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Thread: Why am i always short on goldcoin?

  1. #41
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The Black Knights
    with veteran combat-general.


    Reviewing Hasmir's Black Knights
    Garrisons needed for crossbows [1300R 10M 50S 130E 130C 120XB]
    Maximum losses [(1280R 10M 2S)]

    Garrisons needed for cannonneers [1060R 130E 170C 120XB 130Q]
    Maximum losses [(1010R)] (playing 3 blocks)

    South West region
    To attack this region the garrisons need to be put into the far South-east.
    Shandrogars tactikmap shows the correct procedure to make some nice blocks here.

    x) 100 D. Militia, 100 D. Longbowman Do not attack
    x) 100 D. Bowman, 100 D. Soldier Do not attack
    1) 100 D. Militia, 100 D. Cavalry [97E]
    2) 60 D. Cavalry, 60 D. Longbowman, 60 D. Elite Soldier, 10 D. Cannoneer [1:72R 2:52R 1S 80C 117XB (124R)]
    [131R 119Q (121R)] Might not look like much, but the chance that the battles makes it to the 2nd round is rather slim.
    Average loss just 110R here.

    North West region
    x) 100 D. Militia, 100 D. Longbowman Do not attack
    x) 100 D. Bowman, 100 D. Soldier Do not attack
    x) 100 D. Militia, 100 D. Cavalry Do not attack
    This camp 7 should be attacked from the position where camp 1 used to be.
    Then the general swirls nicely around the mountainrange avoiding all other camps

    7) 60 D. Cavalry, 60 D. Longbowman, 60 D. Elite Soldier, 10 D. Cannoneer [1:72R 2:52R 1S 80C 117XB (124R)]
    or [131R 119Q (121R)]

    South East region
    x) 100 D. Militia, 100 D. Longbowman Do not attack
    x) 100 D. Bowman, 100 D. Soldier Do not attack
    3) 100 D. Militia, 100 D. Cavalry [97E]
    4) 60 D. Cavalry, 60 D. Longbowman, 60 D. Elite Soldier, 10 D. Cannoneer [1:72R 2:52R 1S 80C 117XB (124R)]
    or [131R 119Q (121R)]

    Central region
    Best is to skip these central camps for a while, and save them for last.
    It makes life for the invites a lot easier

    x) 60 D. Elite Soldier, 60 D. Crossbowman Do not attack
    x) 60 D. Elite Soldier, 60 D. Crossbowman This is the camp, where invites can make their kill with just 1R.
    5) 60 D. Elite Soldier, 60 D. Crossbowman [49R 1E 127C 73XB (49R)] or [46R 1E 167C 36Q (46R)]
    6) 1 Sir Robin, 50 D. Cavalry, 50 D. Elite Soldier, 50 D. Crossbowman [1:110R 2: 150R 100E (260R)] or
    [135R 115Q (134R)] The firepower of the Quarterpound artillery saves many a loss here.

    Central North region
    x) 60 D. Longbowman, 60 D. Elite Soldier, 10 D. Cannoneer Do not attack
    x) 100 D. Militia, 60 D. Cavalry, 40 D. Crossbowman Do not attack
    x) 140 D. Longbowman, 30 D. Elite Soldier Do not attack
    8) 60 D. Elite Soldier, 60 D. Crossbowman, 20 D. Cannoneer
    [57R 1E 75C 117XB (57R 1E)] Chance of losing the Elite is to slim ever happen.

    North East region
    Attacks on this region are made from the south-east corner. Position your veteran close to the ruins at the right side to avoid interceptions.
    You will clear the passage in the narrow canyon in the north-east and attack the Bertha from that spot. Long walks for the veteran.

    x) 90 D. Cavalry, 90 D. Elite Soldier Do not attack
    x) 100 D. Militia, 90 D. Elite Soldier Do not attack
    x) 110 D. Soldier, 25 D. Cannoneer Do not attack
    9) 80 D. Soldier, 80 D. Crossbowman [66R 1E 125C 58XB (66R)] or [66R 1E 135C 48Q (66R)]
    10) 100 D. Cavalry, 100 D. Crossbowman [120R 130E (120R)]
    11) 100 D. Soldier, 75 D. Crossbowman [[93R 1E 92C 64XB (93R)] or [89R 1E 90C 70Q (89R)]
    12) 50 D. Longbowman, 100 D. Elite Soldier [114R 1E 61C 74XB (114R)] or [85R 70C 95Q (85R)]
    13) 1 Big Bertha, 50 D. Elite Soldier, 50 D. Crossbowman, 25 D. Cannoneer [150R 10M 2S 88E (150R 10M 2S)]
    or [140R 1E 109Q (135R)] which defeats the Big Bertha in just 4 rounds and an average loss of just 125R.

    Due to this minimal rounds a new block-pattern emerges;
    Blocking on Northern Castle
    Image G3 on the right side shows how it's done.
    saving 85R
    12) 50 D. Longbowman, 100 D. Elite Soldier [58E 138C] fights for 7 ~ 14 rounds
    13) 1 Big Bertha, 50 D. Elite Soldier, 50 D. Crossbowman, 25 D. Cannoneer [140R 1E 109Q (135R)] Vanquishes leader in 4 rounds
    Last edited by Grow; 04.07.12 at 18:04.

  2. #42
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The Dark Brotherhood
    with veteran combat-general.


    Now this is going to be a hell of an adventure, luckily i have some reliable friends, who aren't scared of losing some 400C each!
    Luckily i found a short-version map.
    Schobbob's map Bold numbering for short-version ~20oooxp.

    After arrival the garrisons need to make a long walk to the North-west landingzone.
    From there we clear a road towards that single leadercamp North-east of the central stronghold.

    North-west region A
    1 1) 100 Cultist, 100 Fanatic [108R 2E 140C (108R)]
    x 2) 100 Cultist, 100 Shadowsneaker skip this leadercamp

    Blockers can try:
    1) 100 Cultist, 100 Fanatic [125E] fights for 3~5 rounds
    2) 100 Cultist, 100 Shadowsneaker [58R 2E 190Q (58R)] vanquished in 1 round

    North-west region B
    2 3) 80 Cultist, 40 Shadowsneaker, 80 Fanatic
    [40R 100B 110XB (40R 98B)] or [141R 109E (141R)] and a very slim chance of losing an Elite.
    x 4) 80 Cultist, 40 Dark Priest, 40 Shadowsneaker, 40 Fanatic skip this leadercamp

    North-west region C
    3 5) 200 Cultist [99R 2E 149XB (99R)]
    x 6) 80 Dark Priest, 120 Cultist skip this leadercamp

    North-west region D
    x 7) 100 Dark Priest, 50 Cultist, 50 Shadowsneaker skip this leadercamp

    Central region
    Attack on camp 4 is initiated by charging for camp 5, after that you should press the retreat-button
    4 17) 75 Dark Priest, 125 Shadowsneaker [85R 35S 130E (85R)]
    x 18) 70 Dark Priest, 60 Cultist, 70 Shadowsneaker
    x 19) 150 Dark Priest, 50 Shadowsneaker
    x 20) 50 Cultist, 50 Dark Priest, 50 Shadowsneaker, 50 Fanatic
    Before continuing in this region,the single leadercamp to the North-east has to be taken out.

    6 22) 50 Cultist, 100 Shadowsneaker, 50 Firedancer [94R 26S 130E (94R)]
    7 21) 140 Dark Priest, 60 Cultist [1:125B 2:250C (125B)]
    x 23) 50 Cultist, 100 Dark Priest, 1 Dark High Priest, 49 Shadowsneaker

    North-east of Central region A
    5 10) 80 Cultist, 120 Shadowsneaker [50R 70S 130E (50R)]
    After clearing this camp, the veteran can be repositioned to the newly free zone.

    Far South-east region
    x 24) 66 Cultist, 66 Dark Priest, 1 Swamp Witch, 66 Firedancer
    8 25) 66 Dark Priest, 66 Cultist, 66 Shadowsneaker [120R 130E (120R)] or [31R 100B 119XB (31R 97B)]
    x 26) 66 Dark Priest, 66 Cultist, 66 Firedancer
    x 27) 66 Cultist, 2 Dark High Priest, 66 Dancing Dervish, 66 Firedancer
    And then this last camp is a real crime, many waves of 200C or 250C needed to get those Dancing Dervishes and companions down.
    9 28) 66 Shadowsneaker, 2 Night Spawn, 66 Dancing Dervish, 66 Firedancer
    [1: 200C 2: 200C 3: 200C 4: 200C 5:200C] after these 5 suicide waves one should count how many Cavalry still is needed
    to isolate the Night spawns. Last wave will be:
    [6:??C 7:150S 100E (150S)]

    Optional there are some more regions, which could bring nice xp.
    North-east of Central region B 3660xp
    7) 60 Dark Priest, 70 Cultist, 70 Shadowsneaker
    8) 120 Dark Priest, 80 Cultist
    9) 150 Dark Priest, 50 Cultist [1:80B 2:50R 200C (50R 80B)]

    South of Central region 3200xp
    This region is accesable after defeating camp 9 of the shortversion.
    By repositioning the garrisons to the former witchtower-region, they can be attacked.

    8) 120 Dark Priest, 80 Cultist
    9) 100 Dark Priest, 100 Cultist
    10) 100 Cultist, 100 Shadowsneaker [70R 60S 120E (59R)]

    South of Central Westside region 2710xp
    Accessable after defeating the previously mentioned region.
    5) 200 Cultist
    6) 80 Dark Priest, 120 Cultist
    7) 60 Dark Priest, 70 Cultist, 70 Shadowsneaker [119R 1S 130E (119R)]

    Various regions
    2) 100 Cultist, 100 Shadowsneaker [70R 60S 120E (59R)]
    4) 80 Cultist, 40 Dark Priest, 40 Shadowsneaker, 40 Fanatic
    [40R 99B 111XB (40R 98B)] or [150R 1S 99E (150R)] and a very slim chance of losing the Soldier.
    6) 80 Dark Priest, 120 Cultist [108R 1S 4E 137C (108R 1S)] if you would lose the Soldier here, you must be very lucky in love.
    11) 200 Cultist
    12) 100 Cultist, 100 Fanatic
    13) 200 Cultist
    14) 200 Cultist
    15) 120 Cultist, 80 Fanatic
    16) 200 Cultist
    Last edited by Grow; 04.10.12 at 06:25.

  3. #43
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Sons of the Veld
    with veteran combat-general.


    Working out garrisons positions for this map might not be so easy due to the "path-finding" change BB has made.

    South-west region
    camp 1) 80 Stone Thrower, 80 Thug [56R 2M 160C 32Q (56R 2M)]
    camp x) 160 Thug Do not attack
    camp x) 200 Guard Dog Do not attack

    First block pattern:
    saving 38R
    Taking out this leader first is important, else the ungoing fight in the Second block pattern won't work.
    camp 4) 100 Scavenger, 80 Ranger [39R 1E 185C 24XB (39R)] or block [1R (1R)]
    camp 5) 1 One-Eyed Bert, 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Thug, 50 Guard Dog [132R 4M 2E 112Q (132R 4M)] vanquished in 2 rounds

    Second block pattern:
    Grow rather blocks here with an ungoing battle than at camp 4.
    camp 2) 80 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger [83E] blocking-battle fights for 3~50 rounds (6.47average) else [80R 40S 130E (80R)]
    camp 3) 2 Skunk, 100 Thug, 80 Ranger [84R 2M 1E 104C 59XB (84R 2M)] vanquished in 3 rounds

    South-east region
    camp x) 100 Thug, 80 Guard Dog Do not attack
    camp x) 100 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger Do not attack
    camp 6) 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Roughneck [32R 1E 202C 15XB (32R)]
    camp 7) 1 Metal Toothed, 60 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 60 Roughneck [1:60C 2:101R 1E 76C 72XB (60C 101R)]
    camp x) 100 Guard Dog, 50 Roughneck Do not attack
    camp xx) 55 Guard Dog, 55 Ranger, 55 Roughneck Do not attack
    camp 8) 80 Ranger, 50 Roughneck [33R 1E 200C 16XB (33R)]
    camp 9) 1 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 50 Ranger, 50 Roughneck [50R 1E 85C 114XB (50R)]

    Before we can finish this region, the eastern region controled by Chuck needs to be taken care off
    camp 14) 2 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 50 Guard Dog, 50 Roughneck [110R 10S 130E (110R 1S)] or [86R 2M 12E 150Q (86R)]

    Eastern region
    camp xx) 150 Roughneck Do not attack
    camp xx) 150 Roughneck Do not attack
    camp 10) 150 Roughneck [130R 1E 119XB (130R)] or [120R 130Q (120R]

    Third block-pattern:
    camp 11) 100 Ranger, 100 Roughneck [20M 40S 140C] blocking-battle fights for 7~14 rounds
    camp 12) 100 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck [114E] blocking-battle fights for 7~14 rounds
    camp 13) 1 Chuck, 50 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 70 Roughneck
    [10M 40S 100C 100XB (10M 40S 73C)] best solution?
    [10R 121S 1E 118Q (10R 121S)]vanquished in 2 rounds Loss 106~121S, average 113.43S
    [1:50C 2:112R 2M 1E 54C 81XB (50C 112R 2M)] x battles lasts 1round + 2 rounds for the veteran average 103R +50C

    Western region
    camp 17) 80 Thug, 80 Ranger [50R 20E 160C 20XB (49R)]
    camp 18) 100 Scavenger, 100 Guard Dog [70R 180E (65R)]
    camp 19) 50 Thug, 100 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger [170R 80E (129R)]
    camp 20) 100 Thug, 80 Guard Dog, 40 Ranger [55E 140C] blocking-battle fights for 5~11 rounds
    camp 21) 1 Metal Toothed, 50 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger, 50 Roughneck [1:50C 2:84R 1E 100C 65XB (84R 50C)]

    North western region
    camp xx) 80 Stone Thrower, 80 Thug Do not attack 57R 1E 162C 30XB (57R)
    camp 23) 1 One-Eyed Bert, 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Thug, 50 Guard Dog [138R 82E 30Q (138R)]
    camp xx) 100 Scavenger, 80 Ranger Do not attack 40R 1E 190C 19XB (40R)
    camp 28) 1 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 60 Thug, 60 Guard Dog [90R 160Q (88R)] vanquished in 2 rounds
    camp xx) 200 Guard Dog Do not attack 250R (40R)
    camp 22) 160 Thug [129R 1E 120XB (129R)] or [123R 1E 126Q (123R)]
    camp 27) 80 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger [110R 140E (71R)] or block with [83E] blocking-battle fights for 3~50 rounds (6.47average)
    Before we can take out leadercamp 25, we need to dispose of camp 24. Or block?
    camp 25) 2 Skunk, 100 Thug, 80 Ranger [84R 1E 101C 64XB (84R)]

    North eastern region
    camp 24) 100 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger [90R 160E (76R)] possibly blocked to strike camp 25
    camp 26) 1 Metal Toothed, 60 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 60 Roughneck [1:60C 2:99R 1E 85C 65Q (99R 60C)]
    camp 15) 1 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 50 Ranger, 50 Roughneck [50R 1E 85C 114XB (50R)]
    camp 16) 2 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 50 Guard Dog, 50 Roughneck [110R 140E (95R)]
    camp xx) 100 Guard Dog, 50 Roughneck Do not attack
    camp xx) 55 Guard Dog, 55 Ranger, 55 Roughneck Do not attack
    camp xx) 100 Thug, 80 Guard Dog Do not attack
    camp xx) 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Roughneck Do not attack
    camp xx) 80 Ranger, 50 Roughneck Do not attack
    Last edited by Grow; 16.07.12 at 19:56.

  4. #44
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    European Football Matches
    for veteran combat-generals


    for corresponding campnumbers, we used



    For those that lack Elites, substituting them by regular Soldiers might work too.
    Last edited by Grow; 07.06.12 at 07:51.

  5. #45
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Roaring Bull
    with veteran combat-general.


    Reviewing Blebekblebek's map

    Loot-accuracy not correct for slot 6. 0.5% missing there.

    Garrissons needed for short-version, good for 17660xp [715R 320B 150E 130C 90XB 115Q (702R 320B)]

    Bold numbering for attack-order short-version.

    North-west region
    camp 1) 120 Nomad, 80 Composite bowmen [46R 204E (46R)] or [47R 140E 63XB (47R)]
    camp x) 40 Lance rider, 120 Nomad, 30 Composite bowmen
    camp x) 50 Lance rider, 50 Nomad, 60 Riding Amazonion Guard
    camp x) 80 Lance rider, 80 Riding Bowman
    camp x) 80 Nomad, 100 Riding Bowman

    Mid-north region
    camp x) 50 Nomad, 150 Riding Bowman
    camp x) 60 Nomad, 40 Cataphract, 70 Riding Amazonian Guards
    camp x) 100 Nomad, 90 Riding Amazonian Guards
    camp x) 50 Lance rider, 60 Nomad, 80 Riding Amazonian Guards
    camp x) 100 Lance rider, 100 Riding Bowmen

    North-east region
    camp x) 120 Nomad, 80 Lance rider
    camp x) 50 Lance rider, 50 Nomad, 80 Riding Bowmen
    camp x) 80 Lance Rider, 60 Riding Amazonian Guards, 40 Riding Bowmen
    camp x) 150 Nomad, 50 Composite bowmen
    camp x) 100 Nomad, 60 Riding Bowmen
    camp x) 80 Nomad, 120 Composite bowmen

    Central region
    camp 2) 60 Lance rider, 90 Nomad, 50 Cataphract [161R 1E 88Q (161R)]
    camp x) 90 Lance rider, 100 Cataphract
    The postioning of the garrisons can no longer be copied from the provided map. So i had put the blocking general
    near to the gateway and the veteran in the utmost leftside of the ruins. Veteran was launched first and immediately afterwards the blocker.

    witchtower 8) 100 Lance rider, 70 Nomad, 30 Cataphract, 1 Uproarious Bull [144R 106Q (143R)] vanquished in 2 rounds.
    camp 7) 110 Nomad, 40 Riding Amazonian Guards, 50 Cataphract [150E] fighting for 4~8 rounds.

    South-west region
    camp x) 100 Nomad, 100 Composite bowman Easy nearby camp ideal for the lootspottaker, who just needs 1R.
    camp x) 100 Nomad, 100 Riding Bowman
    camp x) 50 Lance rider, 80 Nomad, 70 Riding Bowmen
    optional attacks scoring 3320xp
    camp x) 30 Lance rider, 100 Nomad, 50 Composit bowman [54R 56S 140E (54R)]
    camp x) 70 Lance rider, 20 Riding Amazonian Guards, 80 Riding Bowman [180R 10M 60Q (180R 10M)]

    Mid-south region
    camp x) 40 Lance rider, 80 Nomad, 80 Riding Bowman
    camp x) 80 Lance rider, 120 Riding Bowman
    camp x) 70 Lance rider, 80 Nomad, 40 Riding Amazonian Guard
    camp x) 80 Lance rider, 50 Nomad, 50 Cataphract
    camp x) 70 Lance rider, 80 Riding Amazonian Guard. 40 Cataphract

    Cross ruins region
    camp x) 40 Cultist, 60 Dark Priest, 100 Firedancer
    camp 3) 100 Cultist, 100 Firedancer [50R 100B 1XB 99Q (50R 100B)]
    witchtower 5) 80 Cultist, 120 Firedancer [40R 120B 90Q (40R 120B)]
    camp 4) 70 Cultist, 50 Shadowsneaker, 80 Firedancer [36R 100B 1XB 113Q (36R 100B)]
    camp x) 100 Cultist, 20 Dark Priest, 80 Shadowsneaker

    South-east ruins region
    camp x) 100 Cultist, 40 Shadowsneaker, 60 Firedancer
    camp x) 150 Cultist, 50 Firedancer
    witchtower 6) 80 Cultist, 50 Shadowsneaker, 1Dark High Priest, 70 Firedancer [1:200R 2:30R 1E 129C 90XB (225R)]
    or [1: 216R 2:1E 54C 195XB (216R)] Involving a wounded veteran general. Looks better on max.loss, but on average it hardly matters.
    Last edited by Grow; 29.06.12 at 09:54.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Is there a guide for Sons of the Veld? There is no link in the post above!

  7. #47
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Trishanku View Post
    Is there a guide for Sons of the Veld?
    Just happened to post my version of it tonight... here.

  8. #48
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    Just happened to post my version of it tonight...
    You were probably drunk once more, since i overheard people noticing various errors in your script.
    Publishing is a serious matter, you'd rather wait a couple of days before writing utter nonsense.

  9. #49
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Grow View Post
    You were probably drunk once more
    Yeah I know, but I love my diet coke...

    Quote Originally Posted by Grow View Post
    since i overheard people noticing various errors in your script.
    Someone (maybe it was you?) must have replaced my letter C with a letter S on my keyboard...

    Quote Originally Posted by Grow View Post
    Publishing is a serious matter, you'd rather wait a couple of days before writing utter nonsense.
    I think I've waited too long... already started to forget what this was all about...

  10. #50
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Since the new pathing some garrison-positions are altered,
    but in general the units remain the same to fight the battles.
    So be carefull out there these scripts are just a guideline, no garnatees can be given.
    Good luck.

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