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Thread: [FWB] Hasmirs's adventure blog for Veteran fighters

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Played the "Surprise attack" adventure and used your map for it.
    Everything went smoothly and got that nice adrenaline rush on quadra-block
    Aaah, amazing adventure indeed!
    Anyways - few errors found and told em to Scarman in-game.
    But for the real everyone should try that map, it is absolutely fantastic!


    Ps. pay attention what you are doing on blocks - they are hard and funny
    Last edited by kaapo; 11.05.12 at 12:51.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Problem fixed!
    Just so everyone knows its safe to play SA again ^ ^.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    just played the "Outlaws" and all the blocks are working just perfect.
    Hasmire - god bless you, my fellow country men
    because of your maps i have so much less losses in adventures.

  4. #104
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Hasmir View Post
    I made a simple "How to block" explanation that was made for triple block in Outlaws, but can be used in any my adventure guide. Just different garrison position and general settings. I hope this will help you succeed in your blocks
    Hey Hasmir, I like your guides, but as a fairly new player I couldn't really find out what the principle around blocking is and I personally don't like using something risky as blocking without really understanding what it does.
    From what I gathered you attack a camp and while that camp is busy another general can walk past it and kill the zone to avoid losses in the first battle. Could you (or anyone else) confirm that this is indeed the idea behind blocking and if you know give an guideline for how long a fight takes with respect to type of general en number of rounds, unless that's some sort of guide-makers trade-secret? :P
    Also as a related question. Can a camp intercept more than one general: i.e. if you want to get get a general past a camp by blocking it, do you have to make sure your good general doesn'nt enter the red zone untill the fight starts, or is it also ok if he enters the red zone just after the first general enters it and is intercepted?

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    There are 2 types of blocks: first will use just 1R for a block camp, since the main general has a small route through the red zone, and the second one is like you mentioned the one where your blocking general fight longer than main general. There is a lot of try and error in this field. Lots of positioning of generals and finding the time needed and everything. The time the battle lasts depend on the troops involved in it, so it actualy isnt that easy to time it. Plus each block needs different time to pass and suceed. But if you are interested, you can time your battle replay msgs.
    The camp can intercept more than one general. Thats why its important that block lasts long enough for general to pass it. Otherwise there can be mayhem
    I hope this explains a bit, for more, dont hesitate to ask.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Just to let you know I think that the VTV map with soldiers is incorrect on the first block setup. You need to put your first wave in G1 and 2nd in G1*? Unless you send out G1* and then G1 but that bit is unclear!!!

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    You are suppose to send out G1 first and G1* second. I dont know how this was missed in the round of updates. Will fix asap. Thanks for noticing.

  8. #108
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Ah thanks for the explanation Hasmir. So the time that an attack takes is the same as the time the replay takes, at least for normal generals? If so would it help to use more different types of units in blocks because each group of units is attacked seperately in the replay?

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Correct Obliwan. And as far as for the type of units goes, it depends on the enemy units. In my blocks I try to achieve the longest fights (minimum rounds and average rounds count) with mixing different troops, but in some occasions, it just doesnt matter.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Cant really excuse myself for beeing a newb, but got a question for TBK blocks. If i understand both correctly, i send G1 (97ES) to camp 2, it will get intercepted by camp 1. Now I am surpose to send both G2 & G3 ASAP. after G1 hits the point you showed in the map?

    Just out of curiosity, how much delay time can be accepted if im a bit slow on sending both generals fast enough? 1-3 secs from your "start point "?

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