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Thread: chat language and bans

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    chat language and bans

    I'm wondering why I not only had a warning but a ban as well for using the same language that the current President of the United States uses in speeches to the Nation.
    The word 'screw' is not a dirty word. It is the mind of the moderator that is dirty.

    And yes I know the context. I used it in the same context as Obama did. As a socially acceptable expletive.

    This is not the first time this mod, who I will leave out of this notice for now, has pulled this kind of power play on people.

    The upsetting part is that I ask in whisper, after the warning, what phrase to use instead. And no notice was given. No answer. So I asked again in chat. And this is when I was banned. Worse than a troll. Lower too. This is how problems between players and mods start and escalate.

  2. #2
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    It may be socially acceptable in America, but this is not America.
    There are many other words that are "socially acceptable" in America that are frowned up by us aswell. Just be careful what you say.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  3. #3
    Pathfinder LuminousStar's Avatar
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    Far away :)
    I cannot imagine that word is socially acceptable in America even if the president uses it. Only when it is referred to as a bolt and in that context, would I assume that it is okay. Otherwise I don't think so.

    “I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.” ~Frida Kahlo

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    the usual divided by a common lannguage :P

    To be perfectly honest- you have only yourself to blame for the ban. You were warned (you say) and didn;t agree with the content of the warning so proceeded to use the same language again. It is not surprising that this was followed up with a ban. This regardless of it being an unjust ban, a light ban or a heavy ban for the offense. Directly challenging a mod by repeating what you have been warned about usually will end you with a ban- and rightly so.

    If you fee you were harshly treated or unjustly warned (and concequently banned) then go through approrpiate channels and use the /report function and or screenshots and go through support. If the same mod consistently seems to mismodd or mod with a heavy hand, actions will be taken if you go through channels.

    Look at it from the mod's point of view- u were warned not to use certain language - which can have different conntations across the pond- you challenged the mod to give you an alternative which was acceptable, which didnt get a reaction and then you blatantly used the same words in chat again. If you were the mod (and convinced of the rightness of the warning) and then see someone apparently deliberately using the same words in chat after the warning (context of the situation you described), Would you let is slide, warn again or follow up with a limited chat ban?

  5. #5
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxy_Roxy_Moxy View Post
    i got banned without a warning because i said pissed while people get away with other *** like *** and what not
    The rules are your warning.
    Just because some may appear to get away with inappropriate language at times does not make it right for you to use it aswell.
    Last edited by MOD_Bones; 14.04.12 at 08:41.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  6. #6
    Forum Explorer
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    How can any expletive be socially acceptable?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ive found from experience to avoid using chat channels in all online games... theyre a minefield and create more problems and hassles than they benefit.

  8. #8
    Jolly Advisor
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    If people were in a real room where you could actually see the other people and their actual ages etc., would you use the language which is commented on here?

    I would like to think you wouldn't because you have manners and wouldn't wish to offend others - especially if there were children present.

    This game has a pegi-7 rating which would suggest that children as young as 7 could be playing unsupervised. The question arises would you use the language in front of them? Unfortunately (or fortunately!) we can't see the people typing into chat or perhaps more importantly those reading but not adding to the chat, so those of us who do write in chat should take a responsible attitude to what we write and be careful. (Count the different numbers of people in chat and it is small compared to the number actually playing at any one time!)

    If we get a warning, we might not like it, but perhaps instead of ranting - often in chat about it - we should step back from the keyboard, allow ourselves to cool down and then continue to enjoy the game.

    Thankfully we are all individuals, but we all need to respect the fact that we might and do offend people by what we write.

  9. #9
    Glorious Graduate
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    The problem with pegi7 is you can twist many things to fit your meaning, I saw a mod tell us not to use the word pie!!! There should be a pegi7 chan and a mature chan or just have a swear filter that can be turned on and off like in world of warcraft, the mods go ott sometimes.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    this had me curious why cant you use the word pie..
    its a food

    Quote Originally Posted by kendris View Post
    The problem with pegi7 is you can twist many things to fit your meaning, I saw a mod tell us not to use the word pie!!! There should be a pegi7 chan and a mature chan or just have a swear filter that can be turned on and off like in world of warcraft, the mods go ott sometimes.

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