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Thread: [Guide] Killste : Collected Adventure Guides by Various Authors

  1. #331
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Tage, I think there is an error in in the number of troops required for a veteran general. In the summary at the beginning, you give the maximum number of soldiers needed as 88s but the setup given for Camp 12 asks for 168S

  2. #332
    Town Councillor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat_Taff View Post
    Tage, I think there is an error in in the number of troops required for a veteran general. In the summary at the beginning, you give the maximum number of soldiers needed as 88s but the setup given for Camp 12 asks for 168S
    Thanks for noticing. Fixed that error!

  3. #333
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Tage, would using cannoneers on any camps reduce losses in Sons of the Veldt?

  4. #334
    Erudite Pioneer Dragons_Breath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Settled View Post
    Tage, would using cannoneers on any camps reduce losses in Sons of the Veldt?
    I too have just got to 48 and am now looking for more savings by using the cannoneers.
    I have been looking at Stealing and have saved around 100R's so far. Just starting to look at Victor too!
    The cannoneers aren't going to be as great as I was hoping for but every Recruit, Militia and Soldier saved has to be a good thing.
    It just a shame we can't save the Cavalry losses (Sons, Motherly Love and Victor)- as they take so long to train up again after loosing them.

  5. #335
    Town Councillor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Settled View Post
    Tage, would using cannoneers on any camps reduce losses in Sons of the Veldt?
    I am slowly adding cannoneers to all my guides, one at a time...

  6. #336
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    I am slowly adding cannoneers to all my guides, one at a time...
    So I noticed and believe me it's much appreciated. I cannot fault any of your guides. Clear, accurate & fun. I love technical round blocks :-) I simply noticed that Sons hadn't been 'cannoned' and wondered if it was because there wasn't any benefit. If there is, great! I'll wait patiently!

  7. #337
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragons_Breath View Post
    every Recruit, Militia and Soldier saved has to be a good thing.
    It just a shame we can't save the Cavalry losses (Sons, Motherly Love and Victor)- as they take so long to train up again after loosing them.
    Agreed, Tage's cannon improvements are most welcome. Greatly reduces expensive losses. I still don't get why Motherly is so expensive on Cavalry, I mean the rewards are OK, but that many C? Really?

  8. #338
    Town Councillor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Settled View Post
    I simply noticed that Sons hadn't been 'cannoned' and wondered if it was because there wasn't any benefit. If there is, great! I'll wait patiently!
    In fact, there isn't really much benefit from using cannoneers in Sons of the Veld.
    Main reason is that most leader camps have bosses with last strike ability, which you would rather kill with crossbows as soon as possible.

    Only if the cannoneers would help reducing the number of rounds fighting, would they help reducing the losses.
    Unfortunately those camps are few in SotV.

    I've added alternative setups for all camps where cannoneers give the same or a better outcome.
    For one camp, the last one, camp 23, it would be disasterous to use cannoneers though.

    Please be careful with these setups now in the beginning.
    They are not double and triple checked as thoroughly as I normally do.

  9. #339
    Town Councillor
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    Island of the Pirates
    Veteran and maximum number of round blocks
    Average Losses (Veteran + Cannons): 217R
    Average Losses (MoMA + Cannons): 152R

    Adventure Info:
    Player Level: 26+
    Difficulty: 3/10
    Number of Players: 1
    Duration: 3 days
    Where to get?: Adventure seek with Explorer or Trader (Shop) for 150 map fragments

    For more information about the loot, please refer to Triple-J's Loot Overview

    QUICK LINKS: ... LANDING ZONE ... G1 ... G2 ... G3 ... G4

    This guide uses the maximum number of blocks and requires that you do have a veteran general and elite soldiers.
    I wouldn't recommend this, unless you're completely content with how the blocks work,
    or if you don't want to risk losing any valuable troops.

    If you want to play it safer, use my original guide to Island of the Pirates instead.

    You need to send troops 4 (or 5) times. In all cases, the needed generals can carry all needed troops.

    Five versions are presented below, with the following minimum number of generals:

    One VETERAN general
    Three NORMAL generals, using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 315R 162S 101E 249C (827 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 335R 163S 101E 249C (848 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 278R
    • Units lost, average: 310R
    • Units lost, maximum: 335R 2S

    One VETERAN general with Crossbows
    One BATTLE HARDENED general
    Three NORMAL generals, using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 232R 162S 101E 249C 67B 68XB (879 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 251R 163S 101E 249C 67B 68XB (899 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 206R 67B
    • Units lost, average: 231R 67B
    • Units lost, maximum: 251R 2S 67B

    One VETERAN general (risky one)
    Three NORMAL generals, using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 277R 162S 101E 1B 249C (790 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 297R 163S 101E 1B 249C (811 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 240R
    • Units lost, average: 272R
    • Units lost, maximum: 297R 2S

    One VETERAN general with Cannoneers
    Three NORMAL generals, using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 225R 3M 30S 154E 249C 1B 149K (810 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 245R 3M 32S 154E 249C 1B 149K (832 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 186R
    • Units lost, average: 217R
    • Units lost, maximum: 245R 3M 2S

    One MAJOR general with Cannoneers
    Three NORMAL generals, using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 221R 30S 1M 154E 249C 1B 165K (820 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 241R 32S 1M 154E 249C 1B 165K (842 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 186R
    • Units lost, average: 217R
    • Units lost, maximum: 241R 1M 1S

    One MASTER of Martial Arts with Cannoneers
    Three NORMAL generals, using three round blocks
    • Units needed, average: 157R 30S 1M 171E 199C 1B 120K (679 units)
    • Units needed, maximum: 179R 31S 1M 171E 199C 1B 120K (702 units)
    • Units lost, minimum: 122R
    • Units lost, average: 152R
    • Units lost, maximum: 179R 1M 1S

    This guide includes three round blocks of method 2.

    Game flow, garrison settings and losses (minimum - average - maximum):

    Landing Zone (Camp 1)
    Before sending any generals to the adventure, make sure your veteran general has the troops needed to kill camp 1.
    To get your generals to arrive properly and not having to move your generals around too much, send your veteran first.

    If you want to send a Master of Defence for the first block, send him right after your veteran.

    After your veteran, send all your normal generals (you need at least three of them).
    Finally, wait a couple of minutes, and send your battle hardened general (if you opt for that version needing it).

    When you've sent your generals, go to the island and wait for them to arrive.
    Your veteran will arrive first. As soon as he's arrived, move him from position X to garrision position B:

    As soon as you have your veteran in place, attack camp 1:

    From B to Camp 1) 100 Deckscrubbers, 50 Gunmen
    VETERAN general: [1S 249C (0 - 0 - 1S)]
    VETERAN general: [1E 249C (-)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [1S 199C (-)]

    Garrison Position G1 (Camps 2-3, BLOCK)
    After your veteran, your next three generals to arrive will occupy positions X, Y and Z.
    Any general arriving after these four will be unloaded and made available to be placed later.

    If you did send a battle hardened general, he will arrive before any normal generals and occupy position X.
    Positions Y and Z should be taken by normal generals. Position Y is the same as garrison position A:

    Send both generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 2) 50 Caltrops, 100 Deckscrubbers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [54S (-)] {140-220 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [47E (-)] {140-260 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1S 46E (-)] {160-260 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING MASTER of Defence: [38E (-)] {110-220 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 3) 50 Caltrops, 100 Saberrattlers, 50 Gunmen
    VETERAN general: [74R 168S (60R - 68R - 74R 1S)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [74R 113S 55E (60R - 68R - 74R 1S)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [74R 1S 1E 145K (60R - 68R - 74R 1S)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [50R 95S (35R - 42R - 50R)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [49R 90E (35R - 42R - 49R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    Garrison Position G2 (Camps 4-6, BLOCK)
    Move two of your normal generals to garrison position G2.
    Your veteran will already be correctly placed.
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: VETERAN general

    Send all three generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 4) 60 Caltrops, 60 Deckscrubbers, 60 Knife Throwers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [11S 50E (-)] {160-240 seconds of fighting, 0.2% chance of 140 seconds}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [6S 54E (-)] {160-260 seconds of fighting, 0.1% chance of 140 seconds}

    From B to Camp 5) 40 Caltrops, 40 Saberrattlers, 40 Gunmen
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [56S (-)] {120-160 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [48E (-)] {120-200 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [1S 47E (-)] {120-200 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 6) 80 Caltrops, 80 Saberrattlers, 2 Petty Officers
    VETERAN general: [50R 155S (36R - 43R - 50R 1S)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [50R 1S 1E 135K (36R - 43R - 50R 1S)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [50R 75S (33R - 41R - 50R)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [49R 70E (33R - 41R - 49R)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    If sent right after each other, the remaining marching time for the veteran, from the moment when general A starts his fight, till he reaches camp 6 is about 110-115 seconds. Thus, 130-145 seconds would be needed, and normally the block on camp 4 does last at least 160 seconds. However, there is a small chance of this block lasting only 140 seconds. Thus, I cannot guarantee that you will never lose any valuable troops on this block.

    Garrison Position G3 (Trap and Camp 8)
    Optionally move one general to garrison position G3.

    Attack the trap from any convenient position:

    From G3 to Trap T1) 100 Caltrops
    ANY general: [23R 100S (7R - 16R - 23R 1S)]
    ANY general: [23R 1S 99E (7R - 16R - 23R 1S)]
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [23R 3S (7R - 16R - 23R 1S)]

    If you do not have cannoneers, or want to reduce the risk on the last block a little, kill camp 8 now, in two waves.
    If you want to try the risky triple block without cannoneers, leave camp 8 now and move to "G4 with Cannoneers" below.

    Send the suicide from garrison position G3 first:

    From G3 to Camp 8) 30 Caltrops, 100 Deckscrubbers, 40 Gunmen
    ANY general: [38R (38R)]

    After this, send your veteran general, from wherever he currently is:

    From G1 to Camp 8) 92-100 Deckscrubbers, 40 Gunmen
    VETERAN general: [1R 249C (-)]

    If you're prepared to lose some cavalry, camp 8 can also be killed in one wave:

    Camp 8) 30 Caltrops, 100 Deckscrubbers, 40 Gunmen
    VETERAN general: [4R 1S 245C (3R 1C - 4R 10C - 4R 19C)]
    VETERAN general: [3R 1E 246C (3R 1C - 3R 10C - 3R 19C)]

    Also, if you've got a Master of Martial Arts, but don't want to include camp 8 in the block below, kill camp 8 in one wave first:

    Camp 8) 30 Caltrops, 100 Deckscrubbers, 40 Gunmen
    MASTER of Material Arts: [35R 35S (25R - 30R - 35R)]
    MASTER of Material Arts: [34R 34E (25R - 30R - 34R)]

    Garrison Position G4 with Cannoneers or MoMA (Camps 7-10, BLOCK)
    If you do not have cannoneers, or do not have a battle hardened general, there is a somewhat risky version included here too.
    If you don't like risks, maybe you shouldn't be here in the first place. If you have already killed camp 8, skip this part anyway.

    Move your normal generals to garrison position G4.
    Your veteran should still be correctly positioned.
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position B: NORMAL general
    • Position C: NORMAL general
    • Position D: VETERAN general or MASTER of Martial Arts or VETERAN general (risky one)

    Send all four generals right after each other:

    From A to Camp 7) 90 Caltrops, 90 Saberrattlers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [16S 47E (-)] {140-260 seconds of fighting}

    From B to Camp 8) 30 Caltrops, 100 Deckscrubbers, 40 Gunmen
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [62E 1B (-)] {140-200 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 9) 100 Caltrops, 70 Saberrattlers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [56E (-)] {140-260 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [14S 44E (-)] {140-260 seconds of fighting}

    From D to Camp 10) 100 Saberrattlers, 70 Gunmen, 10 Petty Officers, 1 Crazy Cook
    VETERAN general: [150R 100S (137R - 145R - 150R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [98R 3M 149K (83R - 90R - 98R 3M)] {20-30 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [68M 182K (57M - 62M - 67M)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    MAJOR general: [94R 1M 165K (83R - 90R - 94R 1M)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [69R 151S (55R - 63R - 69R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [68R 152E (55R - 63R - 68R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [58R 1M 120K (47R - 53R - 58R 1M)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    Camp 8 will be attacked first, just before camp 7 is attacked. If sent right after each other, the remaining marching time for the veteran, from the moment when general B starts his fight on camp 8, till he reaches camp 10 is about 100-105 seconds. Thus, 120-135 seconds would normally be needed. The block on camp 8 lasts at least 140 seconds and the block on camp 7 normally lasts at least 160 seconds. However, since the attack on camp 10 may last 2 rounds (30 seconds with cannoneers), and since the timing is tight, I cannot guarantee that you will never lose any valuable troops on these blocks. The version with no cannoneers is always going to be quite risky, and I hope you are aware of this!

    Garrison Position G4 without Cannoneers (Camps 7, 9 and 10, BLOCK)

    Move your veteran general from position D to position E, and your battle hardened general to position D:
    • Position A: NORMAL general
    • Position C: NORMAL general
    • Position D: BATTLE HARDENED general or VETERAN general
    • Position E: VETERAN general

    Send generals A, C and D right after each other:

    From A to Camp 7) 90 Caltrops, 90 Saberrattlers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [16S 47E (-)] {140-260 seconds of fighting}

    From C to Camp 9) 100 Caltrops, 70 Saberrattlers
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [56E (-)] {140-260 seconds of fighting}
    BLOCKING NORMAL general: [14S 44E (-)] {140-260 seconds of fighting}

    The easiest way is to kill camp 10 in one wave, especially if you have a VETERAN general without Crossbows.
    If you have VETERAN general with Crossbows, killing camp 10 in two waves would save you some units (see below).
    Also, if you have a VETERAN general with Cannoneers, and have already killed camp 8, follow this:

    From D to Camp 10) 100 Saberrattlers, 70 Gunmen, 10 Petty Officers, 1 Crazy Cook
    VETERAN general: [150R 100S (137R - 145R - 150R)] {40 seconds of fighting}
    VETERAN general: [98R 3M 149K (83R - 90R - 98R 3M)] {20-30 seconds of fighting}
    MAJOR general: [94R 1M 165K (83R - 90R - 94R 1M)] {20 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [69R 151S (55R - 63R - 69R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [68R 152E (55R - 63R - 68R)] {30 seconds of fighting}
    MASTER of Martial Arts: [58R 1M 120K (47R - 53R - 58R 1M)] {20 seconds of fighting}

    Camp 10 can also be killed in two waves.
    If you have a VETERAN general with Longbows, you may follow this:

    From D to Camp 10) 100 Saberrattlers, 70 Gunmen, 10 Petty Officers, 1 Crazy Cook
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [47R 93B (47R 93B)] {10 seconds of fighting}

    Now wait till general D has reached the side of garrison E, and disappears behind the spruce tree seen in the inset.

    From E to Camp 10) 70 Gunmen, 10 Petty Officers, 1 Crazy Cook
    VETERAN general: [6R 1E 143C 100LB (5R - 6R - 6R 12C)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    If you have a VETERAN general with Crossbows, follow this:

    From D to Camp 10) 100 Saberrattlers, 70 Gunmen, 10 Petty Officers, 1 Crazy Cook
    BATTLE HARDENED general: [60R 67B (60R 67B)] {10 seconds of fighting}

    Now wait till general D has reached the side of garrison E, and disappears behind the spruce tree seen in the inset.

    From E to Camp 10) 0-7 Saberrattlers, 70 Gunmen, 10 Petty Officers, 1 Crazy Cook
    VETERAN general: [6R 1E 175C 68XB (5R - 6R - 6R)] {30 seconds of fighting}

    If sent right after each other, the remaining marching time for the battle hardened general, from the moment when general A starts his fight on camp 7, till he reaches camp 10 is about 95-100 seconds. Thus, 135-140 seconds would be needed. The block on camp 7 normally lasts at least 160 seconds. However, there is a small chance that it will last only 140 seconds, and thus I cannot guarantee that you will never lose any valuable troops on this block.

    All garrison setups have been simulated at least 5000 times, using this simulator.
    Even if I do the utmost to ensure that no errors occur anywhere, I am only human, and errors might always appear.
    Thus, I do recommend that you double-check all setups in the simulator, especially before trying an attack the first time in a newly published setup.

    All garrison setups where recruits and soldiers are included have a very small chance of one or a few soldiers being killed.
    I prefer having it so tight, that in most cases that one soldier survives and actually might save one recruit by taking the last hits in the battle.
    That being said, be prepared to lose the odd soldier(s) after playing the same adventure hundreds or thousands of times...

    On the other hand, all garrison setups have also been made so that the risk of losing longbows or crossbows is next to negligible.
    Due to this, some setups have more recruits/soldiers than what can be seen in other guides.
    In some cases this will increase the maximum losses (of recruits), but save the rare occasion of losing crossbows.

    All round blocks have been optimised using Andelar's TSO battle simulator V1.0.1 and double-checked using this simulator.
    The duration of the blocks and attacks are based on this post.
    Last edited by Tage; 31.03.15 at 01:28. Reason: Added MoD for first block

  10. #340
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Jul 2012
    I find easiest way to beat T15 and still attack tower is put 170C and 30R on gen and send at tower, only lose about 15R and no fear of forgetting the trap

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