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Thread: [Tool] SettlersOnlineTools - Combat Simulator

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi found an error with dark priests W1 has 40 wolves on mine but you show it has 50

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    hi ulrich,

    do you have a clue when your explanation will be ready, because i cant seem to figure out the best attacker option

    kind regards,

    Last edited by benny1971; 16.06.12 at 14:39.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Great tool! Unfortunately it has a small problem in Chrome.
    The green/orange/red text where it has Combat details, is messed up in Chrome. On IE it works fine.
    It is usable in Chrome, but if you could test it a bit and modify the text, it would be great!

  4. #14
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Lately we fixed some bugs. Unfortunately i didn't had the time to write a manual for the simulator. Maybe is someone from the community able to do so ?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Awesome tool!

    I can't help wondering if there isn't a way to eliminate the very long processing time, or at least cut it down dramatically.

    If we jump to the conclusion that losing combinations are irrelevant, then it should be possible to set some thresholds for detecting irrelevant variations by making certain "test" attempts early in the process.

    For example given that the enemy stack deals 500 dam/round and has 2.000 hps and you only have 1 wave, then you could drop all variations where army hps is less than 500, and all variations that has less than 2.000 in damage/round.

    Do you do these kinds of checks or do you just brute force it?

    I also think that running iterations is wasteful for preliminary checks. Other calculators run iterations, but they are not as ambitious as yours where you try to propose solutions.

    A Recruit has 15/30 with 80% to hit. That is 27 points of damage per round on average. You don't need iterations to know this; as the number of iterations approach infinity the damage observed will approach 27 per round.

    You just need to record the minimum, maximum and average damage profiles for the output report generation.

    At the very least you can use pre-calculated averages to quickly identify interesting variants and then run iterations only on those.

    With the above you should, hopefully, be able (not taking hours) to offer a new feature I'd like:

    - Add ability to propose number of waves to solve the mission. As in the calculator calculates the number of waves that it is most efficient to use.

    Finally, since the units are static and most scenarios are static, you could pre-calculate optimal attack options for all of it and simply look up in a table and return that result. - A variation of this would be pre-stored variations/thresholds that are not successful (and therefore can be skipped).

    For me the most powerful feature of your simulator is that it proposes solutions that I would not have come up with myself. It has clued me into some pretty clever alternatives that I would have missed if I had keyed in variations in a "normal" simulator.

    Another trick that may save some iterations is that Bowman and Militia have identical damage profiles. The bowman is cheaper and has fewer hps, so ANY solution that is positive with bowmen in them will also be positive with Militia.

    As in; if a solution is a success with 100 Bowmen, then you do not have to run solutions for Militia numbering 101 to 250.

    Other such statements and rules can be identified I'm sure, and be used to help determine the order in which variations are run.

    The only weak spot is the time it takes to run variations and iterations, hence my focus on methods to cut these down.

    The tool is really good! Please take the above as constructive ideas from a fan, not as negative criticism! :-)

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Awesome tool.
    I do however feel that if we were able to start it outside the browser it would be faster.
    If you want i could help you convert the flash code into .Net framework code.
    That way you could also offer an executable which may be even faster than the current flash applet.

    If you would want to talk about that contact me on the forum


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    This is a good tool I use it all the time now, however don't take it for granted that it is always correct as I have simulated a battle on one of the hard bandit camps several times and always it gave me a very high percentage to win but in reality I lost. But it is only a percentage prediction not a certainty so still a very good sim

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by HankMarvin2012 View Post
    This is a good tool I use it all the time now, however don't take it for granted that it is always correct as I have simulated a battle on one of the hard bandit camps several times and always it gave me a very high percentage to win but in reality I lost. But it is only a percentage prediction not a certainty so still a very good sim
    How can you say it is incorrect, when the tool already told you can loose, and you loose? That sounds like what it said could happen did happen...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    good tool but "find best attacker" have bugs
    Bandit Leader (Chuck + 89 Roughnecks): best 1: 89R 2: 200R
    tool say : 1:130R+70M 2:140R+50M (atack with max units ff)

  10. #20
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by momo40 View Post
    Bandit Leader (Chuck + 89 Roughnecks): best 1: 89R 2: 200R
    I think your own calculations have even more bugs in that case...

    Since Chuck defends first, neither of your recruit waves would kill anything...

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