 round of fighting}

    The last version above is optional, and is only provided to show a possibility with a shorter fight.
    It may be considered if you for some reason need to use a normal general instead of a battle hardened general from garrison C.

    If General B was sent 15 seconds after General A, this should be the view when General A is about to start his fight:

    This should be the view when General B is about to start his fight:

    And finally, the rewarding view, shortly before the leader camp (and both blocked camps) will vanish:

    Garrison Position G2 (BLOCK)

    Move at least one veteran, one battle hardened and two normal generals to garrison position G2:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general
    • Position D: VETERAN general

    Send the generals after each other. Don't be too stressed about it though.
    This block has lots of spare time, and you can safely leave 10 seconds between the dispatches:

    From A to Camp 7) 120 Roughnecks, 50 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1M 70S 129C (-)] {7 - 9.7 - 14 rounds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 8) 120 Roughnecks, 50 Guard Dogs
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [128S (-)] {7 - 9.4 - 13 rounds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 9) 80 Roughnecks, 50 Guard Dogs, 60 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [60R (60R)] {1 round of fighting}

    From D to Camp 9) 79 Roughnecks, 60 Rangers, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    VETERAN general: [85R 5S 50C 110LB (66R - 79R - 85R 4S)] {2 rounds of fighting}
    VETERAN general XB: [74R 2S 107C 67XB (53R - 64R - 74R)] {2 rounds of fighting}

    If the attacks were sent right after each other, this will be the view shortly before Generals A and B start their fights:

    Garrison Position G3

    Move at least one veteran general and two normal generals to garrison position G3.

    Attack both remaining Nº 6 leader camps to the NW and SW (unfortunately the latter one is already gone from the map):

    Camp 6a) 99 Roughnecks, 100 Guard Dogs, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    ANY general: [116R (116R)]

    Camp 6b) 90-98 Roughnecks, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    VETERAN general: [88R 3S 159LB (62R - 77R - 88R 2S)]
    VETERAN general XB: [88R 3S 159XB (62R - 77R - 88R 2S)]

    Camps 6 can also be taken in single attacks. A couple of alternatives are presented below.
    By further increasing the number of soldiers or elite soldiers, the number of recruits lost can still be reduced.
    The risk of losing soldiers increases at the same time though.

    Camp 6) 99 Roughnecks, 100 Guard Dogs, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    VETERAN general: [200R 50S (149R - 181R - 200R 7S)]
    VETERAN general: [184R 8S 58E (148R - 177R - 184R 8S)]

    If you consider trying any of these on camp 5 above, please note that these last 4-6 rounds.

    Garrison Position G4 (BLOCK)

    Move at least one veteran, one battle hardened and two normal generals to garrison position G4:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general
    • Position D: VETERAN general

    Send the generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 11) 100 Roughnecks, 100 Guard Dogs
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R 125S (-)] {7 - 9.4 - 13 rounds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 10) 100 Roughnecks, 100 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1M 50S 149C (-)] {7 - 9.5 - 14 rounds of fighting}

    If you have a VETERAN general with longbows, follow this:

    From C to Camp 12) 90 Roughnecks, 100 Guard Dogs, 1 Skunk, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [120R (120R)] {2 rounds of fighting}

    From D to Camp 12) 77-85 Roughnecks, 1 Skunk, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    VETERAN general: [77R 5S 168LB (55R - 69R - 77R 3S)] {2 rounds of fighting}

    If you have a VETERAN general XB with crossbows, follow this:

    From C to Camp 12) 90 Roughnecks, 100 Guard Dogs, 1 Skunk, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [113R (113R)] {2 rounds of fighting}

    From D to Camp 12) 81-89 Roughnecks, 1 Skunk, 1 One-Eyed Bert
    VETERAN general XB: [84R 1S 165XB (57R - 71R - 84R)] {2 rounds of fighting}

    Wolf Trap

    If a lootspot is sold, this is a good target for the lootspot buyer:

    Trap T1) 100 Wolves
    ANY general: [5R 101S (5R)]

    Garrison Position G5 (BLOCK)

    Move at least one veteran, one battle hardened and one normal general to garrison position G5:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general
    • Position C: VETERAN general

    Send the generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 13) 100 Roughnecks, 100 Rangers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1M 50S 149C (-)] {7 - 9.5 - 14 rounds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 15) 155 Roughnecks, 40 Guard Dogs, 1 Metal Tooth
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [40C (40C)] {1 round of fighting}

    From C to Camp 15) 155 Roughnecks, 1 Metal Tooth
    VETERAN general: [11M 109S 130LB (11M 94S - 11M 102S - 11M 108S)] {3 rounds of fighting}
    VETERAN general XB: [156M 2S 92XB (133M - 145M - 156M 1S)] {3 rounds of fighting}

    Both above attacks from C to camp 15 actually have a very small chance (one in about 5,000) of longbows or crossbows being lost.
    When playing this with Killste (and seeing what units we had available) and seeing the losses, I soon realised that this attack is one
    where players might want to mix longbows/crossbows and militia/soldiers, all depending on what they possess and are prepared to lose.
    The only criterion in the mixing should be that the number of rounds fighting must not be more than 3.
    Thus, I've made a rather complete list of optional setups below, where no longbows or crossbows are lost (after 25,000 simulations):

    From C to Camp 15) 155 Roughnecks, 1 Metal Tooth
    VETERAN general: [001M 119S 130LB 00XB (1M 101S - 1M 108S - 1M 118S)]
    VETERAN general: [014M 109S 122LB 05XB (14M 92S - 14M 99S - 14M 109S)]
    VETERAN general: [032M 096S 112LB 10XB (32M 80S - 32M 87S - 32M 95S)]
    VETERAN general: [043M 089S 103LB 15XB (43M 73S - 43M 80S - 43M 88S)]
    VETERAN general: [054M 081S 095LB 20XB (54M 65S - 54M 73S - 54M 80S)]
    VETERAN general: [065M 074S 086LB 25XB (65M 58S - 65M 65S - 65M 73S)]
    VETERAN general: [079M 065S 076LB 30XB (79M 49S - 79M 56S - 79M 64S)]
    VETERAN general: [089M 058S 068LB 35XB (89M 40S - 89M 49S - 89M 58S)]
    VETERAN general: [100M 050S 060LB 40XB (100M 34S - 100M 41S - 100M 49S)]
    VETERAN general: [122M 036S 047LB 45XB (122M 19S - 122M 27S - 122M 35S)]
    VETERAN general: [132M 029S 039LB 50XB (132M 14S - 132M 20S - 132M 28S)]
    VETERAN general: [145M 020S 030LB 55XB (145M 4S - 145M 11S - 145M 19S)]
    VETERAN general: [159M 011S 022LB 58XB (151M - 159M 2S - 159M 10S)]
    VETERAN general: [167M 006S 017LB 60XB (151M - 162M - 167M 5S)]
    VETERAN general: [172M 002S 011LB 65XB (147M - 161M - 172M)]
    VETERAN general: [170M 002S 008LB 70XB (147M - 158M - 170M)]
    VETERAN general: [170M 005S 000LB 75XB (143M - 157M - 169M)]
    VETERAN general: [166M 004S 000LB 80XB (141M - 153M - 165M)]
    VETERAN general: [162M 003S 000LB 85XB (139M - 150M - 162M)]
    VETERAN general: [158M 002S 000LB 90XB (135M - 147M - 158M)]
    VETERAN general: [157M 002S 000LB 91XB (133M - 146M - 157M 1S)]

    Garrison Position G6

    Move at least one veteran general and two normal generals to garrison position G6.

    Note that the attacks on camps 17 and 19 can be placed anywhere along the red attack route.
    The attack on camp 18 must originate from one of the garrison positions shown, or from a position further to the east.
    Otherwise that attack will walk too close to camp 16 and be intercepted.

    Camp 17a) 80 Roughnecks, 80 Guard Dogs, 40 Rangers
    ANY general: [96R (96R)]

    Camp 17b) 76-80 Roughnecks, 40 Rangers
    VETERAN general: [63R 2S 80C 105LB (46R - 55R - 63R 1S)]
    VETERAN general XB: [60R 1S 139C 50XB (42R - 51R - 60R)]

    Alternatively, camp 17 can also be defeated in one wave:
    Camp 17) 80 Roughnecks, 80 Guard Dogs, 40 Rangers
    VETERAN general: [170R 80S (139R - 152R - 170R 3S)]

    Camp 18) 80 Roughnecks, 100 Rangers, 1 Skunk
    VETERAN general: [92R 2S 123C 33LB (65R - 78R - 92R)]
    VETERAN general XB: [78R 2S 115C 55XB (48R - 63R - 78R)]

    Camp 19 for VETERAN general

    If you have a VETERAN general XB with crossbows, and absolutely detest losing soldiers, you might consider this.
    Otherwise, look for a better solution further down.

    Camp 19a) 100 Scavengers, 50 Rangers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks
    ANY general: [125R 65C (125R 65C)]

    Camp 19b) 68-87 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks
    VETERAN general:
    This wave is critical, since it has to kill the remaining scavengers.
    Instead of saying you must check the combat simulator for your own best solution, I'm listing all of them here.
    I have tried to optimise them for minimal horse losses. Note that this wave must be a VETERAN general.

    Camp 19b) 68 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [191R 59C (Total 316R 124C)]
    Camp 19b) 69 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [188R 62C (Total 313R 127C)]
    Camp 19b) 70 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [186R 64C (Total 311R 129C)]
    Camp 19b) 71 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [183R 67C (Total 308R 132C)]
    Camp 19b) 72 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [181R 69C (Total 306R 134C)]
    Camp 19b) 73 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [180R 70C (Total 305R 135C)]
    Camp 19b) 74 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [178R 72C (Total 303R 137C)]
    Camp 19b) 75 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [177R 73C (Total 302R 138C)]
    Camp 19b) 76 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [176R 74C (Total 301R 139C)]
    Camp 19b) 77 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [175R 75C (Total 300R 140C)]
    Camp 19b) 78 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [174R 76C (Total 299R 141C)]
    Camp 19b) 79 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [172R 78C (Total 297R 143C)]
    Camp 19b) 80 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [171R 79C (Total 296R 144C)]
    Camp 19b) 81 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [170R 80C (Total 295R 145C)]
    Camp 19b) 82 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [164R 86C (Total 289R 151C)]
    Camp 19b) 83 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [162R 88C (Total 287R 153C)]
    Camp 19b) 84 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [160R 90C (Total 285R 155C)]
    Camp 19b) 85 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [156R 94C (Total 281R 159C)]
    Camp 19b) 86 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [152R 98C (Total 277R 163C)]
    Camp 19b) 87 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks [146R 104C (Total 271R 169C)]

    Camp 19c) 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks
    VETERAN general: [65S 185LB (50S - 57S - 63S)]
    VETERAN general XB: [65M 1S 184XB (49M - 57M - 65M)]

    Camp 19 for VETERAN general XB

    Camp 19a) 100 Scavengers, 50 Rangers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks
    VETERAN general: [120R 130C (120R 130C)]

    Camp 19b) 4-34 Scavengers, 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunks
    VETERAN general XB: [67S 46C 137XB (41S - 54S - 65S)]

    All garrison setups where recruits and soldiers are included have a very small chance of one or a few soldiers being killed.
    I prefer having it so tight, that in most cases that one soldier survives and actually saves one recruit by taking the last hits in the battle.
    That being said, be prepared to lose the odd soldier(s) after playing the same adventure hundreds of times...
    Last edited by Tage; 15.08.12 at 23:36. Reason: Made obsolete

  10. #120
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Witch of the Swamp

    Average Losses (Veteran with cannoneers): 215R 7M 2S 132B ... or ... 387R 20C
    Average Losses (Best version MoMA with cannoneers): 238R

    Adventure Info:
    Player Level: 26+
    Difficulty: 3/10
    Number of Players: 1
    Duration: 2 days
    Where to get?: Adventure seek with Explorer or Trader (Shop) for 100 map fragments

    For more information about the loot, please refer to Triple-J's Loot Overview

    QUICK LINKS: ... LANDING ZONE ... G1 ... G2 ... G3 ... WITCH TOWER

    You need to send troops 5 times.

    Twentytwo main versions are presented below.
    Eight of the versions have one additional alternative given that includes elite soldiers.

    One ANY general with Longbows and Cavalry, no block
    • Units needed, average: 540R 196C 140LB (876 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 563R 196C 140LB (899 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 476R 125C
    • Units lost, average: 528R 125C
    • Units lost, maximum: 563R 125C

    One ANY general with Longbows and Cavalry
    One NORMAL general using one 1R block
    • Units needed, average: 492R 45M 196C 72LB (805 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 514R 45M 196C 72LB (827 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 397R 125C
    • Units lost, average: 480R 125C
    • Units lost, maximum: 514R 18M 125C

    One ANY general with Longbows and Militia
    One NORMAL general using one 1R block
    • Units needed, average: 404R 82M 85S 194C 73LB (838 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 413R 82M 85S 194C 73LB (847 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 378R 45M 88C
    • Units lost, average: 404R 65M 2S 88C
    • Units lost, maximum: 413R 82M 25S 88C

    One ANY general with Longbows and Cavalry
    One NORMAL general using one 1R block
    • Units needed, average: 447R 85S 194C 88LB (814 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 456R 85S 194C 88LB (823 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 400R 125C
    • Units lost, average: 442R 2S 125C
    • Units lost, maximum: 456R 28S 125C

    One ANY general with Crossbows and Militia
    One NORMAL general using one 1R block
    • Units needed, average: 401R 55M 85S 194C 53XB (788 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 409R 55M 85S 194C 53XB (796 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 375R 34M 88C
    • Units lost, average: 401R 47M 2S 88C
    • Units lost, maximum: 409R 55M 21S 88C
    • Units needed, average: 399R 55M 9S 76E 194C 53XB (786 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 407R 55M 12S 76E 194C 53XB (797 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 375R 34M 88C
    • Units lost, average: 399R 47M 2S 88C
    • Units lost, maximum: 407R 55M 11S 88C

    One ANY general with Crossbows and Cavalry
    One NORMAL general using one 1R block
    • Units needed, average: 499R 85S 194C 56XB (834 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 507R 85S 194C 56XB (842 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 431R 85C
    • Units lost, average: 482R 2S 85C
    • Units lost, maximum: 507R 17S 85C
    • Units needed, average: 497R 9S 76E 194C 56XB (832 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 505R 9S 76E 194C 56XB (840 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 431R 85C
    • Units lost, average: 480R 2S 85C
    • Units lost, maximum: 505R 7S 85C

    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Longbows and Militia
    One NORMAL general using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 355R 82M 132S 276C 73LB (918 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 362R 82M 132S 276C 73LB (925 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 331R 45M 88C
    • Units lost, average: 355R 65M 2S 88C
    • Units lost, maximum: 362R 82M 25S 88C

    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Longbows and Cavalry
    One NORMAL general using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 416R 132S 276C 88LB (912 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 423R 132S 276C 88LB (919 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 353R 125C
    • Units lost, average: 405R 2S 125C
    • Units lost, maximum: 423R 28S 125C

    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Crossbows and Militia
    One NORMAL general using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 352R 55M 132S 276C 53XB (868 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 358R 55M 132S 276C 53XB (874 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 329R 34M 88C
    • Units lost, average: 352R 47M 2S 88C
    • Units lost, maximum: 358R 55M 20S 88C
    • Units needed, average: 350R 55M 7S 131E 277C 53XB (873 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 352R 55M 11S 131E 277C 53XB (879 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 329R 34M 88C
    • Units lost, average: 350R 47M 2S 88C
    • Units lost, maximum: 352R 55M 10S 88C

    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Crossbows and Cavalry
    One NORMAL general using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 450R 132S 276C 56XB (914 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 456R 132S 276C 56XB (920 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 385R 85C
    • Units lost, average: 433R 2S 85C
    • Units lost, maximum: 456R 17S 85C
    • Units needed, average: 448R 4S 131E 277C 56XB (916 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 450R 8S 131E 277C 56XB (922 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 385R 85C
    • Units lost, average: 431R 2S 85C
    • Units lost, maximum: 450R 7S 85C

    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Cannoneers
    Two NORMAL generals using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 342R 18M 1S 67E 387C 129K (944 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 343R 18M 1S 67E 387C 129K (945 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 305R 9M 65C
    • Units lost, average: 332R 16M 65C
    • Units lost, maximum: 343R 18M 65C

    One VETERAN general with Longbows and Bows
    One NORMAL general using one 1R block
    • Units needed, average: 331R 19M 145S 244C 132B 20LB (891 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 349R 19M 145S 244C 132B 20LB (909 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 289R 4M 132B
    • Units lost, average: 331R 19M 4S 132B
    • Units lost, maximum: 349R 19M 10S 132B

    One VETERAN general with Longbows and Bows
    One NORMAL general using two round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 286R 19M 145S 244C 132B 20LB (846 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 303R 19M 145S 244C 132B 20LB (863 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 246R 4M 132B
    • Units lost, average: 286R 19M 4S 132B
    • Units lost, maximum: 303R 19M 10S 132B

    One VETERAN general with Longbows and Cavalry
    One NORMAL general using one 1R block
    • Units needed, average: 487R 145S 244C 73LB (949 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 505R 145S 244C 73LB (967 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 410R 47C
    • Units lost, average: 475R 47C
    • Units lost, maximum: 505R 1S 47C

    One VETERAN general with Longbows and Cavalry
    One NORMAL general using two round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 442R 145S 244C 73LB (904 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 459R 145S 244C 73LB (921 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 367R 47C
    • Units lost, average: 430R 47C
    • Units lost, maximum: 459R 1S 47C

    One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Bows
    One NORMAL general using one 1R block
    • Units needed, average: 319R 5M 145S 244C 132B 41XB (886 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 335R 5M 144S 1E 244C 132B 41XB (902 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 277R 3M 132B
    • Units lost, average: 319R 5M 6S 132B
    • Units lost, maximum: 335R 5M 10S 132B
    • Units needed, average: 299R 5M 102S 70E 244C 132B 41XB (893 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 308R 5M 102S 70E 244C 132B 41XB (902 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 277R 3M 132B
    • Units lost, average: 299R 5M 6S 132B
    • Units lost, maximum: 308R 5M 11S 132B

    One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Bows
    One NORMAL general using two round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 274R 5M 145S 244C 132B 41XB (841 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 289R 5M 145S 244C 132B 41XB (856 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 234R 3M 132B
    • Units lost, average: 274R 5M 6S 132B
    • Units lost, maximum: 289R 5M 10S 132B
    • Units needed, average: 274R 5M 11S 172E 245C 132B 41XB (880 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 286R 5M 11S 172E 245C 132B 41XB (892 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 234R 3M 132B
    • Units lost, average: 274R 5M 6S 132B
    • Units lost, maximum: 286R 5M 10S 132B

    One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Cavalry
    One NORMAL general using one 1R block
    • Units needed, average: 519R 145S 244C 43XB (951 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 535R 145S 244C 43XB (967 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 439R 20C
    • Units lost, average: 503R 20C
    • Units lost, maximum: 535R 1S 20C
    • Units needed, average: 499R 102S 70E 244C 43XB (958 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 508R 102S 70E 244C 43XB (967 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 439R 20C
    • Units lost, average: 483R 20C
    • Units lost, maximum: 508R 2S 20C

    One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Cavalry
    One NORMAL general using two round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 474R 145S 244C 43XB (906 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 489R 145S 244C 43XB (921 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 396R 20C
    • Units lost, average: 458R 20C
    • Units lost, maximum: 489R 1S 20C
    • Units needed, average: 474R 2S 172E 245C 43XB (936 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 486R 2S 172E 245C 43XB (948 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 396R 20C
    • Units lost, average: 458R 20C
    • Units lost, maximum: 486R 1S 20C

    One VETERAN general with Cannoneers and Bows
    Two NORMAL generals using two round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 215R 7M 5S 131E 387C 132B 49K (926 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 218R 7M 5S 131E 387C 132B 49K (929 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 198R 132B
    • Units lost, average: 215R 7M 2S 132B
    • Units lost, maximum: 218R 7M 5S 132B

    One VETERAN general with Cannoneers and Cavalry
    Two NORMAL generals using two round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 400R 1S 131E 387C 49K (968 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 403R 1S 131E 387C 49K (971 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 350R 20C
    • Units lost, average: 387R 20C
    • Units lost, maximum: 403R 20C

    One MAJOR general with Cannoneers and Bows
    Two NORMAL generals using two round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 223R 1S 131E 387C 132B 49K (923 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 228R 1S 131E 387C 132B 49K (928 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 186R 132B
    • Units lost, average: 215R 132B
    • Units lost, maximum: 228R 132B

    This guide includes three (optional) round blocks of method 2. One of the blocks can be replaced by a 1R block of method 1.

    Game flow, garrison settings and losses (minimum - average - maximum):

    Landing Zone (Camp 1)

    Kill the first camp as soon as a general with enough troops has arrived:

    Camp 1) 40 Cultists
    ANY general: [1R 196C (-)]
    ANY general: [1S 194C (-)]
    ANY general: [1E 188C (-)]
    Lord DRACUL: [1S 180C (-)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1S 145C (-)]

    Garrison Position G1 (Camps 2-3) (OPTIONAL BLOCK)
    If you do not have a VETERAN general, and wish to use the block, move two generals to garrison position G1:
    • Position A: NORMAL general or MASTER of Defence
    • Position B: ANY general (your best general)

    If you do have a VETERAN general, attack camp 3 directly, and let him be intercepted by camp 2.
    He will defeat camp 2 with no losses and then attack camp 3:

    Camp 3) 50 Cultists (Camp 2) and 40 Cultists, 40 Fanatics (Camp 3)
    VETERAN general: [5R 1S 244C (2R - 4R - 5R)]
    VETERAN general: [4R 1E 245C (2R - 4R - 4R)]
    MAJOR general: [2R 1E 267C (0R - 1R - 2R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [2R 1S 217C (0R - 1R - 2R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R 1E 218C (0R - 1R - 1R)]

    If you do not have a veteran general, consider using the block to save some 4R, that would otherwise be lost if you attack camp 2.
    Send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 2) 50 Cultists
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [88C (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING MASTER of Defence: [75C (-)] {130 - 230 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 3) 40 Cultists, 40 Fanatics
    ANY general: [12R 188C (8R - 10R - 12R)] {80 seconds of fighting}
    ANY general: [11R 1S 188C (8R - 10R - 11R)] {80 seconds of fighting}
    ANY general: [10R 1E 189C (8R - 10R - 10R)] {80 seconds of fighting}
    ANY general: [10R 1E 188C 1K (8R - 10R - 10R)] {60 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [11R 1S 188C (8R - 10R - 11R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [10R 1E 189C (8R - 10R - 10R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    Lord DRACUL: [9R 1S 190C (4R - 6R - 9R)] {30 - 40 seconds of fighting}
    Lord DRACUL: [8R 1E 191C (4R - 6R - 8R)] {30 - 40 seconds of fighting}

    If general B was sent right after general A, then the remaining marching time for general B, from the moment general A starts his blocking fight on camp 2, is 30-35 seconds. Thus, in the worst case, if general B is a slow general, camp 3 will be killed in 110-115 seconds, leaving a margin of only 5 seconds for the block, which lasts at least 120 seconds. If you have a fast general B, then the block is very safe, leaving a margin of more than 45 seconds.

    If you do not have enough cavalry for the block, do not have a fast general, or just do not care about losing the few extra recruits, you may of course also kill both camps, one at a time:

    Camp 2) 50 Cultists
    ANY general: [6R 194C (2R - 4R - 6R)]
    ANY general: [5R 1S 194C (2R - 4R - 5R)]
    ANY general: [4R 1E 195C (2R - 4R - 4R)]
    Lord DRACUL: [3R 1S 196C (0R - 1R - 3R)]
    Lord DRACUL: [2R 1E 197C (0R - ½R - 2R)]
    VETERAN general: [1S 244C (-)]
    VETERAN general: [1E 238C (-)]

    Camp 3) 40 Cultists, 40 Fanatics
    ANY general: [12R 188C (8R - 10R - 12R)]
    ANY general: [11R 1S 188C (8R - 10R - 11R)]
    ANY general: [10R 1E 189C (8R - 10R - 10R)]
    Lord DRACUL: [9R 1S 190C (4R - 6R - 9R)]
    Lord DRACUL: [8R 1E 191C (4R - 6R - 8R)]
    VETERAN general: [5R 1S 244C (2R - 4R - 5R)]
    VETERAN general: [4R 1E 245C (2R - 4R - 4R)]

    Garrison Position G2 (Camp 4)
    Move two generals to garrison position G2:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    From B to Camp 4) 60 Cultists
    ANY general: [12R 188C (7R - 10R - 11R)]
    ANY general: [11R 1S 188C (7R - 10R - 11R)]
    ANY general: [10R 1E 189C (7R - 10R - 10R)]
    Lord DRACUL: [9R 1S 190C (4R - 6R - 9R)]
    Lord DRACUL: [8R 1E 191C (4R - 6R - 8R)]
    VETERAN general: [5R 1S 244C (2R - 4R - 5R)]
    VETERAN general: [4R 1E 245C (2R - 4R - 4R)]
    MAJOR general: [2R 1E 267C (0R - 1R - 2R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [2R 1S 217C (0R - 0R - 2R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R 1E 218C (0R - 0R - 1R)]

    Garrison Position G2 (Camps 5-6) (OPTIONAL BLOCK)

    If you do have a fast general, do try the block. Send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 5) 60 Shadowsneakers, 40 Dark Priests
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [54S (-)] {100 - 120 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [47S 16C (-)] {100 - 120 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [53E (-)] {120 seconds of fighting, <0.1% chance of 100 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1S 51E 3C (-)] {120 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 6) 33 Cultists, 33 Shadowsneakers, 33 Dark Priests
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [52R 85S (49R - 51R - 52R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [52R 80E (49R - 51R - 52R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [52R 79E 1K (49R - 51R - 52R)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [52R 1E 76K (49R - 51R - 52R)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    Lord DRACUL: [51R 85S (45R - 48R - 51R)] {20 - 30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [38R 44S (33R - 36R - 38R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    If general B was sent right after general A, then the remaining marching time for general B, from the moment general A starts his blocking fight on camp 5, is 60-65 seconds. Thus, without cannoneers, camp 6 will be killed in 90-95 seconds, leaving a margin of only 5 seconds for the block, which lasts at least 100 seconds.

    If you do not have a fast general, camps 5 and 6 can be attacked in one single attack.
    Send your general to camp 6, and let him be intercepted by camp 5:

    Camp 6) 60 Shadowsneakers, 40 Dark Priests (Camp 5) and 33 Cultists, 33 Shadowsneakers, 33 Dark Priests (Camp 6)
    ANY general: [200R (91R - 95R - 99R)]
    ANY general: [97R 85S (91R - 95R - 97R)]
    ANY general: [97R 15S 70E (91R - 95R - 97R)]
    ANY general: [97R 80E (91R - 95R - 97R)]

    They can of course also be attacked one at a time:

    Camp 5) 60 Shadowsneakers, 40 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [125R (42R - 44R - 46R)]
    ANY general: [45R 65S (42R - 44R - 45R)]
    ANY general: [45R 65E (42R - 44R - 45R)]

    Camp 6) 33 Cultists, 33 Shadowsneakers, 33 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [155R (49R - 51R - 53R)]
    ANY general: [52R 85S (49R - 51R - 52R)]
    ANY general: [52R 15S 70E (49R - 51R - 52R)]
    ANY general: [52R 80E (49R - 51R - 52R)]

    Garrison Position G3 (Camps 7-9) (OPTIONAL BLOCK)
    Move 2-3 generals to garrison position G3:
    • Position A: NORMAL general (needed only if you have cannoneers)
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    For the full 2-way block, you need cannoneers, or a MASTER of Martial Arts with crossbows.
    Send general A to camp 7 first, then wait till he has reached the indicated spot, before sending generals B and C:

    From A to Camp 7) 120 Cultists
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [5S 194C (-)] {140 - 220 seconds of fighting, <0.1% chance of 120 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [4E 194C (-)] {140 - 240 seconds of fighting}

    When general A has reached the spot shown in the inset above, send generals B and C right after each other:

    From B to Camp 8) 80 Cultists, 60 Dark Priests
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [193C (-)] {140 - 220 seconds of fighting, <0.1% chance of 120 seconds}

    From C to Camp 9) 40 Cultists, 120 Shadowsneakers, 1 Dark High Priest
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [52R 18M 1E 129K (52R 9M - 52R 16M - 52R 18M)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    Lord DRACUL: [63R 8M 1S 1E 127K (62R - 63R 6M - 63R 8M 1S)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [78R 123E 49K (66R - 76R - 78R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [78R 1E 130K (66R - 76R - 78R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [43R 1S 47B 129XB (38R 26B - 42R 36B - 43R 47B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [75R 2S 28E 115K (45R - 57R - 75R 2S)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [77R 28E 115K (45R - 58R - 77R 1E)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [53R 52E 115K (45R - 52R - 53R 8E)] {30 seconds of fighting} (*

    *) In this last case the risk of losing 8E is about one in 2,000.

    If generals B and C were sent right after each other when general A reached the beach, then the remaining marching time for general C, from the moment general A starts his blocking fight on camp 7, is 100-105 seconds. Thus, camp 9 will be killed in about 135 seconds, leaving a margin of only 5 seconds for the block, which should last at least 140 seconds.

    If you do not have cannoneers, kill camp 7 first:

    From C to Camp 7) 120 Cultists
    ANY general: [59R 69C 72LB (48R - 52R - 58R)]
    ANY general: [56R 2S 70C 72LB (48R - 52R - 56R)]
    ANY general: [52R 1S 94C 53XB (46R - 49R - 52R)]
    ANY general: [51R 1E 95C 53XB (46R - 49R - 51R)]
    ANY general: [50R 1E 96C 53K (45R - 49R - 50R)]
    Lord DRACUL: [50R 2S 98C 50LB (41R - 45R - 50R 2S)]
    Lord DRACUL: [48R 2S 116C 34XB (40R - 43R - 48R 1S)]
    Lord DRACUL: [48R 1S 1E 116C 34K (40R - 43R - 48R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [45R 1S 184C 20LB (36R - 40R - 45R)]
    VETERAN general: [42R 1S 189C 18XB (35R - 39R - 42R)]
    VETERAN general: [41R 1E 190C 18XB (35R - 39R - 41R)]
    VETERAN general: [41R 1E 191C 17K (35R - 39R - 41R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [37R 1S 182C (31R - 34R - 37R)]

    If you have a fast general, you can now use a round block on camp 8.
    Send both generals right after each other:

    From B to Camp 8) 80 Cultists, 60 Dark Priests
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [193C (-)] {140 - 220 seconds of fighting, <0.1% chance of 120 seconds}

    From C to Camp 9) 40 Cultists, 120 Shadowsneakers, 1 Dark High Priest
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [120R 80S (107R - 120R 2S - 120R 16S)] {70-80 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [118R 6S 76E (107R - 118R 2S - 118R 6S)] {70 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [104R 1E 95K (86R - 100R - 104R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [52R 18M 1E 129K (52R 9M - 52R 16M - 52R 18M)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    Lord DRACUL: [125R 75S (103R - 120R - 125R 2S)] {60-70 seconds of fighting}
    Lord DRACUL: [123R 2S 75E (83R - 120R - 123R 2S)] {50-70 seconds of fighting}
    Lord DRACUL: [63R 8M 1S 1E 127K (62R - 63R 6M - 63R 8M 1S)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [105R 145S (66R - 96R - 105R)] {50-60 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [78R 102S 70E (66R - 76R - 78R 1S)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [78R 172E (66R - 76R - 78R)] {50 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [78R 101S 70E 1K (66R - 76R - 78R 1S)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [78R 123E 49K (66R - 76R - 78R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [78R 1E 130K (66R - 76R - 78R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [78R 142S (66R - 76R - 78R 1S)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [78R 135E (66R - 76R - 78R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [75R 2S 28E 115K (45R - 57R - 75R 2S)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [77R 28E 115K (45R - 58R - 77R 1E)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [53R 52E 115K (45R - 52R - 53R 8E)] {30 seconds of fighting} (*

    *) In this last case the risk of losing 8E is about one in 2,000.

    If general C was sent right after general B, then the remaining marching time for general C, from the moment general B starts his blocking fight on camp 8, is about 35 seconds. Thus, in the worst case, camp 9 will be killed in about 115 seconds, leaving a margin of only 5 seconds for the block, if it would last only 120 seconds. In most cases the block does however last at least 140 seconds.

    If you do not have a fast general, you may still use a 1R block on camp 8.
    Send both generals right after each other:

    From B to Camp 8) 80 Cultists, 60 Dark Priests
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 9) 40 Cultists, 120 Shadowsneakers, 1 Dark High Priest
    ANY general: [155R 45M (107R - 147R - 155R 18M)]
    ANY general: [120R 80S (107R - 120R 2S - 120R 16S)]
    ANY general: [118R 6S 76E (107R - 118R 2S - 118R 6S)]
    ANY general: [104R 1E 95K (86R - 100R - 104R)]
    ANY general: [52R 18M 1E 129K (52R 9M - 52R 16M - 52R 18M)]
    Lord DRACUL: [125R 75S (103R - 120R - 125R 2S)]
    Lord DRACUL: [123R 2S 75E (83R - 120R - 123R 2S)]
    Lord DRACUL: [63R 8M 1S 1E 127K (62R - 63R 6M - 63R 8M 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [105R 145S (66R - 96R - 105R)]
    VETERAN general: [78R 102S 70E (66R - 76R - 78R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [78R 172E (66R - 76R - 78R)]
    VETERAN general: [78R 123E 49K (66R - 76R - 78R)]
    VETERAN general: [78R 1E 130K (66R - 76R - 78R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [78R 142S (66R - 76R - 78R 1S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [78R 135E (66R - 76R - 78R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [75R 2S 28E 115K (45R - 57R - 75R 2S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [77R 28E 115K (45R - 58R - 77R 1E)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [53R 52E 115K (45R - 52R - 53R 8E)] (In this case the risk of losing 8E is about one in 2,000)

    This 1R block is rather tight. It takes about 15 seconds for general B to march through the agro zone of camp 8.
    If your main general gets intercepted by camp 8, retreat him immediately.

    If you do not wish to use the block, attack camps 8 and 9 one at a time (from any convenient position up close):

    Camp 8) 80 Cultists, 60 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [58R 142C (45R - 50R - 58R)]
    ANY general: [56R 1S 143C (45R - 49R - 56R)]
    Lord DRACUL: [47R 1S 152C (33R - 39R - 47R)]
    VETERAN general: [35R 1S 214C (28R - 32R - 35R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [30R 1S 189C (25R - 28R - 30R)]

    Camp 9) 40 Cultists, 120 Shadowsneakers, 1 Dark High Priest
    ANY general: [155R 45M (107R - 147R - 155R 18M)]
    ANY general: [120R 80S (107R - 120R 2S - 120R 16S)]
    ANY general: [118R 6S 76E (107R - 118R 2S - 118R 6S)]
    ANY general: [104R 1E 95K (86R - 100R - 104R)]
    ANY general: [52R 18M 1E 129K (52R 9M - 52R 16M - 52R 18M)]
    Lord DRACUL: [125R 75S (103R - 120R - 125R 2S)]
    Lord DRACUL: [123R 2S 75E (83R - 120R - 123R 2S)]
    Lord DRACUL: [63R 8M 1S 1E 127K (62R - 63R 6M - 63R 8M 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [105R 145S (66R - 96R - 105R)]
    VETERAN general: [78R 102S 70E (66R - 76R - 78R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [78R 172E (66R - 76R - 78R)]
    VETERAN general: [78R 1E 130K (66R - 76R - 78R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [78R 142S (66R - 76R - 78R 1S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [78R 135E (66R - 76R - 78R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [75R 2S 28E 115K (45R - 57R - 75R 2S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [77R 28E 115K (45R - 58R - 77R 1E)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [53R 52E 115K (45R - 52R - 53R 8E)] (In this case the risk of losing 8E is about one in 2,000)

    Without soldiers, camp 9 can also be taken in two waves:

    Camp 9a) 40 Cultists, 120 Shadowsneakers, 1 Dark High Priest
    ANY general: [121R (121R)]
    Camp 9b) 1 Dark High Priest
    ANY general: [25R 140LB (20R - 24R - 25R)]

    Camp 10 (WITCH TOWER)

    If you own a master of martial arts, it is cheaper to use him for the suicidal first wave.
    The main option if you've got a master of martial arts, is to use 15R and bowmen to kill off some cultists.
    The Witch of the Swamp, who's got first strike ability, will kill those 15R, allowing your bowmen to strike once after her.
    The general will in this case only get one hit on the dark priests, killing 22 or 25 of them.
    I have tried to optimise the setups for a minimal total loss, depending on your second best general.

    If you do own a master of martial arts, consider using him twice (2 hours resting in between).
    Especially if you've got cannoneers, in which case the suicidal wave is a single recruit.

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [15R 99B (15R 99B)]
    Camp 10b) 5-29 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    VETERAN general: [105R 5S 97C 43LB (62R - 97R - 105R 4S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [15R 80B (15R 80B)]
    Camp 10b) 23-43 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    VETERAN general: [103R 5S 93C 49XB (72R - 93R - 103R 4S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [15R 55B (15R 55B)]
    Camp 10b) 45-63 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    VETERAN general: [112R 4S 1E 94C 39K (82R - 103R - 112R 4S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [15R 18B (15R 18B)]
    Camp 10b) 80-90 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    MAJOR general: [126R 4S 1E 93C 46K (101R - 119R - 126R 4S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [15R 77B (15R 77B)]
    Camp 10b) 26-46 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [100R 5S 39C 76LB (74R - 92R - 100R 4S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [15R 34B (15R 34B)]
    Camp 10b) 64-78 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [120R 5S 35C 60XB (94R - 112R - 120R 4S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10b) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [127R 4S 1E 38C 50K (108R - 124R - 127R 4S)]

    If you have at least one master of martial arts you may also consider using him more than once for the suicide.
    Open the spoiler for setups covering these:

    Using your MoMA twice:
    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10b) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10c) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 49-55 Dark Priests
    VETERAN general: [100R 9S 1E 72C 68XB (95R - 100R 4S - 100R 9S)]
    VETERAN general: [115R 1S 1E 81C 52K (90R - 106R - 115R 1S)]
    MAJOR general: [99R 1S 1E 119C 50K (77R - 91R - 99R 1S)]

    Using your MoMA three times:
    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10b) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10c) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 49-55 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10d) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 24-33 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [91R 9S 1E 43C 56K (81R - 91R 3S - 91R 8S)]
    VETERAN general: [110R 2S 76C 62LB (85R - 103R - 109R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [91R 1S 1E 90C 67XB (72R - 87R - 91R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [89R 1S 1E 109C 50K (71R - 85R - 89R 1S)]
    MAJOR general: [86R 1S 1E 134C 48K (69R - 83R - 86R 1S)]

    Using your MoMA four times:
    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10b) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 74-77 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10c) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 49-55 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10d) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 24-33 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1R (1R)]
    Camp 10e) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 0-11 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [90R 10S 28C 72LB (85R - 90R 5S - 90R 9S)]
    ANY general: [90R 1S 1E 36C 72XB (73R - 87R - 90R 1S)]
    ANY general: [90R 1S 1E 55C 53K (71R - 85R - 90R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [88R 2S 64C 96LB (70R - 84R - 88R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [73R 1S 1E 62C 113XB (60R - 70R - 73R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [71R 1S 1E 92C 85K (57R - 68R - 71R 1S)]
    MAJOR general: [67R 1S 1E 119C 82K (54R - 64R - 67R 1S)]

    If you do have a master of martial arts, but do not want to lose any bowmen, these next setups lose only recruits.
    Using 213R in the first wave will ensure that the general gets three hits on the dark priests, killing 67-75 of them:

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [213R (213R)]

    Camp 10b) 1 Witch of the Swamp, 24-32 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [43R 11S 80C 66LB (30R - 40R - 43R)]
    ANY general: [29R 11S 80C 80XB (20R - 27R - 29R)]

    Using 143R in the first wave will ensure that the general gets two hits on the dark priests, killing 45-50 of them:

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [143R (143R)]

    Camp 10b) 33-41 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 49-54 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [67R 15S 66C 52XB (65R - 67R 6S - 67R 14S)]
    ANY general: [76R 5S 1E 80C 38K (58R - 74R - 76R 5S)]
    Lord DRACUL: [78R 6S 66C 50XB (63R - 76R - 78R 5S)]
    Lord DRACUL: [80R 1S 1E 83C 35K (55R - 71R - 80R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [71R 5S 99C 75LB (51R - 67R - 71R 4S)]
    VETERAN general: [57R 5S 99C 89XB (40R - 54R - 57R 4S)]
    VETERAN general: [46R 2S 1E 135C 66K (32R - 44R - 46R 2S)]
    MAJOR general: [42R 2S 1E 161C 64K (30R - 40R - 42R 2S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [60R 3S 83C 74LB (43R - 57R - 60R 2S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [45R 3S 83C 89XB (32R - 43R - 45R 2S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [42R 2S 1E 111C 64K (30R - 40R - 42R 2S)]

    If you haven't got a master of martial arts, but do own a veteran general, this is probably the cheapest setup (thanks Mangalyurek):

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [15R 132B (15R 132B)]

    Camp 10b) 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    VETERAN general: [76R 19M 10S 127C 18LB (76R 4M - 76R 19M 4S - 76R 19M 10S)]
    VETERAN general: [65R 5M 10S 1E 128C 41XB (65R 3M - 65R 5M 6S - 65R 5M 10S)]
    VETERAN general: [65R 7M 5S 1E 144C 28K (64R - 65R 7M 2S - 65R 7M 5S)]
    MAJOR general: [79R 1E 164C 26K (56R - 71R - 79R)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [96R 4S 87C 33LB (75R - 92R - 96R 3S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [76R 4S 101C 39XB (58R - 73R - 76R 3S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [63R 1S 1E 103C 52K (47R - 59R - 63R 1S)]

    If your best general is Lord Dracul, it is more advantageous to use him for a first, suicidal wave:

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    Lord DRACUL: [85R 115C (85R 115C)]
    Camp 10b) 38-64 Cultists, 2-24 Dark Priests, 1 Witch of the Swamp
    ANY general: [78R 2S 33C 87LB (50R - 66R - 78R 1S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    Lord DRACUL: [135R 65C (135R 65C)]
    Camp 10b) 11-40 Cultists, 35-52 Dark Priests, 1 Witch of the Swamp
    ANY general: [97R 2S 52C 49XB (54R - 78R - 97R 1S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    Lord DRACUL: [155R 45C (155R 45C)]
    Camp 10b) 0-29 Cultists, 56-66 Dark Priests, 1 Witch of the Swamp
    ANY general: [84R 2S 1E 79C 34K (56R - 77R - 84R 2S)]

    The following solutions are all based on losing only cavalry and recruits:

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [75R 125C (75R 125C)]
    Camp 10b) 65-72 Cultists, 0-17 Dark Priests, 1 Witch of the Swamp
    ANY general: [99R 41C 60LB (59R - 87R - 98R)]
    ANY general: [80R 13S 19C 88LB (59R - 75R - 80R 12S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [115R 85C (115R 85C)]
    Camp 10b) 46-53 Cultists, 23-40 Dark Priests, 1 Witch of the Swamp
    ANY general: [95R 2S 47C 56XB (53R - 78R - 95R 1S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [135R 65C (135R 65C)]
    Camp 10b) 36-43 Cultists, 41-50 Dark Priests, 1 Witch of the Swamp
    ANY general: [84R 1E 76C 39K (54R - 74R - 84R)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [153R 47C (153R 47C)]
    Camp 10b) 23-35 Cultists, 55-64 Dark Priests, 1 Witch of the Swamp
    VETERAN general: [94R 2S 81C 73LB (59R - 82R - 94R 1S)]

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [180R 20C (180R 20C)]
    Camp 10b) 3-16 Cultists, 79-86 Dark Priests, 1 Witch of the Swamp
    VETERAN general: [100R 2S 105C 43XB (62R - 84R - 100R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [85R 1E 134C 30K (51R - 72R - 85R)]

    If you do not own a veteran general and your best units are longbowmen,
    and if you prefer losing militia over cavalry, choose this alternative:

    Camp 10a) 100 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 99 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [112R 88C (112R 88C)]

    Camp 10b) 47-55 Cultists, 1 Witch of the Swamp, 23-39 Dark Priests
    ANY general: [82M 10S 35C 73LB (45M - 65M - 82M 9S)]
    ANY general: [55M 5S 87C 53XB (34M - 47M - 55M 4S)]

    All garrison setups have been simulated at least 5000 times, using this simulator.
    Even if I do the utmost to ensure that no errors occur anywhere, I am only human, and errors might always appear.
    Thus, I do recommend that you double-check all setups in the simulator, especially before trying an attack the first time in a newly published setup.

    All garrison setups where recruits and soldiers are included have a very small chance of one or a few soldiers being killed.
    I prefer having it so tight, that in most cases that one soldier survives and actually might save one recruit by taking the last hits in the battle.
    That being said, be prepared to lose the odd soldier(s) after playing the same adventure hundreds or thousands of times...

    On the other hand, all garrison setups have also been made so that the risk of losing longbows or crossbows is next to negligible.
    Due to this, some setups have more recruits/soldiers than what can be seen in other guides.
    In some cases this will increase the maximum losses (of recruits), but save the rare occasion of losing crossbows.

    All round blocks have been optimised using Andelar's TSO battle simulator V1.0.1 and double-checked using this simulator.
    The duration of the blocks and attacks are based on this post.
    Last edited by Tage; 14.04.16 at 22:28. Reason: Added MoMA/LD Combo for camp 10

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