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Thread: We need yours too! Ideas for the not-very-attractive adventures

  1. #21
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisztes View Post
    The next plan is a little more complicated than I thougt first.

    4B (70DB 50DM 80DC): 22S 153C (5-10 rounds)
    5 (80DB 60DM 60DC): 184C 9S (6-10 rounds)
    6 (80DM 20DC 80DLB): 188C 12S (6-11 rounds)
    7 (50DM 70DC 50DLB): 188C 3S (5-10 rounds)
    8 (50DC 50DS 70DLB): 140R 110S [140R] 2 rounds

    Yeap, my plan is a quadruple-block
    Ahh, I love quadruple-blocks

    However, since you can only buy three normal generals from the tavern,
    and since all generals in your images are yours, how did you do it?

    Did you invite a friend to help you, or did you use a battle hardened general in one of the blocks?
    I would certainly not recommend the latter...

    Your current setup for camp 5 would indeed only last 4-9 rounds (average 5.1).
    1R 9S 190C would last 5-10 rounds (average 7.5).

  2. #22
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    Ahh, I love quadruple-blocks
    Who doesn't?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    However, since you can only buy three normal generals from the tavern,
    and since all generals in your images are yours, how did you do it?
    You can buy more than 3 generals. I did it on the test server, I have 5 normal generals there right now. And in the normal game I have 3 normal generals, and I can buy the next one for 2000 coins.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    Did you invite a friend to help you, or did you use a battle hardened general in one of the blocks?
    I would certainly not recommend the latter...
    No, I didn't use BH generals for block. And the best part of this block: You can do it cooperating with somebody. The timing on the first attack is not so tight, so If your friend help you, he can send his general from the upper pennisula, and you can do the rest of it from the southern, when your friend's general arrives approx. to the red X.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    Your current setup for camp 5 would indeed only last 4-9 rounds (average 5.1).
    1R 9S 190C would last 5-10 rounds (average 7.5).
    I know, I've found good setups already, but I will ask my friend to help, he wrote a program which counts the best settings for longblocks (and counts with the "smoking" part too, what you can't do with the other simulators (the "smoking" goes on apr. 2 rounds, so if with your settings the fight is 5-10 rounds, but all the 5-6 variants are "surewinning", it basically 7-10 rounds)).

  3. #23
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Feb 2012
    Btw Gunpowder is a little buggy, or bad edited.

    The camp in the circle shouldn't be there since I defeated the leader. The other 2 camps, which are equal to it (camp 4 blue, camp 5 (which should be camp 4 green)) disappeared, when I killed camp 8. Moreover if your generals landed on the blue, or green zone, you can't transfer them to the red zone... There is a camp on the way what blocks it... So if your general arrives on the red landing zone, you can't move anywhere.

  4. #24
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Well, I was trying a double block, but my time wasn't perfect. Anyway, it will work. And after the changes on pathfinding it's better... I can test the former simple block on these 2 camps (last time it worked, when I sent the generals (G2 and V on the picture below) right after each other). but I can't log to the testserver right now, don't know why...

    We have to send G2 (to camp 11) and V (to camp 12) first (I'll check the exact timing), and when G2 arrives to the red line, you can attack camp 10 with G1.

    It will work. I sent G2 a little earlier, and camp 10 intercepted him. But the red line will work. And after I realised that, I call G2 and V back (G2 was at the fences), they went back to the garrison, and after they were ready I waited aprox. 25-30 seconds until the battle on camp 10 ended... So there is enough time

  5. #25
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisztes View Post
    You can buy more than 3 generals. I did it on the test server, I have 5 normal generals there right now. And in the normal game I have 3 normal generals, and I can buy the next one for 2000 coins.
    Ooooh, thanks... I wonder why I thought 3 was the maximum...
    Maybe it used to be 3, or maybe I just discarded the idea of wasting my precious gold coins back then...

    Just bought my fourth normal general on the test server...
    I have been playing SotV some 6-7 times already.
    The reasons I haven't posted anything from that yet, are the constant changes they've been making,
    both the visual representation of showing the paths, but also changes to the map itself (including roads that disappear while you're playing...)

    My average losses on SotV are down to 1410R 220C at the moment though.
    Now I'm actually starting to hope that the new pathing will come to the main game too...
    ...need to start playing those tens of SotV I've been saving for a rainy day...

  6. #26
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Thanks God I failed the previous block. Because of the new pathfinding system the earlier timing on this blocking wasn't good anymore.

    Here is the new picture. So attack camp 11 with G2, and when he reaches the red X, attack camp 12 with your veteran. When they're in the position like on the picture (G2 reached the red line), attack camp 10 with G1.

    10 (50DC 100DS): 62S 138C (7-13 rounds)
    11 (40DC 70DLB 70DS): 26S 2B 170C (7-11 rounds)
    12 (50DC 50DLB 100DS): 42S 90C 118XB [42S 50C]

    This can work. Because of my first failed block I can't check it right now.

  7. #27
    Erudite Pioneer
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    The next was an easy one again, but I had to change the garrisons and the timing...

    G1 to camp 13, when he reaches the red X, G2 to camp 14. When G1 disappears in camp 13, send G3 to camp 15. When G2 leaves the pink X, send the veteran to camp 16.

    13 (100DC 100DS): 127S (7-13 rounds) *thanks Tage for the correction
    14 (50DC 70DLB 80DS): 50S 139C 1B (7-12 rounds)
    15 (80DLB 120DS): 80S 120C (7-14 rounds)
    16 (200 DS): 76S 174XB [75S]
    Last edited by Lisztes; 17.06.12 at 13:39.

  8. #28
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisztes View Post
    he wrote a program which counts the best settings for longblocks (and counts with the "smoking" part too, what you can't do with the other simulators (the "smoking" goes on apr. 2 rounds, so if with your settings the fight is 5-10 rounds, but all the 5-6 variants are "surewinning", it basically 7-10 rounds)).
    I'd like to hear more about that...
    I take it you've verified in the game that a won battle lasts significantly longer than a lost battle, if the number of rounds of fighting is the same?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisztes View Post
    13 (100DC 100DS): 125S (7-13 rounds)
    That one must in that case be wrong... almost a certain loss... maybe it should be 127S

  9. #29
    Erudite Pioneer
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    The next triple block was an easy one again.

    Attack Camp 17 with G1 and Camp 19 with G2. When G1 disappears in Camp 17, attack Camp 18 with G3. When G3 reaches the red X, Attack Camp 20 with your veteran (yes, now you can attack Camp 19 directly, in the previous version you had to attack camp 21).

    17 (70DLB 130DS): 90S 110C (7-14 rounds)
    18 (50DC 50DLB 100DS): 100S 80C (7-13 rounds)
    19 (50DC 150DS): 160S (7-13 rounds)
    20 (100DS 100DXB): 55S 100C 95XB [52S]


    21 (50DC 80DS 60DXB): 1: 60R; 2: 50R 17M 70C 113XB [60R; 50R 15M]
    22 (90DS 90DXB): 55R 25M 100C 70XB [55R 22M]
    Last edited by Lisztes; 17.06.12 at 13:52.

  10. #30
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    I'd like to hear more about that...
    I take it you've verified in the game that a won battle lasts significantly longer than a lost battle, if the number of rounds of fighting is the same?
    Yes, when you won the battle, the camps start to smoke, and that means like ~+2 rounds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tage View Post
    That one must in that case be wrong... almost a certain loss... maybe it should be 127S
    Thank you. I really don't know what happened, why I wrote wrong settings...

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