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Thread: Why am i always short on goldcoin?

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Why am i always short on goldcoin?

    Many people in this game are really scraping for a coin here or there.
    I always wondered about these scroogers.

    Why won't you just read a small advising guide and save yourself goldcoin?
    SidV tried to sell those crossbows for 3.5 each.
    So it was time to give him a piece of my mind.

    It's so simple, just read this battle-script and grow yourself a magnificant town.
    Follow in Grow's footsteps. I am playing this game for free just as Bluebyte has promised.

    Read this battle-script with care, and get your own crossbows for free!

    __________________________________________________ _____________________________

    It has been a very long fight for my 3 regular generals and my small 1050 settler village.
    It took them 3 days and 2 hours to complete this fight.

    __________________________________________________ _____________________________

    Victor the Vicious without crossbows (LB).

    Setup of garrisons is taken from worst-case scenario.
    Many a second wave could probably have more Cavalry or Longbows to get better results on your own map.

    1. 50 Thugs, 50 Watchdogs, 50 Rangers 111R 89S (106R)
    2. 100 Rangers, 50 Roughnecks Do not attack
    3. 50 Watchdogs, 100 Roughnecks 150R 50S (150R)
    4. 60 Watchdogs, 50 Rangers, 50 Roughnecks Do not attack

    (Tricky attack to be made here, attack camp 9 and retreat in time.)
    5. 50 Watchdogs, 100 Roughnecks 150R 50S (150R)

    6. 1 One-eyed Bert, 100 Watchdogs, 99 Roughnecks 1:200R 2:45R 55C 100LB (242R)

    7. 50 Watchdogs, 120 Roughnecks 1:59R 2:145R 55LB (204R)
    8. 50 Rangers, 120 Roughnecks 1: 60LB 2: 115R 50C 35LB (60LB 113R) another option 1:80B 2:...
    9. 1 One-eyed Bert, 50 Watchdogs, 60 Rangers, 80 Roughnecks 1:200R 2: 40R 80C 80LB (231R)

    1. 50 Thugs, 50 Watchdogs, 50 Rangers Do not attack
    2. 100 Rangers, 50 Roughnecks Do not attack
    3. 50 Watchdogs, 100 Roughnecks Do not attack
    4. 60 Watchdogs, 50 Rangers, 50 RoughnecksDo not attack
    5. 50 Watchdogs, 100 Roughnecks Do not attack
    6. 1 One-eyed Bert, 100 Watchdogs, 99 Roughnecks 1:200R 2:45R 55C 100LB (242R)

    1. 50 Thugs, 50 Watchdogs, 50 Rangers Do not attack
    2. 100 Rangers, 50 Roughnecks Do not attack
    3. 50 Watchdogs, 100 Roughnecks Do not attack
    4. 60 Watchdogs, 50 Rangers, 50 Roughnecks Do not attack
    6. 1 One-eyed Bert, 100 Watchdogs, 99 Roughnecks 1:200R 2:45R 55C 100LB (242R)

    10. 100 Rangers, 100 Roughnecks 1:150R 50B 2:20R 180C (169R 50B)
    11. 100 Watchdogs, 100 Roughnecks 1:155R 2:60R 140LB (213R)
    12. 1 One-eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 100 watchdogs, 90 Roughnecks 1:200R 2:40R 160LB (238R)

    T1. 100 Wolfs 5R 195S (5R)
    T2. 150 Wolfs Do not attack
    T3. 200 Wolfs Do not attack This trap was really hard to find,
    Lusinda_Diamonds was the first to actually see it and confirm it's existence.
    Marcus Burnett placed it on the wrong spot, and SidV blindly copied that improper location.

    13. 100 Rangers, 100 Roughnecks 1:150R 50B 2:20R 180C (169R 50B)
    14. 100 Watchdogs, 100 Roughnecks Do not attack
    15. 1 Metal Tooth, 40 Watchdogs, 155 Roughnecks 1: 40C 2: 50B 80M 70LB 3:135R 65LB (130R 40C 50B 80M 70LB)

    16. 40 Watchdogs, 80 rangers, 80 Roughnecks Do not attack
    17. 80 Watchdogs, 40 rangers, 80 Roughnecks 1:110R 2:100R 40C 60LB (173R)

    In order to avoid running into camp 16, place your garrison south of the lake!
    Position G7 on the tacticalmap.
    Then camp 18 can be attacked directly without any hazardous retreating procedures.

    18. 1 Skunk, 100 Rangers, 80 Roughnecks 1:110R 2:60R 110C 30LB (169R)
    19. 1 Wild Mary, 2 Skunk, 100 Scavengers, 50 Rangers 1:100R 100C 2:100R 95C 3:95S 105LB (200R 195C 84S)

    Now i only need to figure out how to upload the tactical map.
    It's not so easy for an old man like myself, to figure out how that can be done.

    To the tactical map

    Special thanks to SidV for making the original version.
    I managed to rip his map and redoing it properly in my good old paintbrush software. Hihi ^^

    © by Grow's Scripts Incorporated
    Last edited by Grow; 08.05.12 at 23:48.

  2. #2
      Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I've changed those number 4 times, this is version 1.4 (!) - tested everything that could be tested using Sidv and Grow camp config.

    Implemented Grow's suggestions and did some tweaks myself - 19C is most recent that I recall from today (saving additional 10M) and more like various C to first strike those nasty roughnecks etc.

    I personally think it cant get any better - except for awesome art and more bad jokes ^^

    "A" version of VtV tactical map, ver1.5
    Last edited by MrH4m; 11.03.12 at 14:43.

  3. #3
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    After obtaining crossbows, it was time to attack new scoundrels.
    Having 3 of those adventures in my starmenu, it surely felt like i need to try this.


    My current worst-case-scenario-script is:

    Garrison settings
    Total troops needed 1895R 100B 185C 105S 195XB
    Total maximum loss 1795R 100B
    a fair improvement compared to SidV's max.loss 1804R 250B

    1.) 100 Thug, 60 Ranger [98R 1S 69C 32XB (98R)]
    2.) 60 Thug, 100 Ranger [49R 1S 131C 19XB (49R)]
    3.) 40 Thug, 80 Ranger, 40 Roughneck [92R 1S 50C 57XB (92R)]
    4.) 100 Ranger, 80 Roughneck [1:110R 2:62R 1S 90C 47XB (171R)]
    5.) 150 Roughneck [1: 50R 50B 2: 104R 1S 95XB (154R 50B)]
    6.) 80 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 40 Roughneck [150R 50S (146R)]
    7.) 2 Skunk, 1 Metal Toothed [3R 2S 195XB (3R)]

    8.) 60 Scavenger, 60 Stone Thrower Do not attack
    9.) 60 Stone Thrower, 60 Guard Dog [200R (63R)]
    10.) 30 Thug, 80 Guard Dog, 50 Ranger [200R (93R)]

    11.) 100 Scavenger, 30 Stone Thrower, 30 Guard Dog [95R 105S (95R)]
    12.) 30 Scavenger, 100 Stone Thrower, 30 Guard Dog Do not attack
    13.) 60 Thug, 60 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger [200R (156R)]
    14.) 60 Thug, 60 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger [200R (156R)]
    15.) 1 One-Eyed Bert, 180 Thug [1: 150R 50B 2: 64R 1S 45C 90XB (214R 50B)]

    16.) 80 Scavenger, 20 Stone Thrower Do not attack
    17.) 50 Scavenger, 50 Stone Thrower [15R 185C (13R)]
    18.) 60 Scavenger, 60 Stone Thrower [18R 1S 181C (18R)]
    19.) 50 Scavenger, 50 Stone Thrower, 50 Guard Dog [74R 126S (74R)]

    20.) 100 Scavenger, 50 Stone Thrower [45R 1S 110C 44XB (45R)]
    21.) 50 Scavenger, 50 Stone Thrower, 50 Guard Dog [74R 126S (74R)]
    22.) 1 Skunk, 80 Stone Thrower, 100 Guard Dog [90R 110S (88R)]

    23.) 80 Scavenger Do not attack
    24.) 80 Scavenger Do not attack
    25.) 80 Stone Thrower Do not attack

    While playing this map i couldn't resist to test various blocking patterns from
    Zipflgladschr's map
    Check his map for proper garrison-placements!

    Hereby i present some of the conclusions;

    Single-block-pattern South-east
    saving 41R
    23.) 80 Scavenger [21R 1S 178C (21R)]
    25.) 80 Stone Thrower [200C]
    24.) 80 Scavenger [1R (1R)]
    10.) 30 Thug, 80 Guard Dog, 50 Ranger [200R (93R)]
    Tested succesfully.

    Tested block-pattern Top-centre:
    saving 146R
    6.) 80 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 40 Roughneck [1R 4S 195C] fights 6~15 rounds
    7.) 2 Skunk, 1 Metal Toothed [3R 2S 195XB (3R)] vanquished in 2 rounds
    Next time i will try a double block here, which could save another 154R 50B.

    Double-block-pattern Top-centre:
    saving 300R 50B
    5.) 150 Roughneck [105S 95C] fights 7~14 rounds
    6.) 80 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 40 Roughneck [1R 4S 195C] fights 6~15 rounds
    7.) 2 Skunk, 1 Metal Toothed [3R 2S 195XB (3R)] vanquished in 2 rounds

    Block-pattern Top-left:
    not advised
    21.) 50 Scavenger, 50 Stone Thrower, 50 Guard Dog [1R 157C] fights 5~11 rounds
    22.) 1 Skunk, 80 Stone Thrower, 100 Guard Dog [90R 110S(88R)] vanquished in 2~3rounds

    On this webpage-map G12 failed.
    It lost the battle on B9 just before the attack on the leadercamp was finished.
    The blockingbattle on camp 21 (B9) lastet 6 rounds which was supposed to be enough.
    The attack on the leadercamp lastet 3 rounds.
    If the attack on the leadercamp would have taken just 2 rounds, it could have worked.

    Block-pattern Top-right (aiming to save 119R)
    Failure in calculation! So i didn't try this yet, need to get to lvl 41 first to make it work.
    14.) 60 Thug, 60 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger [2R 6S 192C] fights 6~13 rounds
    15.) 1 One-Eyed Bert, 180 Thug [76S 124XB (76S 18XB)] vanquished in 2~3rounds
    Zipflgladschr took here an elite with him!
    [75S 1E 124XB (75S)] vanquished in 2rounds
    is what should have been written in his scenario.

    Another nicely designed blocking-guide is PoppiPopps's map,
    but he uses Elites and Veteran generals with 250 units, so i can't test that yet.

    © by Grow's Scripts Incorporated
    Last edited by Grow; 15.04.12 at 06:44.

  4. #4
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Thanks for this Grow:-) The VtV guide is much appreciated

  5. #5
      Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Version 1.6 VtV coming out soon (read: 3-5 days). And I do hope it is final because I am getting tired of it lol

    After 1.6 is released, it will be nice addition to THIS best possible version of VtV which is, on the other hand, a fine example of how tactical maps should be made.

    And for those of you that do not have it, HERE is the funfunfun version of Outlaws. Do not get intimated by it - it is fun & easy to play. Especially now, when we do have a lag free server. It was impossible to play this version before.

    Just click (zoom in) on the bottom left and you will have the idea - no need to "think" or to take care of when will XY general be in XY position so you could send another general to YX camp - just send 2nd and 3rd one as soon as you send 1st general to attack - garrisons are already placed on the map (starting positions) in a way to ensure successful block.

    So just send them one after another - that is the reason why doctor-bob named it "Easy-to-block" version.

    GL & HF


    Total maximum loss: 617R and 74S for Outlaws.
    Last edited by MrH4m; 16.03.12 at 12:58.

  6. #6
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Doctor-bob is using those Battle-hardened Generals.
    Since i am playing for free those are really hard to obtain.
    So i cannot test these guides.

    It's not a matter of giving links to webpages.
    This is sheer research, and reports to generate feedback
    for those that Play for Free just as Bluebyte promised, we could.

    Scientific research requires, that you name the source, that has been used.
    Not a simple copy and paste job, anyone can do.

    Another addition is my swapseat version of Motherly love


    Dear ...,

    due to the many combats in the Settlers live, many became an orphan.
    All they need is some good Motherly love, i'd say.

    Settler Grow will do you the honour of sending forth two full garrisons.
    One consisting out of Recuits all, another regiment full of Cavalry.

    1) 100 Petty officer 2nd class, 100 Gunman Do not attack
    2a) 100 Caltrop, 100 Petty officer 2nd class [1:200R] << player 1
    2b) [2:80R 120S] Could be resimulated, due to lucky 1st wave << player2
    T1) 100 Caltrop [40R 160S] << player2
    T2) 200 Wolf [15R 185S] << player2
    T3) 200 Wolf [15R 185S] << player2
    3a) 50 Petty officer 2nd class, 50 Gunman, 1 Wild Mary, 1 Crazy Cook [1:200C] << player 1
    3b) [2:30R 160C] Could be resimulated, due to lucky 1st wave << player2
    3b) [3:75S 125XB] << player2

    The next day we can be playing the same in reversed roles.
    What do you say daring settler. Does this plan get a green light?

    yours sincerely,

    © by Grow's Scripts Incorporated
    Last edited by Grow; 25.03.12 at 12:01.

  7. #7
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Many maps for Traitors have been written:

    made by Hibblechen & Freakdeluxe.
    Uses the Shandrogar presentation-style

    Marcus has always these nice presentations all in 1 map with purple textballoons easy to read.

    Jetro's version
    Jetro-script in the presentation-style from SidV.

    However while resimulating those garrison set-ups i found errors in all three scripts, so

    doctor bob's map
    is probably the best map of all.
    Although after 1 april 2012 it got changed into using Veteran generals with 250 units.

    Time to publish Grow's improved version :


    Starting with the short-version;
    1) 40 D. Militia, 60 D. Longbow Do not attack
    2) 60 D. Militia, 60 D. Cavalry Do not attack
    3) 80 D. Soldier Do not attack
    4) 40 D. Soldier, 60 D. Longbow [27R 1E 162C 10XB (27R)]
    5) 60 D. Soldier, 60 D. Longbow [47R 1E 106C 46XB (47R)]

    If you want to obtain the loot, you need to play this too.

    6) 40 D. Militia, 40 D. Cavalry, 20 D. Soldier, 60 D. Longbow
    Several options here.
    [150R 50S (150R 1S)] Hibblechen & Freakdeluxe failed to see it could involve a loss of a Soldier.
    Possibly they used [150R 50E (149R)] theirselves while playing the map.

    Who playes it like this [1: 40C 2:44R 1E 96C 59XB (44R 40C)]?
    It saves 60 x 25 bread = 1500 bread, but costs 700 more beer.

    7) 60 D. Militia, 60 D. Cavalry, 60 D. Soldier
    [1R (1R)] ofcourse i block here

    8) 60 D. Soldier, 100 D. Longbow
    Marcus fails to mention here that his 80R 120C might lose all recruits and 2C here.
    Possibly he used [78R 2E 120C (78R)] instead.
    Jetro's setup 70R 124C 1S 5LB seems nice.
    But after a few simulations you'll see, that the frontline could be broken!
    So we get (70R 1S 3C) loss-rate there.

    It might take some more testing to get the best script here for the last three camps,
    last time i played it like this.

    9) 100 D. Soldier, 100 D. Longbow [52S 110C 38XB (52S)]
    10) 50 D. Cavalry, 150 D. Soldier [1:1R 2:1R (2R)]

    While making twice the block on camp 10, two waves dispose of the leadercamp.
    With an estimated average loss of 1 Soldier i could live, you might however be unlucky and lose a maximum of 30S.
    11) 60 D. Cavalry, 60 D. Soldier, 60 D. Longbow, 1 Big Bertha, 1 Sir Robin[1:200R 2:105R 30S 65E (305R 0S~~30S)]
    Since Doctor Bob altered his map, you could be using this link for how to do it
    Blockpattern reference Send garrissons away in alphabetic order

    This script comes to a maximum loss:
    [(503R 40C 82S)]

    © by Grow's Scripts Incorporated
    Last edited by Grow; 03.10.12 at 07:42.

  8. #8
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Witch of the Swamp


    Not so many different maps for the Swampwitch were found

    Shandrogar's version

    SidV's script

    There isn't a lot of variation possible on this map, except for the last 3 camps.
    Some people made a fast loot version, but the marginal losses outweight the xp to be gained.
    So i would rather get all the xp and loot on this map.

    camp 1) 40 Cultists [200C]
    camp 2) 50 Cultists [4R 1E 195C (4R)] Shandrogar wrote 5R 195C on his map, but that could be a (5R) loss.
    camp 3) 40 Cultists 40 Fanatics [10R 2E 188C (10R)] Using Eilte-guards to protect the safety of the precious cavalry.
    camp 4) 60 Cultist [10R 2E 188C (10R)]
    camp 5) 40 Dark Priest 60 Shadowsneakers [100R 100S (46R)]
    camp 6) 33 Cultist 33 Dark Priest 33 Shadowsneakers [100R 100S (53R)]
    camp 7) 120 Cultist [52R 1E 67C 80XB (52R)]
    camp 8) 80 Cultists 60 Dark Priests [1R (1R)] Following Shandrogars instruction, this block has never let me down.

    But if you decide to block, your general will be wounded for 4 hours!
    So i'd rather like to finish camp 9 in one wave.
    camp 9) 40 Cultists 120 Shadowsneakers 1 Dark High Priest [110R 13M 77S (110R 13M )]

    Then on the last camp there isn't any way to avoid a second wounded general.
    But my third general finish the map quickly, and all will return home instantly

    camp 10) 1 Swampwitch 100 Cultists 99 Dark Priest [1: 124R 76C 2: 96R 1E 50C 53XB (220R 76C)]

    This script comes to a maximum loss:
    [(506R 76C 13M)]

    © by Grow's Scripts Incorporated
    Last edited by Grow; 10.04.12 at 07:56.

  9. #9
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Your garrison setting seems good. I want add here our method that we find, if players do not want sacrifice any Militia or Soldiers in camp 9

    First wave

    camp 8) 80 Cultists 60 Dark Priests [1R (1R)]
    camp 9) 40 Cultists 120 Shadowsneakers 1 Dark High Priest [120R (120R)]

    Second wave

    camp 8) 80 Cultists 60 Dark Priests [1R (1R)]
    camp 9) 1 Dark High Priest [200XB (0)]

    © by Killste

  10. #10
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I finished another Witch of the Swamp yesterday...
    I was going to post my garrison setup in SidV's thread, but might as well do it here.

    Having no crossbows and no elite soldiers, I still have to rely on longbows and soldiers.
    I also have a lot of horses, so prefer losing them over militia (on camp 10).

    The losses in the brackets are (minimum - average - maximum)

    camp 1) 40 Cultists [1S 199C (0)]
    camp 2) 50 Cultists [5R 1S 194C (3R - 4R - 5R)]
    camp 3) 40 Cultists 40 Fanatics [11R 1S 188C (8R - 10R - 11R)]
    camp 4) 60 Cultist [10R 1S 189C (8R - 9R - 10R)]
    camp 5) 40 Dark Priests 60 [45R 155S (43R - 44R - 45R)]
    camp 6) 33 Cultist 33 Dark Priests 33 Shadowsneakers [51R 149S (49R - 51R - 51R)]
    camp 7) 120 Cultist [56R 2S 70C 72LB (49R - 52R - 56R)]
    camp 8) 80 Cultists 60 Dark Priests [1R (1R)]
    camp 9) 40 Cultists 120 Shadowsneakers 1 Dark High Priest [120R 80S (110R - 120R 2S - 120R 16S)]
    camp 10) 1 Swampwitch 100 Cultists 99 Dark Priests [1: 75R 125C 2: 77R 2S 30C 91LB (136R 125C - 149R 125C - 152R 125C)]

    The second wave on camp 10 can always be optimised based on whatever is left behind from wave 1.
    This setup is based on 1 Swampwitch, 69 Cultists and 8 Dark Priests (the average troops remaining).

    My actual total losses were 362R, 1S and 125C

    © ... naw... screw the ©... please feel free to use my solution however you like.
    Last edited by Tage; 25.03.12 at 12:03.

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