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Thread: Tutorial; options too much ahead of the quests

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Tutorial; options too much ahead of the quests


    in my humble opinion the options available are too much ahead of some quests.. or the quests are behind the available options, either way.

    - You get to send the explorer out as many times as you want, for example to find stone deposits. A bit later in the tutorial you have to find a stone deposit but if you already sent out the explorer a few times for it, you will fail to find one, resulting in you being forced to wait till one deposit goes empty (wich will take forever).
    - In one of the quests you have to upgrade a building. This is very expensive (for early game) and I upgraded one building... 5 minutes before I got that quest.

    These things are not game breaking (hences why I post it in the suggestions and not bugs) since you can use gems to skip etc or wait it out, but they are annoying and since a tutorial is there to teach things instead of making you wait for hours or so (and like I already upgraded a building before it was in the tutorial quest, I clearly already 'learned' about it), I would suggest to even the options up a bit more with the tutorial quests.

    Just my 2 cents.

  2. #2
    Forum Explorer
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Simple. Don't rush the tutorial.

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    But thats the thing, a tutorial is just supposed to teach you the basics of the game. the tutorial itself didnt teach me a thing tbh.
    Sometimes you're just waiting hours before you can do the next thing, resulting in people fiddling around, learning stuff by themselves.
    You get told to use the explorer to find deposits, so you do, 3 hours later you have to find a stone deposit. urh,ok that sucks if you found all deposits already since you had a few hours to kill.

    This isnt a tutorial, its just an easy-mode gameplay. A tutorial teaches you how to use buildings, how the gameplay works and then you're off. It should give tips and not make quests so you get stuck by that same tutorial. IMO you shouldnt be able to perform actions before the tutorial explains them.

  4. #4
    Forum Explorer
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    for most here the tutorial did teach us something. And if you choose to get ahead (and yes I did do the stone thing) then all that happens is you have to wait. As this is a slow based game kind of gets you used to it

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