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Thread: We need yours too! Ideas for the not-very-attractive adventures

  1. #11
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    SotV - Update -> as promised with new pictures and blocks

    Setup + compare with the one in earlier post or this one - old setup -> I've used more Soldiers, because I don't have problem with steel swords as earlier .

    Original tactical map.

    Block - camps 2/3/4/5:

    Attack in this order:

    1) G4 (tavern) attacks camp 4
    2) G2 (tavern) attacks camp 2
    3) after 30 sec. G3 (veteran) attacks camp 3
    4) right after G3 you can send your 2nd Veteran or the 2nd player sends his Veteran - G5 (veteran) attacks camp 5

    How it's going: 1, 2, 3.

    Block - camps 11/12/13:

    I've used two generals to attack camp 13 (as I've written in the previous post you can minimize the Cavalery losses):

    Block - camps 27/28:

    Ideally when you attack camp 28 first and right after the general appears you send the block-G27 but you should do it before the red square (this setup worked for me, with the General starting 11 seconds).

    Block - camps 19/20/21:

    G20 attacks when G19 is on the marked spot, or with my Generals starting (appearing) 11 seconds, it was 20 seconds after I've clicked attack on camp 19:

    You attack with 21a/21b when G19 appears, so 11 seconds after I've clicked attack on camp 20, or 31 seconds after attack on camp 19.

    If some things are not clear, just ask ... hope this helps!
    Last edited by sk_setttler; 27.05.12 at 17:03.

  2. #12
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2012
    I'm doing Secluded Experiments now, doing paths and garrison setups as I go, will be writing everything down. I've done one map and it was a pain so don't plan to do one but I'll make the basics availible for sure.

    There are room for alot of blocks on it but I will just do the absolute easiest ones as I suck at coming up with the blocks. Anyone who wants to help feel free to contact me in game, I just started, will take a week or so I reckon...

    I need that Angel Gate, only epic building left!
    Last edited by Andreen; 24.05.12 at 01:03.

  3. #13
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2012
    Ok, getting close to the end, should finish this tonight if all goes well. Where should I post this, in here, in a new thread or in Killstes thread?

  4. #14
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Post it here pls I'll be afk for a week, but after that I'll restart my project.

  5. #15
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2012

    1: 80 Stone Thrower, 80 Thug - 56R 1ES 170C 23A - 46R lost
    2: 80 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger - 81R 169ES - 69R lost
    3: 2 Skunk, 100 Thug, 80 Ranger - 80R 1S 100C 69A - 77R lost
    4: 100 Scavenger, 80 Ranger - blocks:31S 101C or (6Rounds)
    5: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Thug, 50 Guard Dog - 140R 110ES - 129R lost
    6: 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Roughneck - 32R 1ES 203C 14A - 30R lost
    7: 1 Metal Toothed, 60 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 60 Roughneck - 1:60C 2: 108R 1ES 65C 76A - 60C 96R lost
    8: 80 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 32R 1ES 203C 14A - 28R lost
    9: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 50 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 50R 1ES 100C 99A - 42R lost
    10: 150 Roughneck - 129R 1ES 120A - 108R
    11: 100 Ranger, 100 Roughneck - Blocking 67S 110C (8Rounds)
    12: 100 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck - Blocking 20R 110S 18C (8Rounds)
    13: 1 Chuck, 50 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 70 Roughneck - 1: 50C 2: 114R 1ES 54C 81A - 50c 108R Lost

    This is the project that I did last week ago

    My Blocking method Son Of veld

    Uploaded with

    14: 2 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk , 50 Guard Dog, 50 Roughneck - 113R 137S - 105R lost
    15: 2 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk , 50 Guard Dog, 50 Roughneck - 113R 137ES - 101R lost
    16: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 50 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 50R 1ES 100C 99A - 45R lost
    17: 80 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 32R 1ES 203C 14A - 29R lost

    Block 3

    Uploaded with

    Send the Veteran(V),First Wave(F) to camp 20, B1 to Camp 18 and then B2 for camp 19.

    18: 55 Guard Dog, 55 Ranger, 55 Roughneck - Blocking: 1R 43S 99C (8Rounds)
    19: 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Roughneck - blocking 29S 80C (8Rounds)
    20: 1 Metal tooth, 50 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 70 Roughneck - 1:60C 2: 108R 1ES 65C 76A - 60C 98R lost



    Uploaded with


    Uploaded with


    Uploaded with


    Uploaded with

    Block 4

    21: 2 Skunk, 100 Thug, 80 Ranger - 80R 1S 100C 69A - 69R
    22: 80 Stone Thrower, 80 Thug - 56R 1ES 163C 30A - 50R lost

    Uploaded with

    Send the veteran to Camp 24 and when it arrived too white Circle, send B1 to 23.

    23: 80 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger - 1R lost
    24: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 60 Thug, 60 Guard Dog - 86R 164ES - 71R lost

    Block 5

    25: 80 Rangers, 80 Thug - 56R 1ES 163C 30A - 52R lost
    26: 100 Scavenger, 100 Guard Dog - 69R 181ES - 65R lost

    Uploaded with

    27: 160 Thugs - 84S 101C (8 rounds)
    28: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Thug, 50 Guard Dog - 140R 110ES - 130R lost


    Uploaded with

    Block 6

    Uploaded with

    Send the B1 to camp 29, B2 to Camp 30, First wave(F) and the last wave to camp 31.

    29: 50 Thug, 100 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger - Blocking: 132C 45S (6 rounds)
    30: 100 Thug, 80 Guard Dog, 40 Ranger - blocking: 55S 145C (6 rounds)
    31: 1 Metal Toothed, 50 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 1:50C 2: 90R 1ES 96C 63A - 50C 83R


    Uploaded with


    Troops needed 1812R 190S 181ES 593C 120A

    My losses 1632R 220C
    Last edited by NicePuppy; 28.05.12 at 10:07.

  6. #16
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    THNX NicePuppy...I'll revise my strategy, implement your blocks 3 & 5 (I'll just change the 4th to 1R)...I think it will cut down the losses a bit .
    I'll stick with militia and soldiers attacks on some of the leaders (I don't have problem with IS and SS at this point) so I think I can attack 1500 for cumulative losses ... now I have 1604!
    Last edited by sk_setttler; 27.05.12 at 16:22.

  7. #17
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sk_setttler View Post
    THNX NicePuppy...I'll revise my strategy, implement your blocks 3 & 5 (I'll just change the 4th to 1R)...I think it will cut down the losses a bit .
    I'll stick with militia and soldiers attacks on some of the leaders (I don't have problem with IS and SS at this point) so I think I can attack 1500 for cumulative losses ... now I have 1604!
    NP... This is the best that I can do using single veteran. I tested this first in the test server which I done many times but still not my type that I was looking for. lossing 220C is a pain! and yeah also found the 2 veteran attacking 2 leader camp and blocking in the same which it reduce more Units losses. You see 4 and 5 you can block more but too risky 3 blocking need an asian dude lol.

  8. #18
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Unfortunately Bob's long attacks on the easter camps of Sons of the Veld won't be possible with the new pathing...
    Those paths wouldn't come through the southern entrance anymore, they'd take the western one.
    With the new pathing it will also be impossible to avoid the central camp in the east with 150 roughnecks (N° 19 below).
    Unfortunately all this also means that NicePuppy's block 3 will be out of the question...

    Quite a different approach will be needed, and I had to check it out on the test server yesterday.
    Despite the new pathing, I've so far managed to get the average losses down to 1513R 220C.
    The main reason for this was the successful attack with 6 generals and 4 simultaneous blocks in the east:

    In this picture blocking generals A, B, C and D are still busy fighting camps 19, 20, 21 and 22.
    The suicidal battle hardened general E is returning from camp 23 after losing his 50 cavalry.
    The main veteran general F is just about to kill the remainder of camp 23.

    It needs to be pointed out that this cannot be done with one player alone.
    Since 4 blocking normal generals are needed, it will require two players.

    No less than 1026 units took part in in this single battle:
    120R 1M 390S 437C 78XB and the average losses are 106R 50C.

    I need to play SotV once more before getting all the needed pictures for a post though...

  9. #19
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Hi Tage, I'm really pissed about the new pathing...but that's not the issue right now.

    Congrats on this successful 4-block -> I've tried that about a month ago and I wasn't successful, because I made a mistake and after that I've dismissed this block, so I'm really looking forward to your pictures and setups, so I can try it once again.

    I've just finished SotV with MrBlunts map...but with my double-veteran-attack at the start and with Nicepuppy's blocks 3 & 5 ... I don't use R on all camps so my losses with S and M are: 772R+200M+220C+128S = 1320 (which is really close to your 1513R if you consider 1M=2R & 1S=4R ), but with your block it could be even better...I hope I'll have a chance to play it once again before they introduce the new pathing and I stop playing TSO.
    Last edited by sk_setttler; 29.05.12 at 12:32.

  10. #20
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    So as I promised, I restarted Gunpowder. Unfortunately the whole pathfinding system changed, so I have to figure out every blocking method again.

    The first one was a double longblock.

    I attacked camp 1 (green) with G1, then when G1 reached the red X, attacked camp 2 (green) with G2. When he arrived to the pink X I sent my Veteran to camp 3 (green). It was risky, but I succeed.

    1G (120DM 30DB): 35S 165C (6-12 rounds)
    2G (90DM 90DB): 20S 170C (6-11 rounds)

    3G (100DM 30DC 40DB): 50R 45M 28B 127XB [50R 45M 27B] 1-2 rounds or: 150R 100S [150R] 2 rounds

    These were the garisson settings (in bold).

    Next step:

    9 (75DS 75DLB): 65R 110C 75XB [62R]

    The next plan is a little more complicated than I thougt first.

    4B (70DB 50DM 80DC): 22S 153C (5-10 rounds)
    5 (80DB 60DM 60DC): 184C 9S (6-10 rounds)
    6 (80DM 20DC 80DLB): 188C 12S (6-11 rounds)
    7 (50DM 70DC 50DLB): 188C 3S (5-10 rounds)
    8 (50DC 50DS 70DLB): 140R 110S [140R] 2 rounds

    Yeap, my plan is a quadruple-block

    The plan is very easy:

    Attack camp 6 from the upper pennisula. It's a tricky attack, because camp 7 will intercept it, BUT on the way to camp 7 the general will leave its zone, so he will turn back, and attack camp 6.

    So when he arrives to the red X we can attack the next camp:

    Attack camp 5 with G2. When he reaches the pink X, attack camp 4 (blue) with G3 and camp 7 with G2. When these generals leave the white X, attack camp 8 with your veteran.

    So this is the plan. I must wait a little, because I had to try what happens when I attack these camps, so my generals are recovering now.

    And here I am again:

    The timing is near to perfect, but there was a little problem. My settings on camp 5 were bad. I don't know how. So the fight lasted for 5 rounds which is obviously not enough. 6 rounds would be okay, and I'll find the right settings.
    Last edited by Lisztes; 16.06.12 at 21:28.

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