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Thread: Why the gems are more expensive in EU than in America?

  1. #1
    Erudite Pioneer Taija's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Why the gems are more expensive in EU than in America?

    I found out that in American settlers online site named "Castle empire" you get exactly the same amount of gems that in the Ubisoft european shop for same amount of numbers in money, except the currency there is dollars, which is way more less valuable currency than euros.

    So for example you get the same deal 4800 gems there for 24,99 dollars, in europe the prize is still 24,99 euros. If that would be right it would be in euros 18.73, but the price here still the 24,99 euros, which would be in dollars 33.33 dollars. Same goes for the other prizes too. 99 euros prize is in america 99 dollars, in reality currencies are not the same.. 99 euros would be 132.06 dollars.

    So the price is really more in Europe?! In american server is also weekly contests and prizes, european server has not. Are we treated like just a foreigners? Why is it so? I think it's better to play in American server then I suppose..
    Last edited by Taija; 02.04.12 at 23:38.

  2. #2
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    You're comparing the dollar to the euro without including taxes. We pay more tax than the Americans do, so the values are not the same.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    they cater to us market with us prices for the game. If they charge euro prices - most wont play

    And as the markets are separated with different servers, it is no problem really for ubisoft nor for the players

    Bottom line, they make less from the game in USA, after converting the money to euro's but when exchange rates change, that changes as well. Normal in business really

    and about the foreigner comment.... all i can say idiot.. do your research

    Ubisof is a french based company and Bluebye a german based company. If any are the foreigners it will be the americans. Kinda a cheap shot imo

    And if you prefer and are able to play on the us server- then by all means do- play where you feel happy

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer Taija's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    they cater to us market with us prices for the game. If they charge euro prices - most wont play

    And as the markets are separated with different servers, it is no problem really for ubisoft nor for the players

    Bottom line, they make less from the game in USA, after converting the money to euro's but when exchange rates change, that changes as well. Normal in business really

    and about the foreigner comment.... all i can say idiot.. do your research

    Ubisof is a french based company and Bluebye a german based company. If any are the foreigners it will be the americans. Kinda a cheap shot imo

    And if you prefer and are able to play on the us server- then by all means do- play where you feel happy
    Sorry for being an idiot. I was just wondering..Are there more players in Europe then? American server seemed quite a full comparing the guild lists here. I don't know about the situation in Newfoundland server. By the way, euro rate has always been much higher than dollar. They made that way.

    I think people would play this game regardless of the game prizes, so it is kind of odd.. I hope they answer this without any contempt like you did, I wrote to ubisoft support about this..

    I don't think I will continue spending money on my european game, because it to ME as a customer much more expensive that way. I don't know about my american server game. I'm already regretting I began to spend money in this game here (with very low income).. If I continue, it will be much more expensive to me in the long run.

    To me it is kind of odd I should pay any extra for exactly the same product in multinational world where they are no limits to play the game wherever..
    Last edited by Taija; 03.04.12 at 07:45.

  5. #5
    Erudite Pioneer Taija's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tierarzt View Post
    You're comparing the dollar to the euro without including taxes. We pay more tax than the Americans do, so the values are not the same.
    Sorry for being stupid but what tax?

  6. #6
    Jolly Advisor
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    Forget all the delightful theories you lot are coming up with. It has been a fact for many years that the prices in the US are always directly converted into say gbp - ie something costing $99 became £99. With the advent of the euro, to make life easier it just became 99 euros.

    Taxes - in most of europe the law says that to retail customers the price shown is the price you have to pay - i.e. it has to include any tax. In the US, the purchase tax situation is more complex + all their prices are shown without tax - depending upon which state you live in determines the amount and if you have to pay a sales tax - it can be confusing.

    So remember a price you see say at $99 might actually cost anything from $104 to $120 . . . difference not large at low rates but becomes higher with more expensive 1:1 conversions, even including taxes.

    All things sold in the EU now have to have a VAT rating - a country can determine the rating on items - ie make them zero rated, or at a lower rate - fuel (like electricity) is 5% in the UK compared to 20% on petrol. The UK does have products which are VAT exempt - like the written word - books, food, children's clothes etc. The EU wants Britian to change this, to remove exemption goods and give them a rating. The reason is that under EU law, once an item is VAT rated, it can never be unrated - which means when the single economy comes the EU parliament will decide VAT rates, not national govts.

    Have a nice day you all

  7. #7
    Erudite Pioneer Taija's Avatar
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    Thanks for explaining unlucky.. Trying to understand..
    Last edited by Taija; 03.04.12 at 09:09.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    is it so hard to understand that they price their product according to the countries economy?

    If you buy a TV in Asia, chances are you pay half of what it costs in europe and in the us u pay around 70% of what you pay in europe.

    It is the economy, taxes transport but more than anything, pricelevels people are used to and accept

    They regionalize the servers so they can get the best price/playerratio per server. If they would charge us prices here, probably a few more might play or a few more buy gems but at the end of the day they make less money from the game than pricing them based on the euro market. If you dont like it, just play on the us servers - that is your choice to make.

    Complaining wont get ubisoft to change the policy )

    Finally- there are plenty of people playing the game without negative effects of not buying gems and a lot of others with buying just a limited amount of gems. So i don;t understand your remarks in that light anyway- Also the retail box probably is a lot more value for money than the gems in shop atm - esp if u need generals

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