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Thread: [Guide] Killste : Collected Adventure Guides by Various Authors

  1. #501
    Join Date
    May 2012
    This makes no sense.... you say One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Elite Soldiers
    Two NORMAL general, using two round blocks
    Units needed, average: 49R 4S 63E 212C 105B 145XB (578 units)
    Units needed, maximum: 55R 4S 63E 212C 105B 145XB (584 units)
    Units lost, minimum: 35R 55B
    Units lost, average: 46R 65B
    Units lost, maximum: 55R 71B

    But in the fight you need a hell of a lot more troops than that..!!! Please correct.

  2. #502
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Settled View Post
    I hope Tage shows up soon with his skills at mega round blocks for The End of the World map...
    I'll try...
    The long attack directly onto the leader in sector 9 is a brilliant idea I got from NightEye. That march alone takes over 5 minutes one way, but will also reduce losses, especially for those not having crossbows. It will allow you to attack sectors 8, 7 and 4 from their rear end, while at the same time not having to attack camps 31 or 61. Get some coffee and train some more troops while that block marches, but do get back before the hit to see that they've kept the same pace...

    The End of the World
    Average losses (best version): 317R 66B

    Adventure Info:
    Player Level: 26+
    Difficulty: 6/10
    Number of Players: 1
    Duration: 2.5 days
    Where to get?: Adventure seek with Explorer or Trader (Shop) for 60 map fragments or 75 gems

    In addition to the event rewards (see Dantesama's post here), this is the standard loot:

    You will also occasionally get small loots from killing camps within the adventure.

    You need to send troops 5-9 times.

    Note regarding the blocks

    With the laggy situation, especially in the evenings European time, and if you're not fully confident in using blocks,
    I cannot recommend any of the two megablocks, the first one on sector 5 and the second one on sector 2.

    The one on sector 5 doesn't even provide any real advantage unless you lack crossbows and veteran, but do have 3 battle hardened generals.
    The one on sector 2 is one that I play regularly, but even I have lost soldiers on it. So please consider before trying!

    If you're not playing the adventure several times a day, I'd even recommend a version without blocks completely.
    Not worth risking to lose 150 soldiers to save 15 bowmen or recruits in that case.

    This guide contains several optional setups, so all combinations of versions cannot be listed with needed and lost troops.
    Below are a few versions, with the following minimum number of generals:

    Two NORMAL generals with Longbows, no blocks
    This is based on doing no less than 13 suicide attacks, so the more generals you've got, the better.
    Three of the suicide attacks (camps 51, 63 and 33) can be avoided
    if you have 25XB (saving 57R) or if you're prepared to lose an extra 24R.
    A minimum of two generals is needed in order to finish it within 2½ days.
    Doing the optional 1R block on camp 93 saves 109R.
    • Units needed, average: 1372R 1S 180B 199LB (1752 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 1388R 1S 226B 199LB (1814 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 1199R 45B
    • Units lost, average: 1235R 99B
    • Units lost, maximum: 1253R 150B

    One NORMAL general with Crossbows, no blocks
    This is based on doing 4 suicide attacks, so having more than one general is advantageous.
    Add the extra 52M 20S if you want to avoid the suicide attacks.
    • Units needed, average: 609R 1S 361B 177XB (1148 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 625R 52M 20S 463B 177XB (1337 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 428R 105B
    • Units lost, average: 472R 225B
    • Units lost, maximum: 490R 332B

    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Longbows
    Two NORMAL generals doing five round blocks.
    This is based on doing 8 suicide attacks.
    Three of the suicide attacks (camps 51, 63 and 33) can be avoided
    if you have 25XB (saving 57R) or if you're prepared to lose an extra 24R.
    • Units needed, average: 922R 162S/162E 146B 200LB (1430 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 937R 162S/162E 191B 200LB (1490 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 734R 45B
    • Units lost, average: 770R 99B
    • Units lost, maximum: 787R 150B

    Two BATTLE HARDENED generals with Longbows
    Three NORMAL generals doing seven round blocks.
    This is based on doing 8 suicide attacks.
    Three of the suicide attacks (camps 51, 63 and 33) can be avoided
    if you have 25XB (saving 57R) or if you're prepared to lose an extra 24R.
    • Units needed, average: 744R 360S/336E 137B 200LB (1441 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 754R 360S/336E 177B 200LB (1491 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 697R 42B
    • Units lost, average: 728R 90B
    • Units lost, maximum: 739R 136B

    Three BATTLE HARDENED generals with Longbows
    Three NORMAL generals doing all eight round blocks.
    This is based on doing 7 suicide attacks.
    Three of the suicide attacks (camps 51, 63 and 33) can be avoided
    if you have 25XB (saving 57R) or if you're prepared to lose an extra 24R.
    • Units needed, average: 675R 360S/336E 137B 200LB (1372 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 685R 360S/336E 177B 200LB (1422 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 628R 42B
    • Units lost, average: 659R 90B
    • Units lost, maximum: 670R 136B

    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Crossbows
    Two NORMAL generals doing five round blocks
    This is based on doing 1 suicide attack on camp 35.
    Add the extra 13M if you want to avoid the suicide attack.
    • Units needed, average: 513R 162S/162E 174B 177XB (1026 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 528R 13M 162S/162E 248B 177XB (1128 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 323R 80B
    • Units lost, average: 361R 168B
    • Units lost, maximum: 378R 248B

    Two BATTLE HARDENED generals with Crossbows
    Three NORMAL generals doing seven round blocks.
    This is based on doing 1 suicide attack on camp 35.
    Add the extra 13M if you want to avoid the suicide attack.
    • Units needed, average: 335R 360S/336E 165B 177XB (1037 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 345R 13M 360S/336E 234B 177XB (1129 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 286R 77B
    • Units lost, average: 319R 159B
    • Units lost, maximum: 330R 234B

    Three BATTLE HARDENED generals with Crossbows
    Three NORMAL generals doing all eight round blocks.
    This is based on doing 1 suicide attack on camp 35.
    Add the extra 13M if you want to avoid the suicide attack.
    • Units needed, average: 335R 360S/336E 150B 177XB (1022 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 345R 13M 360S/336E 213B 177XB (1108 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 286R 69B
    • Units lost, average: 319R 144B
    • Units lost, maximum: 330R 213B

    One VETERAN general with Longbows
    Two NORMAL generals doing five round blocks.
    This is based on doing 1 suicide attack on camp 35.
    The larger number of soldiers is needed only for the best block/attack on camps 32 & 34.
    An optional garrison setting is available for those not having 349 soldiers.
    • Units needed, average: 684R 195S/190E 75B 215LB (1169 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 768R 336S/319E 99B 215LB (1418 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 415R 35B
    • Units lost, average: 502R 69B
    • Units lost, maximum: 588R 98B

    One VETERAN general with Longbows
    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Longbows
    Three NORMAL generals doing seven round blocks.
    This is based on doing 1 suicide attack on camp 35.
    • Units needed, average: 467R 360S/336E 99B 215LB (1141 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 543R 360S/336E 135B 215LB (1253 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 370R 47B
    • Units lost, average: 451R 93B
    • Units lost, maximum: 528R 134B

    One VETERAN general with Crossbows
    Two NORMAL generals doing five round blocks
    The larger number of soldiers is needed for the best block/attack on camps 32 & 34.
    An optional garrison setting is available for those not having 349 soldiers.
    • Units needed, average: 547R 195S/190E 175B 120XB (1037 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 571R 336S/319E 199B 120XB (1226 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 324R 35B
    • Units lost, average: 365R 69B
    • Units lost, maximum: 391R 98B

    One VETERAN general with Crossbows
    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Crossbows
    Three NORMAL general doing seven round blocks.
    • Units needed, average: 330R 360S/336E 199B 120XB (1009 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 346R 360S/336E 235B 120XB (1061 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 279R 47B
    • Units lost, average: 314R 93B
    • Units lost, maximum: 331R 134B

    Two VETERAN generals with Crossbows
    One BATTLE HARDENED general with Crossbows
    Three NORMAL generals doing all eight round blocks.
    • Units needed, average: 333R 708S/668E 172B 120XB (1333 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 350R 708S/668E 196B 120XB (1374 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 282R 33B
    • Units lost, average: 317R 66B
    • Units lost, maximum: 335R 95B

    This guide includes 8 round blocks of method 2. Five of them are simple ones with one blocking and one attacking general.
    The round block in sector 9 can be replaced by a 1R block of method 1.
    The round block in sector 7 requires one normal and two fast generals, but can be replaced by one 1R block and one round block.
    The round block in sector 2 requires three normal generals and two fast generals.
    The round block in sector 5 requires one normal and three fast generals.

    Game flow, garrison settings and losses (minimum - average - maximum):

    Garrison Position G1 (Sector 5, optional BLOCK)

    The optional block here is advantagous only for those having three BATTLE HARDENED generals,
    or for those having two VETERAN generals and one BATTLE HARDENED general:

    If you do have one of the two setups above, move one normal general and three fast generals to G1.
    If not, move your best general to position A:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general
    • Position D: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    If you need a suicide general for camp 51, place him anywhere convenient.
    If you have crossbows, you may attack camp 52 directly and let him be intercepted by camp 51:

    Camp 52) 100 Jaguar Warriors (Camp 51) + 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors (Camp 52)
    ANY general: [1S/E 22B 177XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 175LB 53XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [140B 110XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]

    Otherwise, kill camp 51 first:

    Camp 51) 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [39R 1S 160LB (15R - 27R - 39R)]
    ANY general: [1: 19R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (19R)]
    ANY general: [1: 17B, 2: 1S/E 199LB (17B)]
    ANY general: [175LB 25XB (-)]
    ANY general: [100B 100XB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [100B 150LB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [215LB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [190B 60XB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [45B 120XB (-)]

    If you do not have three BATTLE HARDENED generals,
    nor two VETERAN generals and one BATTLE HARDENED general,
    kill all camps one by one:

    Camp 52) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 69R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (69R)]
    ANY general: [1S/E 22B 177XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [39R 1S/E 22B 188LB (12R 8B - 24R 15B - 39R 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 175LB 53XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [140B 110XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 182XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]

    Camp 53) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)]

    Camp 54) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)]

    Camp 55) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)]

    If you do have three BATTLE HARDENED generals,
    or two VETERAN generals and one BATTLE HARDENED general,
    you may want to try the block.

    Make sure you have killed camp 51 first. Send all four generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 52) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [15R 161S (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [173S (-)] {120 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [152E (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}

    Garrisons B, C and D are all at the same distance from camp 52.
    Thus, it doesn't really matter in which order you march them out.
    What is important, is that you send the first towards camp 55, since he has the longest distance to march.

    From B to Camp 55) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [20R 1S/E 229B (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 54) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [20R 1S/E 229B (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    From D to Camp 53) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [20R 1S/E 229B (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is about 80 seconds. The fight only lasts 30 seconds (1 round), so a block of more than 110 seconds is needed. Both block versions last at least 120 seconds, so you have about 10 seconds spare time.

    Garrison Position G2 (Sector 2, optional BLOCK)

    Do not try this block in a laggy condition!
    If you opt to skip it, continue to G3 and return to sector 2 further down (garrison position G6).

    Move two fast generals and three normal generals to G2:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general
    • Position C: NORMAL general
    • Position D: NORMAL general
    • Position E: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    First, kill camp 21. If you need a suicide wave, place that general anywhere convenient.

    Camp 21) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 69R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (69R)]
    ANY general: [1S/E 22B 177XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [39R 1S/E 22B 188LB (12R 8B - 24R 15B - 39R 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 175LB 53XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [140B 110XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 182XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]

    Before sending off this block, make sure sector 5 has BLUE border poles.
    I have several times now had general D become intercepted by camp 23 while general D was still within friendly territory.
    The reason is that the game doesn't always recognize sector 5 as yours, even if you have several garrisons in there already.
    If the border poles are still RED, return to your home island and come back to the adventure. That should fix it.

    For the block, send all five generals right after each other.
    Watch them carefully and retreat if they do not march within 5-6 seconds of each other. Don't try this in a laggy condition.

    From A to Camp 22) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [15R 161S (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [173S (-)] {120 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [152E (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 25) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [20R 1S/E 229B (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 23) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [36S (-)] {160 - 340 seconds of fighting, 0.1% chance of 140 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [30E (-)] {180 - 380 seconds of fighting, 0.1% chance of 160 seconds}

    From D to Camp 24) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [15R 161S (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [173S (-)] {120 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [152E (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}

    From E to Camp 26) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [20R 1S/E 229B (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    Do not delay sending out these generals. General D must not be sent out more than 12 seconds after general B.
    Otherwise general B might become intercepted by camp 24.

    The remaining marching time for generals B and E from the moment general C starts his fight is about 110 seconds. The fights only last 30 seconds (1 round), so a block of more than 140 seconds is needed on camp 23. There is a very small chance that a block with 36 soldiers might end after 140 seconds. If you've got elite soldiers, I'd recommend using 30 of them on camp 23. In that case the block is almost guaranteed to be 180 seconds, providing a spare time of almost 40 seconds. The block on camp 22 starts about 70 seconds before the fights for the leaders start. Thus, a block lasting 100 seconds would be needed here and on camp 24. Both those blocks last at least 120 seconds, leaving a margin of 20 seconds.

    Garrison Position G3 (Sector 9 BLOCK)

    Move one fast general and one normal general to G3:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    If you have enough troops, you may use more generals at the same time to speed things up.
    Kill camp 23 unless you have already cleared sector 2 through the block above. Then kill the others en route to sector 9.

    Camp 23) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    ANY general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)]
    ANY general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)]

    If you have a veteran general, open the spoiler for a faster way of killing camps 62, 63 and 94:

    First (after you've killed camp 23) send your veteran general (general B) directly to camp 94:

    From B to Camp 94) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 50 Jag. Warriors (Camp 62) + 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 50 Jag. Warriors (Camp 94)
    VETERAN general: [35R 215S (28R - 34R - 35R 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [35R 215E (28R - 34R - 35R)]

    When general B has reached the indicated spot in the lower part of the image below, send general A to camp 63:

    From A to Camp 63) 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [39R 1S 160LB (15R - 27R - 39R)]
    ANY general: [175LB 25XB (-)]
    ANY general: [100B 100XB (-)]

    Veteran general B will be intercepted by camp 62, and, as seen in the first inset above,
    general A will march past camp 62 while general B is fighting.

    General A will arrive first to camp 63 (his destination), but general B will also be intercepted by camp 63 (second inset).
    Once general A has killed camp 63 he will return to his garrison, but general B will continue to camp 94 and kill it (third inset).

    Recall general B after camp 62 has been killed if any of these two conditions happen:
    • general B kills camp 62 before general A has reached a position at least alongside that camp
    • general A becomes intercepted by camp 62

    If you don't want to (or cannot) use the speedup tactics in the spoiler above, kill the camps one by one:

    Camp 62) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 50 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 90B 95LB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 14B 165LB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 145B 40XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 14B 121XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 235B (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [55R 195S (14R - 17R - 18R)]
    VETERAN general: [18R 220S (14R - 17R - 18R)]
    VETERAN general: [60R 190E (14R - 17R - 18R)]
    VETERAN general: [17R 215E (14R - 17R - 17R)]

    If you have crossbows, but no veteran general, send the next one to camp 94, and let him be intercepted by camp 63:

    Camp 94) 100 Jaguar Warriors (Camp 63) + 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 50 Jaguar Warriors (Camp 94)
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 85B 100XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]

    Otherwise, keep killing them one by one:

    Camp 63) 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [39R 1S 160LB (15R - 27R - 39R)]
    ANY general: [1: 19R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (19R)]
    ANY general: [1: 17B, 2: 1S/E 199LB (17B)]
    ANY general: [175LB 25XB (-)]
    ANY general: [100B 100XB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [100B 150LB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [215LB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [190B 60XB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [45B 120XB (-)]

    Camp 94) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 50 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 90B 95LB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 14B 165LB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 145B 40XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 14B 121XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 235B (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [55R 195S (14R - 17R - 18R)]
    VETERAN general: [18R 220S (14R - 17R - 18R)]
    VETERAN general: [60R 190E (14R - 17R - 18R)]
    VETERAN general: [17R 215E (14R - 17R - 17R)]

    If you do not want to block, kill camps 93 and 95 one by one:

    Camp 93) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 110R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (110R)]
    ANY general: [1: 95B, 2: 1S/E 199LB (95B)]
    ANY general: [1: 28R, 2: 9R 1S/E 15B 175XB (35R 3B - 37R 9B - 37R 14B)]
    ANY general: [13M 12S 15B 160XB (10M 3B - 12M 9B - 13M 11S 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [1: 55R, 2: 19R 1S/E 15B 215LB (55R 3B - 56R 9B - 74R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 115B 120XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 14B 185XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]

    Camp 95) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    ANY general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)]
    ANY general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)]

    Blocking camp 93 will save quite a lot of troops. Send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 93) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [39R 161S (-)] {120 - 160 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [183S (-)] {120 - 140 seconds of fighting, minimal chance of 100 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [161E (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 95) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    ANY general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)] {60 seconds of fighting}
    ANY general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)] {60 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is less than 15 seconds. The fight only lasts 30 seconds (1 round), so a block of more than 50 seconds is needed. Both block versions last at least 120 seconds, so you have about 40 seconds spare time. In fact, the general marching onto camp 95 can be a normal general, and you'd still have a margin of 40 seconds.

    If you lack the needed soldiers, you may also try a 1R block (lasting 20 seconds) on camp 93:

    From A to Camp 93) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 95) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    ANY general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)]

    Garrison Position G4 (Sector 6 BLOCK)

    Move one normal and one or two fast generals to G4.
    If you need the suicide wave and only have one fast general, place him in garrison position C:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general (only needed if you need to do a suicide wave on camp 65 below)

    If you need a suicide general for camp 66, place him anywhere convenient.
    First, kill leader camp 66:

    Camp 66) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 69R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (69R)]
    ANY general: [1S/E 22B 177XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [39R 1S/E 22B 188LB (12R 8B - 24R 15B - 39R 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 175LB 53XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [140B 110XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 182XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]

    If you do not have any fast general, or don't want to block, kill camps 64 and 65 one by one:

    Camp 64) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 110R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (110R)]
    ANY general: [1: 95B, 2: 1S/E 199LB (95B)]
    ANY general: [1: 28R, 2: 9R 1S/E 15B 175XB (35R 3B - 37R 9B - 37R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [1: 55R, 2: 19R 1S/E 15B 215LB (55R 3B - 56R 9B - 74R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 115B 120XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 14B 185XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]

    Camp 65) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 69R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (69R)]
    ANY general: [1S/E 22B 177XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [39R 1S/E 22B 188LB (12R 8B - 24R 15B - 39R 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [140B 110XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 182XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]

    If you do have one fast general, blocking camp 64 will save quite a lot of troops.
    Make sure you have indeed killed leader camp 66 before doing the block!
    Send all generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 64) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [39R 161S (-)] {120 - 160 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [183S (-)] {120 - 140 seconds of fighting, minimal chance of 100 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [161E (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}

    If you have a BATTLE HARDENED general with Crossbows or a VETERAN general, kill camp 65 in one wave:

    From B to Camp 65) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [1S/E 22B 177XB (8B - 15B - 21B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [39R 1S/E 22B 188LB (12R 8B - 24R 15B - 39R 21B)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [140B 110XB (8B - 15B - 21B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [22B 182XB (8B - 15B - 21B)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    If you have a BATTLE HARDENED general with Longbows, you will need to send two waves onto camp 65:

    From B to Camp 65) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [72R (72R)] {10 seconds of fighting}
    ANY general: [72R (72R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 65) 93-95 Jaguar Warriors
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [200LB (-)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is about 50 seconds. The longest fight lasts 20+30 seconds (1+1 rounds), so a block of more than 100 seconds is needed. Both block versions last at least 120 seconds, so you have about 20 seconds spare time in the worst case. The chance that the block with 183 soldiers would last only 100 seconds, is so small (one in 2200) that it can be disregarded. If you need to send the suicide wave from garrison B, use a battle hardened general if you have two of them.

    Garrison Position G5 (Sector 3 BLOCK)

    Move one normal and one fast general to G5:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    If you need suicide generals for camps 33 and 35, place them anywhere convenient.
    First, kill camps 33 and 35:

    Camp 35) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 110R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (110R)]
    ANY general: [1: 95B, 2: 1S/E 199LB (95B)]
    ANY general: [1: 28R, 2: 9R 1S/E 15B 175XB (35R 3B - 37R 9B - 37R 14B)]
    ANY general: [20R 13M 10S 15B 142XB (13R 3B - 17R 2M 9B - 20R 13M 9S 14B)]
    ANY general: [13M 12S 15B 160XB (10M 3B - 12M 9B - 13M 11S 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [1: 55R, 2: 19R 1S/E 15B 215LB (55R 3B - 56R 9B - 74R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 115B 120XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 14B 185XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]

    Camp 33) 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [39R 1S 160LB (15R - 27R - 39R)]
    ANY general: [1: 19R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (19R)]
    ANY general: [1: 17B, 2: 1S/E 199LB (17B)]
    ANY general: [175LB 25XB (-)]
    ANY general: [100B 100XB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [100B 150LB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [215LB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [190B 60XB (-)]
    VETERAN general: [45B 120XB (-)]

    If you do not have any fast general, or don't want to block, kill camps 32 and 34 one by one:

    Camp 32) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 69R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (69R)]
    ANY general: [1S/E 22B 177XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [39R 1S/E 22B 188LB (12R 8B - 24R 15B - 39R 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 175LB 53XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [140B 110XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 182XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]

    Camp 34) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)]

    If you do have one fast general, blocking camp 32 can save quite a lot of troops.
    Send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 32) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [15R 161S (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [173S (-)] {120 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [152E (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 34) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [20R 1S/E 229B (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is less than 35 seconds. The fight only lasts 30 seconds (1 round), so a block of more than 65 seconds is needed. Both block versions last at least 120 seconds, so you have about 55 seconds spare time. In fact, general B could even be a normal general, and you would still have some 25 seconds spare time.

    Garrison Position G6 (Sector 2)

    If you have already cleared sector 2 (with the block under G2 above), continue to G7.

    Move at least your best general to G6:

    Camp 24) 50 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 69R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (69R)]
    ANY general: [1S/E 22B 177XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [39R 1S/E 22B 188LB (12R 8B - 24R 15B - 39R 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 175LB 53XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [140B 110XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]
    VETERAN general: [22B 182XB (8B - 15B - 21B)]

    Camp 26) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    VETERAN general: [20R 1S/E 229B (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)]

    Camp 25) 40 Tribesmen, 40 Shamans, 40 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 59B 120LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 162LB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 144B 35XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    ANY general: [20R 1S/E 18B 125XB (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    VETERAN general: [20R 1S/E 229B (17R 6B - 19R 12B - 20R 18B)]
    VETERAN general: [75R 175S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [24R 209S (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [83R 167E (20R - 22R - 24R)]
    VETERAN general: [23R 202E (20R - 22R - 23R)]

    Garrison Position G7 (Sector 8 BLOCK)

    Move one normal and one fast general to G7:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    If you do not have any fast general, or don't want to block, kill camps 83 and 84 one by one.
    If you need a suicide general for camp 83, place him anywhere convenient.

    Camp 83) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 110R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (110R)]
    ANY general: [1: 95B, 2: 1S/E 199LB (95B)]
    ANY general: [1: 28R, 2: 9R 1S/E 15B 175XB (35R 3B - 37R 9B - 37R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [1: 55R, 2: 19R 1S/E 15B 215LB (55R 3B - 56R 9B - 74R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 115B 120XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 14B 185XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]

    Camp 84) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    ANY general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)]
    ANY general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)]

    If you do have one fast general, blocking camp 83 will save quite a lot of troops.
    Send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 83) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [39R 161S (-)] {120 - 160 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [183S (-)] {120 - 140 seconds of fighting, minimal chance of 100 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [161E (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 84) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is less than 60 seconds. The fight only lasts 30 seconds (1 round), so a block of more than 90 seconds is needed. Both block versions last at least 120 seconds, so you have about 30 seconds spare time. The chance that the block with 183 soldiers would last only 100 seconds, is so small (one in 2200) that it can be disregarded.

    Garrison Position G8 (Sector 7 BLOCK)

    Move one normal and one or two fast generals to G8:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general
    • Position C: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    If you do not have any fast general, or don't want to block, kill camps 73, 74 and 75 one by one:

    Camp 73) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 50 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 90B 95LB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 14B 165LB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 145B 40XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    ANY general: [14R 1S/E 14B 121XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 235B (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [55R 195S (14R - 17R - 18R)]
    VETERAN general: [18R 220S (14R - 17R - 18R)]
    VETERAN general: [60R 190E (14R - 17R - 18R)]
    VETERAN general: [17R 215E (14R - 17R - 17R)]

    Camp 74) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    ANY general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)]
    ANY general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)]

    Camp 75) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    ANY general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)]
    ANY general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)]

    If you do have two fast generals, kill both leaders in the same blocking attack:

    From A to Camp 73) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 50 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [109S (-)] {100 - 160 seconds of fighting, 6% chance of 100 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [52S 53E (-)] {120 - 160 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [32S 70E (-)] {120 - 200 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [97E (-)] {120 - 160 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 74) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 75) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is about 65 seconds. The fight only lasts 30 seconds (1 round), so a block of more than 95 seconds is needed. The block with soldiers lasts at least 100 seconds, so in that case you have only 5 seconds spare time. Use 97E in the block if you have them. That way you will have a margin of at least 25 seconds.

    If you have only one fast general, you may kill camp 74 first, using a 1R block on camp 73.
    Send both generals right after each other. Watch them closely and recall general B if he gets intercepted:

    From A to Camp 73) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 50 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1R (1R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 74) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    ANY general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)]
    ANY general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)]

    After general A has recovered, send the attack on camp 75, while round-blocking camp 73:

    From A to Camp 73) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 50 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [109S (-)] {100 - 160 seconds of fighting, 6% chance of 100 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [52S 53E (-)] {120 - 160 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [32S 70E (-)] {120 - 200 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [97E (-)] {120 - 160 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 75) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is less than 60 seconds. The fight only lasts 30 seconds (1 round), so a block of more than 90 seconds is needed. The block with soldiers lasts at least 100 seconds, so you have about 10 seconds spare time.

    Garrison Position G9 (Sector 4 BLOCK)

    Move one normal and one fast general to G9:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general

    If you do not have any fast general, or don't want to block, kill camps 45 and 46 one by one.
    If you need a suicide general for camp 83, place him anywhere convenient.

    Camp 45) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    ANY general: [1: 110R, 2: 1S/E 199LB (110R)]
    ANY general: [1: 95B, 2: 1S/E 199LB (95B)]
    ANY general: [1: 28R, 2: 9R 1S/E 15B 175XB (35R 3B - 37R 9B - 37R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [1: 55R, 2: 19R 1S/E 15B 215LB (55R 3B - 56R 9B - 74R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 115B 120XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]
    VETERAN general: [14R 1S/E 14B 185XB (12R 3B - 14R 9B - 14R 14B)]

    Camp 46) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    ANY general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)]
    ANY general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)]

    If you do have one fast general, blocking camp 45 will save quite a lot of troops.
    Send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 45) 30 Tribesmen, 30 Shamans, 100 Jaguar Warriors
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [39R 161S (-)] {120 - 160 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [183S (-)] {120 - 140 seconds of fighting, minimal chance of 100 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [161E (-)] {120 - 180 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 46) 50 Tribesmen, 50 Shamans
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [165R (25R - 28R - 30R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [29R 110S (25R - 28R - 29R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    The remaining marching time for general B from the moment general A starts his fight is about 65 seconds. The fight only lasts 30 seconds (1 round), so a block of more than 95 seconds is needed. Both block versions last at least 120 seconds, so you have about 25 seconds spare time. The chance that the block with 183 soldiers would last only 100 seconds, is so small (one in 2200) that it can be disregarded.

    All garrison setups have been simulated at least 5000 times, using this simulator.
    Even if I do the utmost to ensure that no errors occur anywhere, I am only human, and errors might always appear.
    Thus, I do recommend that you double-check all setups in the simulator, especially before trying an attack the first time in a newly published setup.

    All garrison setups where recruits and soldiers are included have a very small chance of one or a few soldiers being killed.
    I prefer having it so tight, that in most cases that one soldier survives and actually might save one recruit by taking the last hits in the battle.
    That being said, be prepared to lose the odd soldier(s) after playing the same adventure hundreds or thousands of times...

    On the other hand, all garrison setups have also been made so that the risk of losing longbows or crossbows is next to negligible.
    Due to this, some setups have more recruits/soldiers than what can be seen in other guides.
    In some cases this will increase the maximum losses (of recruits), but save the rare occasion of losing crossbows.

    All round blocks have been optimised using this simulator.
    The duration of the blocks and attacks are based on this post.
    Last edited by Tage; 21.12.12 at 00:40. Reason: Added note about border poles not changing from red to blue

  3. #503
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Asatro View Post
    This makes no sense.... you say One VETERAN general with Crossbows and Elite Soldiers
    Two NORMAL general, using two round blocks
    Units needed, average: 49R 4S 63E 212C 105B 145XB (578 units)
    Units needed, maximum: 55R 4S 63E 212C 105B 145XB (584 units)
    Units lost, minimum: 35R 55B
    Units lost, average: 46R 65B
    Units lost, maximum: 55R 71B

    But in the fight you need a hell of a lot more troops than that..!!! Please correct.
    That is using two round blocks, the other one being exclusively for those having a veteran with crossbows and elites and thus hidden in the spoiler.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    Garrison Position G3 (for VETERAN general with Crossbows and Elite Soldiers)

    This optional way of round-blocking both camps 8 and 9 is reserved for those having a veteran general with crossbows and elite soldiers.
    The inspiration came from NightEye. Thanks mate! Open the spoiler for more information...

    Move your veteran general and two normal generals to garrison position G3:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position C: NORMAL general
    • Position D: VETERAN general

    Send all three generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 8) 40 Thugs, 30 Rangers, 50 Cavalry Deserters
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [63E (-)] {160 - 300 seconds of fighting, 0.4% chance of 140 seconds}

    From C to Camp 9) 20 Scavengers, 60 Cultists, 40 Nomads
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [193C (-)] {140 - 220 seconds of fighting}

    From D to Camp 10) 70 Lance Riders, 70 Karls, 1 Croaker
    VETERAN general: [71B 119LB 60XB (55B - 65B - 71B)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [170B 80XB (55B - 65B - 71B)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [105B 145XB (55B - 65B - 71B)] {40 seconds of fighting}

    The marching time for the veteran general, from the moment general A starts his fight on camp 8 is about 103 seconds (31 steps).
    Adding 10 seconds time for sending off generals C and D plus 40 seconds for killing Croaker, we need a block lasting at least 153 seconds.
    The block on camp 8 lasts 160 seconds or more 99.6% of the times. There is thus still a very small chance (8 times out of 2200) of a failure.
    Only three attacks needed in total. Below a summary of the average units needed and lost:

    Starting with: 49R 4S 63E 212C 105B 145XB

    First Attack onto camp 2)
    Needed units: 37R 1E 212C (31R)
    Still available: 18R 4S 63E 212C 105B 145XB

    Second Block/Attack onto camp 6)
    Needed units: 18R 4S 34E 86C 145XB (15R)
    Still available: 3R 4S 63E 212C 105B 145XB

    Third Block/Attack onto camp 10)
    Needed units: 63E 193C 105B 145XB (65B)
    Still available: 3R 4S 63E 212C 40B 145XB

  4. #504
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Calemar View Post
    Is it possible to finish the Easy version of Christmas Adventure only by using Recruits?If yes,how many Recruits should i have?Thanks!
    Yes, and sorry it took so long for me to reply.
    I've added those setups in the easier version.
    Simply take two generals with 200R and always attack with 200R. You will lose about 240R:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    One ANY general only recruits, no block
    • Units needed, average: 378R (378 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 402R (402 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 200R
    • Units lost, average: 239R
    • Units lost, maximum: 270R

    Camp 2) 40 Thugs, 40 Fanatics
    ANY general: [160R (54R - 65R - 73R)]

    Camp 5) 40 Recruit Deserters, 40 Shadowsneakers
    ANY general: [130R (18R - 21R - 24R)]

    Camp 6) 30 Scavengers, 1 Skunk, 30 Thralls
    ANY general: [200R (26R - 30R - 32R)]

    Camp 8) 20 Thugs, 20 Rangers, 40 Cavalry Deserters
    ANY general: [125R (29R - 36R - 43R)]

    Camp 9) 20 Scavengers, 20 Cultists, 20 Nomads
    ANY general: [115R (23R - 26R - 30R)]

    Camp 10) 60 Lance Riders, 60 Karls, 1 Croaker
    ANY general: [200R (50R - 61R - 68R)]

  5. #505
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Tage, excellent guide! Lots of bowmen to be saved with these round blocks. Question also - how do you get the right distance from camps - do u count the flags? also, how fast is fast general compared to normal? Just interesting to know... perhaps already explained somewhere?

  6. #506
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    After this, my losses will be 2003 R and 135 B. I don\t have XB or veteran general.

    ressources lost:

    2138 settler > 4 settlers per hour > 22,3 days or 53750 breads (costs 2500 gc)
    20030 bronze swords > 15,2 days or 1000 gc
    21380 brew > 16,9 days or 900 gc
    1350 bows

    Thats expensive and not possible for me. This i can produce 50% from the stuff myself, so do i need round about 2200 gc. This means 220 gc per day, but all the stuff i\m possible to sell at the marked, i need by myself, to prepare the battle.
    Ok, end of the world is waiting around the corner, but i can\t fit it.

  7. #507
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sk8erboi View Post
    Tage, excellent guide!

    Quote Originally Posted by sk8erboi View Post
    how do you get the right distance from camps - do u count the flags?

    Quote Originally Posted by sk8erboi View Post
    also, how fast is fast general compared to normal? Just interesting to know... perhaps already explained somewhere?
    The marching speed is the same, the fighting speed is mentioned in the end of each of my guide:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    The duration of the blocks and attacks are based on this post.

  8. #508
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by tpallid View Post
    After this, my losses will be 2003 R and 135 B.
    How's that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    Two NORMAL generals with Longbows, no blocks
    Doing the optional 1R block on camp 93 saves 109R.
    • Units needed, average: 1372R 1S 180B 199LB (1752 units)
    • Units lost, average: 1235R 99B

  9. #509
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    sorry to be dense and I'm sure you have mentioned this somewhere but what's a block?

  10. #510
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrine View Post
    sorry to be dense and I'm sure you have mentioned this somewhere but what's a block?
    Quoting myself, from another thread...
    I am going to add this text to the top of every guide (hidden in a spoiler) once I get some spare time for it....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    The objective with all blocks is to reduce the number of normal camps you have to attack.
    Many of the camps we'd like to avoid attacking are however placed so,
    that their red area of influence covers the path or the entrance to the sector's leader camp,
    or other camps we cannot avoid killing to get to the leader.

    Thus, we block them instead...

    Blocking is possible due to the fact that while a camp is being attacked,
    it will not intercept any other generals marching through its red area of influence.

    There are two methods of blocking:

    Method 1 is to use a general with one cheap unit (typically one recruit, which is why they are called 1R blocks).
    This general will not fight for too long before he has lost his battle. A normal general will fight for 20 seconds.

    During these 20 seconds, another general would not have time to march across all the red influence area of that blocked camp.
    However, he would be able to march through the corner of that area, or to attack another camp located near the front edge of the red area.

    Method 2 is to use so called round blocks (based on the number of rounds a fight can have).
    In this case you attack the camp you don't want to kill with a troop setup that is optimised for a fight that will last as long (having as many rounds) as possible.
    While that fight is going on, another general could march through its red area of influence and attack the leader camp of that sector.

    When you kill the leader camp in a sector, all camps that haven't been killed before will be gone at the same time.
    If this happens while the blocking general is still fighting, that fight will be cancelled, and your general would return to his garrison without losing any troops.

    The troops used in a round block are mostly a combination of
    • soldiers/elite soldiers (having a high defence and taking a long time for the enemy to kill)
    • cavalry (having a low attack and taking a long time for you to kill the enemy)

    When doing blocks, the timing and/or garrison placements are crucial.
    • A block that starts too late will cause your main general to become intercepted when entering the red area of the blocked camp.
    • A 1R block that ends too quickly could cause your main general to become intercepted before leaving the red area of the blocked camp. In both this case and the previous case, you should still be able to retreat your main general, before he also enters that camp you tried to block. In this case you will only lose that one recruit plus 4 hours of waiting time till that normal general has recovered.
    • A round block that ends too quickly, before the leader is gone, would lead to you losing many of the rather expensive troops involved in the round block.
    Always use a normal general for blocking (fast generals would make the blocks last only half the time),
    and a fast general for the attack on a leader (a normal general would double the fighting time on the leader).
    The troop setups for the attack on the leader may have significance too. The fewer rounds it lasts, the better.

    If you want to try a block for the first time, I would recommend playing Dark Priests.
    The first block in that adventure is quite easy and even if you fail, you wouldn't lose too many troops.
    (That link is to my guide, but there are several other guides available out there too).

    If you want to invent your own blocks, I'd recommend to read ksinori's Blocking without using a guide,
    and my own post in Blocking time per round?.

    Note also that blocking is nothing BlueByte planned for this game. It's something players have found out.
    The round blocks have mainly become possible due to the difference in fighting time for normal and fast generals.

    With this in mind, also don't expect BB to replace any troops you lost in a failed block.
    Also, try not to do any advanced blocks if the lag is bad.

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