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Thread: [Guide] Killste : Collected Adventure Guides by Various Authors

  1. #131
    Original Serf
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    Jan 2012
    I decided to not block there. Well now seems that this is not the only problem in stealing.. next one is here:

    can't put a garrison on spot G5.. just a half tile to southwest. From that point though the garrison is able to skip that forrest, and a half tile probably wont affect the block attack that is coming up next that I will try. I'll post here after I have done it
    Last edited by onlem; 18.05.12 at 21:22.

  2. #132
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by onlem View Post
    can't put a garrison on spot G5.. just a half tile to southwest. From that point though the garrison is able to skip that forrest, and a half tile probably wont affect the block attack that is coming up next that I will try. I'll post here after I have done it
    I just did that block... didn't even take notice myself that the garrison was half a tile off.
    The block worked just fine for me though.

  3. #133
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    nice tage, I need your help when I upload those maps

  4. #134
    Skilled Student
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    I'm delighted to see that both Killste and Tage are still working hard at improving and expanding the Collected Adventure Guides, with great graphics and constantly evolving tactical advice.

    I'm continually trying to improve my battle tactics and minimise my losses, so I usually go into battle with at least three tactical guides open so that I can "pick and mix" from them in the combat sim (I prefer UllrichB's) before the real battle. This is where I have a problem since almost all guides follow the same camp numbering sequence as SidV's it can be confusing when trying to compare them with the Killste collection. It may only be my problem, but I also find the Killste numbering system for blocks a little confusing too at times, which may be down to my habit of cross referencing between guides.

    So if I may make a suggestion, could you review your camp numbers to bring them in line with SidV's (which is copied from the original German versions anyway), and reference your blocking moves to the garrison numbers.

  5. #135
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    thanks majikrider. Tage also told me, and future maps and existing map I use combat simulator map numbers to make my maps (should be same like SidV). Problem was, I didn't know about that combat simulator before I start this guide. So much work, if there is only people how want make those maps

  6. #136
    Skilled Student
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    Hi Killste, I wish I could help with the maps but I have no idea how to do that sorry. You have taken over from Sid to be the "go to" guide for adventures and I'll be taking you into battle with me against some dark priests, but I shall be taking Mimori with me as well to try some variations and maybe a mix up. I'll put out the word that you would like some help with the maps, perhaps you could put the request on page one of this thread. Hasimir makes some good maps, but I can't use his guides because I don't have xbows, it's a shame that there isn't more collaboration between you guys.

    Don't stop now my friend, you have saved the lives of many poor recruits

  7. #137
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    well we do more or less "collaboration" with few adventure guide makers and we are planning to make new thread that we put all adventures together. Its only difficult, since we like post new adventure guides and like fixing existing one, so we can add complete adventures to same thread. Problem is, same like this thread. Nobody has really no time and if I start making new thread, is hard to support 2 "popular" thread same time. (Playing game, answering players guestion in game and thread, and help them)
    Also problem is, that if happens like SidV that thread creator stopped some reason playing this game, who will continue his work and how?

    If someone has solution those problem, please give private message. Also, map creator searching as well

  8. #138
    Committed Clicker Figrin's Avatar
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    Bristol, UK
    Update for your Outlaws map... (using your camp numbers)

    Camp 4: 40 R and 210 CAV = max loss of 38 R

  9. #139
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Lotak View Post
    Update for your Outlaws map... (using your camp numbers)

    Camp 4: 40 R and 210 CAV = max loss of 38 R
    thanks. tested simulator 5000 times and it says max losses 40R small chance to 1-3 cavalry got killed.
    Fixed to 39R 1S 210C. Max loss 39R, small chance 1S got killed.

  10. #140
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zothem View Post
    Let me know if you see any mistakes
    sorry Zothem for delay, I didn't know how to answer. Your maps is nice, but too much detail and too small, so some numbers are very hard to read, even I press ctr+scrolling. If is possible to large numbers? If you want I can add your maps to adventure post.

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