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Thread: My suggestions for the Devs.

  1. #1
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2012

    Bandits becoming bandits to pave the way for PVP

    Ok so not meaning to reinvent the wheel here. I know that some of the suggestions I give here will have been already made. In that case consider my suggestment as agreement and vote in their favor. That being said the ideas I put here are my ideas as ive only been playing for a week now and would like to see improvements just like everyone else.

    1. Roads should give a 10-15 second increase on production times but only on building they connect to. This would cause roads not to be free of cource I dont think a cost of 10 stones per road section would bother anyone considering with them free we get no benifit other than cosmetics.

    2. Bandits should actually practice Banditry, then i an stop making the colonial joke about getting your troops drunk, convincing them the innocent purely defensive indiginous people are bandits and conquering them. Now I dont mean anything major. But an occasional worker gets ambushed, a building in a newly conquered area is attacked. so on and so forth. Or a specific attack every few levels with a story description given via the quest function. If you want someone who can work on the Narrative Scripts Ill be happy to come up with a few scenarios the Dev's can use.

    3. Now there should be in addition to a few questline Banditry randomised Banditry, as mentioned above. However in order to have randomised Banditry, you need a way to counteract the banditry. So implement another Tab for our General. The Border Patrol, Patrols consisting of 5-10 Units that can be composed the same way your army is. That patrol each conquered sector to lower Bandity. However even the best patrols cant stop everything.

    4. New addition. A building that each section could have to make it more realisitc. A fort for soldiers that can be placed in each section, they would need only a captain unit not a general and can add t population limit, that would be specifically for soldiers.

    5. Another idea to incorperate into this, You have a repair building function. Why not use it? Some of the bandeits set fire to a building or two temporarily slowing down production. Cost materials to repair. just one more way to smoothly introduce banditry into the game, and half the work is done already.

    Once the bandits on your island are gone you have a defensive infrastructure to defend yourself with in pvp. once it comes. It will also get players ready to start thinking defensivly strategic for pvp. Kinda a building block towards the pvp system.
    These are just a few for now I will add more by editing this post as they come to me. Leave comments and help me fine tune the Ideas.
    Last edited by BenFranklin; 01.03.12 at 19:16.
    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Totally agree with above

  3. #3
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Revision one.

    lvl 17 Tutorial Quest

    One of your recruits has destinguished himself through Selfless Valor, Promote him t the Rank of Captain and Build Your First Fort.

    Captain is builds a permanent building located in the new section. A simple Log Fort with a population occupancy of 10 soldiers. +1 commander Captain.
    Fort can be upgraded later into a stone structure, Fort tab includes a captain commands tab which includes The Patrol Options for setting the size of the patrols the frequency they make their patrols. Another way to increase security would be for the allowing of Observation towers that can be built on the Borders. To prevent having to add more Liscences the initial Fort would not need a liscence much like the generals garrison does not. The Towers naturally would need lisences.
    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Some good idea's. Love the idea of bandits becoming bandits

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Nice suggestions!

    thumbs up!

  6. #6
    Skilled Student Angua_Whisper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Totally disagree.

    1) I am not here to fight. If I played for the fighting I would go to travian or holy war, or any off innumerable other games that noone ever go to any more, because what invariably happen is that the bullies take over and turns it into hell for everyone else.

    2) Roads might be nice, and the occational NPC bandit raid too. but imagine the serverload imposed by having to do twice as many calculation before each move. with thousands of player islands being administered by the server it is already groaning under the load. someday, when computing capacity have doubled 2 or 3 times more.

    regards Angua

  7. #7
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Angua_Whisper View Post
    Totally disagree.

    1) I am not here to fight. If I played for the fighting I would go to travian or holy war, or any off innumerable other games that noone ever go to any more, because what invariably happen is that the bullies take over and turns it into hell for everyone else.

    2) Roads might be nice, and the occational NPC bandit raid too. but imagine the serverload imposed by having to do twice as many calculation before each move. with thousands of player islands being administered by the server it is already groaning under the load. someday, when computing capacity have doubled 2 or 3 times more.

    regards Angua
    What will you do once PVP starts? It is coming check the Dev Blog. So why not prepare for it?
    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    one good reason will be that you end up with no economy if offline for a few days with all buildings damaged in that scenario. Most likely PVP will either be in selected sectors and not on your home island anyway an will have some form of voluntary joining involved.

    I cant see total pvp and on home islands as a realistic option as it will drive many away due to griefing players destroying lands esp when they are not around

  9. #9
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    one good reason will be that you end up with no economy if offline for a few days with all buildings damaged in that scenario. Most likely PVP will either be in selected sectors and not on your home island anyway an will have some form of voluntary joining involved.

    I cant see total pvp and on home islands as a realistic option as it will drive many away due to griefing players destroying lands esp when they are not around
    The PVP system is coming hopefully a ranking system will be implemented and people can only pvp against people of equal rank. However as far as the bandits overrunning random banditry would not be a problem if its kept low, or if only enabled when a player is actually online or,... only enabled through quest. which wouldnt be hard to script. I am not discussing a major Bandits gone wild idea here. IM simply suggesting that some banditry would be helpful, in more ways than one.
    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

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