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Thread: Gold coins cost

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Gold coins cost

    I just did some calculations about the cost of gold coins, and my results are:

    Cost of gold mine: 4300 materials (wood, stone and tools)
    Ore in 1 gold mine: 300
    Ores needed for 1 coin: 8 (2 ores -> 1 bar, 4 bars -> 1 coin)
    This means that 1 coin is worth: 4300/300*8 = 114.67 materials

    While this in itself might not be a problem (coins could just be that expensive), the problem comes when you see what this means for the upgrading of buildings:
    Low level building upgrade 1: 220 materials
    Upgrade 2: 450 materials (205% of previous)
    Upgrade 3: 500 coins (57335 materials) and 300 materials, for a grand total of 57635 materials or (57635/450*100%) 12808% of previous.

    So while the cost of coins itself is not a problem, the cost means that you should never make anything where you mix coins and materials evenly, as is done with all higher level building upgrades.

    Obviously you will normally use buffs on your gold buildings, increasing all their output by 100%, this will decrease the cost of a coin to 4300/600*2 = 14.3 materials, but even so the increase in building cost of the upgrade 3 is 1659% of previous upgrade ((500*14.3+300)/450*100%) and this is not counting the cost of the buffs, which is significant when we are talking about such long periods and several buildings.

    So I just wanted to say in conclusion that the cost of gold mines should be lowered or the amount of resources in each gold deposit increased, or the cost of building upgrades significantly changed.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    This is done precisely so that not everyone has every single building upgraded to maximum level, simply because, as for now, people that dedicate significantly more time/money to the game can get no other advantage than extra production.

    You earn it - you have a level 5 village, you dont - stick to your automated lv3.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    There are a few flaws in the calculations, mostly due to over simplification of the issue at hand:
    1) There are gold refills, which drasticlally alter the equation. Not all of these are bought items, many are adventure rewards as well
    2) all but the gold mine itself are one-off expenses. Once the building is upgraded, thats it- the upgrade will serve many a mine run
    3) Upgrading also saves you costs of buffing, this needs to be figured into it (at variable costs ofc )
    4) Anyone running goldproductions unbuffed is wasting their time. It is one of the most valuable production chains in game and should be treated as such and all equations have to take this into account (at least 80% of the time buffed)
    5) Expressing cost in building materials is pointless. You need to express cost in a common currency, which at this time should be gold coin itself. The raw material cost for making a mine have gone down considerably on newfountland and are dropping on northisle. This alone changes the equations on net cost versus gain of gold production lines considerably-and might invalidate all previous tactics for gold production
    6) Some people run their production on doing lots of motherly love as well- and get gold bars for reward from these

    Notice, i abstracted from the big one in gold production, buying gem bought items - like the gold parrots. These alter any equation to no end and many a gold producer buys many parrots to stock up a (fully upgraded) goldmine to many 1000's of gold ore- which they mine with a buff only. But even leaving this one out of calculations, there are many more variables to take into account on gold production. There are plenty of people that produces masses of gold coin every day and buy all other materials in trade for adventures and such and still come out ahead in gold coins earned which shows that there is probably nothing hugely wrong with the cost of gold production

    And last remark: Blue Byte will build in gem/money sinks and gold production is probably their main gem sink in the long run, as the noble deeds are their main one in the short run. This is needed in a f2p game really as it is no charity from bluebyte. I would say- count your blessings that you can play for free without too big an impact compared to other games where it is play to win. If this continues, has to be seen and depends on the way pvp will be implemented

  4. #4
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Gold chain unbuffed: 37 coins from 300 mine
    Gold chain buffed: 300 coins from 300 mine (since you get 600 ore).

    Buy a refill = profit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    To Qualan:
    1) The refill option is your best point, since it means that you can get far more gold ore form one mine. And since we could just wait with the mines until we have build up a large deposit this is very valid.
    2) I did not include the cost of other buildings in my calculations, so this point is not relevant, since even without it my point stands just as I said, with that extra cost my point is even better.
    3) Again, I did not even include buffing costs in my calculations, so: -||-
    4) I did include a calculation for buffed production. Even with 100% buffed time the calculations still show a (in my opinion) too large increase in upgrade costs of buildings when you reach coins.
    5) With the market anything can be traded so as to become the common currency, expressing the cost in materials is just another way of expressing it in coins. Using Arthzils stats I could do a quick recalculation of the price/return of 1 gold mine:

    The cheapest I can get the materials is about 400 for 20 coins (for simplicity let us say they all cost the same)
    Price of gold mine: 4300/400*20 = 215 coins

    Gold chain unbuffed: 37 coins from 300 mine
    Gold chain buffed: 300 coins from 300 mine (since you get 600 ore).
    So you obviously need to keep it buffed for most of the duration, along with the rest of your production.

    Doing the same for an upgraded building makes little to no sense, because all I would do would be dividing the cost by 20 to get coins instead of materials, not changing my point in the least, because the % change would be exactly the same (assuming you get good trade deals).

    6) Obviously if you circumnavigate the gold mine the point of my calculations fall to the ground, because I did not include costs of the other buildings, so while this is an at least fairly valid point, I simply did not include it.

    I would like to say that you are right Qualan, if you begin to use gems and/or lots of refills it begins to make more sense, and if you include sparkz's argument there may be a point, but I still think that the upgrade costs of buildings show be changed to be more gradual, the increase of at least 1659% in comparison to the previous 205% is just silly - why not then spread the cost of upgrading over more levels, so the last level would make more sense to do? Right now I would not even begin to think how long a level 5 farm fx needed to produce in order to earn the cost of the upgrade.

    Thank you for the input

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    it makes sense if you loook from the other side:

    It makes more sense from players point of view to not upgrade to lvl 5 and rather have more buildings lvl3.

    So, in order to do that they need to either free up licenses by using noble deeds or buy 10 extra licence packs from the shop

    So, quite a few will end up buying gems or items bought from gems by other people

    so, BB makes money

    ergo- maybe BB wants to increase cost of building upgrading after lvl 3 to entice more gems being used for licenses )

    It is not a conspiracy, just a completely opposite way of thinking than players. F2P still needs to make money and as they don;t make it up front from the box (when their view on gameplay will more closely match players viewpoint cause they need possitive feedback and people to continue playing and buy expansions), they need to make it up through the shop so their look on balancing the game is always : how can we keep people in the game while making it attractive to buy the gems- which means these treshholds and soon easter eggs etc etc

  7. #7
    Treasure Hunter
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    Jan 2012
    This weekend i have made an calculation in my own server about the costs of the materials to built an Gold Mine and the output in gold coins.
    I came to the conclusion that to milk an 300 ore gold mine empty (up to 1 ore and then scrapping it) would cost me 317 coins. This was including the cost of the coal, sausages for the buff but excluding the bread and fish.

    Part of the calculation was the fact that i was able to sell stacks of coal for 20. When i was ready with my calculations I chatted with a friend and he said "but there ar players selling coal for 10 per stack".

    Ofcourse this is assuming you don't get gold refills, free gold ore from your lovely explorer and no loot from adventures.

    Even based on those assumptions its already just as profitable to have your own gold coin production then sell the goods to built the gold mine on the open market.
    With the increasing number of people asking for gold coins this will get more true every day. Sooner or later everyone will come to the fact that they want to level up their buildings above level 3 for basic buildings..

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    on NFL the cost of building and running the mine + other buildings is getting to the point that it will soon be cheaper to build new mines instead of refilling with parrots at current cost and indeed with pressure in coin need going up when people feel the need to upgrade the coin levels, coin will become relatiely more expensive at the same time as building materials go down in value.

  9. #9
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    May I PLEASE ask a newbie question here? How do I refill a mine? I have searched and can't find the answer. Thanks.

  10. #10
    Erudite Pioneer Acee's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Laszlo View Post
    May I PLEASE ask a newbie question here? How do I refill a mine? I have searched and can't find the answer. Thanks.
    Gem shop > Deposits tab > there is your answer. Or iron/gold refillers from adventure/daily bonus.

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