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Thread: We need yours too! Ideas for the not-very-attractive adventures

  1. #1
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    We need yours too! Ideas for the not-very-attractive adventures

    Hi guys!

    I saw so many great guides for the popular adventures, but it's really hard to find guides for the not-too-nice ones. So I ask you too, collect any ideas for these hard adventures to make easier to complete them. I don't need complete tactical maps, if you have only one garrison setting, post it here! If you only have an idea which is worth to try, post it too! If you have some time to check these ideas on the testserver, check them! (remember on the testserver you can buy adventures for mf easily, you can train units immediately with gems, etc.)

    Here is a list:

    Wild Mary: Atm I didn't find tactical map for Wild Mary. Neither here nor on the german wiki (Siedler-Vision). It's not surprising, because of its hard camps... For example you need at least 3 waves for the last camp and all with veteran.
    Update: New map

    Secluded Experiments: I only find one tactical map (and it has only arrows, so it's not very informative). And this adventure can be found by explorer (ok, you need lvl 42 to start it), but I guess lots of us have at least one from this. The biggest problem with SE, that this is a tipical loot-adventure. The enemies don't give too much xp points so you have to finish to make it worth.
    Update: New map

    Gunpowder: We like Traitors for the xp we gain when we cancel it before the last camps. We like Stealing for the ok xp, ok loot and for the chance to get Sir Robin's Castle. We love Black Knights for the great xp and great loot. But we don't like Gunpowder because its bad loot and the losses. It's a really hard adventure even for 3 player. I found one tactical map but I'm pretty sure we can do it better.

    We have 2 more adventures: Sons of the Veldt and Bandit nest (from the 5 new adventures Roaring Bull and Surprise Attack are really nice ones, so if you have enough map fragments and lvl, buy them!). Doctor Bob has already made tactical maps for them you should check it! In the case of Bandit Nest I'm pretty sure there is nothing we can do, but in the case of Sons there is still hope to lower the losses I guess.

    Of course if you have any idea for other adventures, post it!

    Regards: Lisztes (and sorry for my bad English)
    Last edited by Lisztes; 01.07.12 at 12:51.

  2. #2
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Feb 2012
    Ok, I have started it already. I'm trying garrison settings on Gunpowder (on the testserver of course). Well, my first try was pretty bad, I failed But I think my idea still has potential I was thinking about something like this:

    Attention! I didn't try this, I tried with a little bit different garrison placing and the general on the left was too early, the veteran was too late, so I made this from these observations (but I can't try it already). I will post more tries from this adventure if I have time.
    Last edited by Lisztes; 13.05.12 at 14:23.

  3. #3
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Feb 2012
    Here is the next one:

    First I defeated the next camp in the normal way.

    Then I tried a normal block with 1 recruit to reach the leader camp on the right. I need this sector because I want a triple block in the middle (attack from both peninsulas). Of course that will be the trickiest one, and there is just a little hope for success. But camp5 is a really hard one (the losses are 155R), so I have to try

    This block was a success but it was really close I think the normal general I didn't use (I can't move it, because the general is recovering) is important too as a barrier.

    The next step for my masterplan: clear the road for a surprise attack from behind:

    With this we can send the generals from 3 ways.


    And here we are... There is one tiny problem so my original idea won't work (I think). Too bad.

    Anyways, I post the plan. I was hoping that when I attack camp 6, my general WILL attack camp 6... But instead of this, camp 5 will intercept the general. I didn't find super garrison settings for the long blocks, anyways I post them:

    Long blocks:
    To camp 5: 105S 30C; 4-7 rounds (much better version: 184C 9S; 6-10 rounds)
    To camp 6: 110S; 4-6 rounds (much better version: 188C 3S; 5-10 rounds, this is the best I find, there is a very little chance for 5 rounds (~0,1%))
    To camp 7: 66S 67C; 4-10 rounds (much better version: 188C 12S; 6-11 rounds)

    Attacking camp 8: 140R 110S


    And I finally tried it. Because of I have to attack earlier camp 5 than I planned this won't work.

    First I attacked camp 8 with the Veteran, and right after that I attacked camp 7 with a normal one. When the latter reached the red X...

    ...I sent the general on the left to camp 5, and when he reached the red X, I sent the general on the right to camp 6.

    Too bad camp 5 finished too early. I guess I have to defeat camp 5 before the long blocks.


    Ok, there is still a little hope. All we need is to change the generals. Attack camp 6 and camp 7 from behind (there are only 2 places there...) attack camp 5 from the usual place and attack the leader (camp 8) with the veteran from the right.
    Last edited by Lisztes; 14.05.12 at 16:24.

  4. #4
    Jolly Advisor
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    Jan 2012
    Hi for SotV I would recommend this tactical map.

    I play it with a few changes:

    1. I always use the first wave (7a / 13a / 21a / 26a) to eliminate the dogs, and so the cavalery losses are at the minimum you can see on the tactical also save other troops in the second wave

    2. this is a bit complicated, and I always have to coordinate with my brother - I block camps 2 & 4 with Tavern-general and I attack with my Veteran camp 3, my brother attacks camp 5 with his Veteran (now that there is 2nd veteran avalable in the , it can be a little bit simpler for gem buyers) - order for the attacks: camp 4, 2 after 30s 3 and last 5 (check the timing because of the server lag the general start can be delayed).

    3. camp 19 is also blockable - my first try didn't go so well so I have to tweak this

    4. I don't attack camp 27 - instead of that I attack the second camp 1 (less losses than with camp 27) and than you can block camp 27 and attack camp 28 from the second landingzone

    Good's my setup (right now without the block on camp 19):

    PS - Losses for 13b should be in militia column & second camp 1 (before attacks on 27/28) should be 51 - so there should be 1335 in the Recruit column...if you consider saving another 130R on camp 19 in the future, the R losses can be reduced to 1200R, which isn't bad for 33k XP adventure.
    Last edited by sk_setttler; 15.05.12 at 05:58.

  5. #5
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Feb 2012
    Well, the moment just come. My first success with a longblock:


    And here I am again. Here is the next problem:

    I found great garrison settings for longblocks

    The plan:

    G1 attacks camp 13, and when he arrives and the fight begins you can send the next general. But G2 to camp 14 can be sent earlier, camp 13 won't intercept him. G3 attacks camp 15, and the Veteran of course attacks the leader, camp 16.

    G1 to camp 13:
    Enemies: 100 DC 100 DS
    Troops: 125S (7-13 rounds)

    G2 to camp 14:
    Enemies: 80 DLB 120 DS
    Troops: 80S 120C (7-14 rounds)

    G3 to camp 15:
    Enemies: 50 DC 70DLB 80 DS
    Troops: 50S 139C 1B (7-12 rounds)

    V to camp 16 (leader):
    Enemies: 200 DS
    Troops: 76S 174XB
    Last edited by Lisztes; 15.05.12 at 13:23.

  6. #6
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Feb 2012
    Guys that was hilarious. I tried this triple-block, and it was a success. Nevertheless I sent my veteran to a wrong camp, then retreated him, and sent to the right camp. There was enough time for this

    So you can see the picture above.

    Send the G1 to camp 13, when he reaches the borderline (blue-red points) send G2 to camp 14. When G1 disappears in camp 13, send G3 to camp 15. When G3 on his way leaves camp 13, send the Veteran to camp 16. There is enough time, all you need: don't send the generals too early.


    The next plan:

    An other triple-block yeah
    We must be a little more tricky here. So my plan is: Attack camp 21 with G2 (and will be intercepted by camp 18, the real target), rigth after that I attack camp 17 with G1. When both generals start to fight, I send G3 to camp 19, and ~when G3 arrives to the walls, I send my Veteran to camp 20 (leader).

    G2 to camp 21 (camp 18 is the real target):
    Enemies: 50 DC 150 DS
    Troops: 160S (7-13 rounds)

    G1 to camp 17:
    Enemies: 70 DLB 130 DS
    Troops: 90S 110C (7-14 rounds)

    G3 to camp 19:
    Enemies: 50 DC 50DLB 100 DS
    Troops: 100S 80C (7-13 rounds)

    V to camp 20 (leader):
    Enemies: 100 DS 100 DXB
    Troops: 55S 100C 95XB [52S]


    And... Ladies and Gentlemen. It was a success. So with these garrison settings you can do a triple-block on this sector. First attack camp 21 with G2, count to 3 and attack camp 17 with G1, when G1 arrives to camp 17, and G2 is really close to camp 18, send G3 to camp 19. When G3 reaches the dried out tree next to the wall, send the veteran to camp 20. When it's over, don't forget to retreat with G2!!!


    Camp 21
    Enemies: 50DC 80DS 60DXB
    Troops: 60R; 50R 17M 70C 113XB [60R; 50R 15M]

    Camp 22
    Enemies: 90DS 90DXB
    Troops: 55R 25M 100C 70XB [55R 22M]

    Camp 23 (longblock)
    Enemies: 80DS 80XB 40DC
    Troops: 41S 159C (7-13 rounds)

    Camp 24 (leader)
    Enemies: 100S 40C 60XB
    Troops: 30M 110S 35B 75XB [30M 108S 34B]


    An another successful longblock

    After defeated camp 21 and camp 22 (the first wave to camp 21 was started from left, so when the general is recovering, he's not in the other's way), I tried this simple longblock. I attacked camp 23 with the general (G), and when he reached the red X, I sent the Veteran to the leader camp 24. It was very simple. The garrison settings are above.

    Camp 25
    Enemies: 120DS 80DXB
    Troops: 60R 55M 80C 55XB [60R 54M]

    Camp 26
    Enemies: 130DS 70DC
    Troops: 85R; 80R 20M 150XB [85R; 80R 16M]

    Camp 27 (longblock)
    Enemies: 200DS
    Troops: 178S 10C 10B (7-11 rounds)

    Camp 28 (leader)
    Enemies: 100DS 100DXB
    Troops: 100C 50R 50M 50XB

    I think before this we have to kill the watchtower on the right, because it has a big infuence area.

    Camp 29 (watchtower)
    Enemies: 50DES 50DK
    Troops: 65R 185XB [63R]

    Here we are:

    Send G to camp 27, and when he arrives the red X, send V to camp 28 (leader). It's an easy longblock.

    We are really close to the goal.

    Camp 30 (watchtower)
    Enemies: 60DES 40DK
    Troops: 70R 180XB [69R]

    Camp 31
    Enemies: 60DES 60DXB
    Troops: 10S 180C (7-12 rounds)
    or: 55R 80C 115XB [54R]

    Camp 32
    Enemies: 50DES 70DXB
    Troops: 20S 110C (7-13 rounds)
    or: 55R 80C 115XB [54R]

    Camp 33 is the hardest one, the Dark Castle. I'm working on the best solution, I hope I will find the greatest garrison settings. We must be fast.

    Camp 33
    Enemies: 50DES 50DXB 20DK 2BB
    Troops: 160C 40LB, 135LB 115XB [160C 40LB; 132LB]


    Ok guys. There is one little thing. The simulator gives wrong results with cannoneers. Something is wrong, because the real losses are much more bigger.


    I think I found the source of the problem. Cannoneers have extra bonuses in watchtowers and buildings. Too bad the simulator is down now.
    Last edited by Lisztes; 17.05.12 at 12:43.

  7. #7
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2012
    This is the project that I did from TSoServer - SON OF VELD! I did it 3 times and doing well I think.

    I copied bob units information for killing camp and 18-30 was my idea for more Blocking method.
    1: 80 Stone Thrower, 80 Thug - 61R 1S 162C 26A - 51R lost
    2: 80 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger - 81R 169S - 69R lost
    3: 2 Skunk, 100 Thug, 80 Ranger - 92R 1S 97C 60A - 71R lost
    4: 100 Scavenger, 80 Ranger - blocks:31S 101C or (6Rounds)
    5: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Thug, 50 Guard Dog - 140R 110S - 123R lost
    6: 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Roughneck - 35R 1S 194C 20A - 30R lost
    7: 1 Metal Toothed, 60 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 60 Roughneck - 1:60C 2: 119R 1S 60C 70A - 60C 101R lost
    8: 80 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 36R 1S 193C 20A - 29R lost
    9: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 50 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 54R 1S 95C 100A - 47R lost
    10: 150 Roughneck - 137R 1S 112A - 120R lost
    11: 100 Ranger, 100 Roughneck - Blocking 67S 110C (8Rounds)
    12: 100 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck - Blocking 20R 110S 18C (8Rounds)
    13: 1 Chuck, 50 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 70 Roughneck - 1: 50C 2: 119R 1S 50C 80A - 50cC 112R lost
    14: 2 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk , 50 Guard Dog, 50 Roughneck - 113R 137S - 103R lost
    15: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 50 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 53R 1S 90C 106A - 48R lost
    16: 2 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk , 50 Guard Dog, 50 Roughneck - 113R 137S - 103R lost
    17: 80 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 36R 1S 193C 20A - 26R lost
    18: 55 Guard Dog, 55 Ranger, 55 Roughneck - Blocking: 46S 100C (8Rounds)
    19: 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Roughneck - blocking 29S 80C (8Rounds)
    20: 1 Chuck, 50 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 70 Roughneck - 1:60c 2: 119R 1S 60C 70A - 60C 98R lost
    21: 2 Skunk, 100 Thug, 80 Ranger - 92R 1S 97C 60A - 74R lost
    22: 100 Scavenger, 80 Ranger - 63R 1S 166C 20A - 46R lost
    23: 80 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger - 1R lost
    24: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 1 Skunk, 60 Thug, 60 Guard Dog - 89R 161S - 79R lost
    25: 80 Rangers, 80 Thug - 60R 1S 159C 30A - 41R lost
    26: 100 Scavenger, 100 Guard Dog - 70R 180S -65R lost
    27: 160 Thugs - 84S 101C (8 rounds)
    28: 1 One-Eyed Bert, 80 Stone Thrower, 50 Thug, 50 Guard Dog - 147R 103S - 126R lost
    29: 50 Thug, 100 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger - Blocking: 132C 45S (6 rounds)
    30: 100 Thug, 80 Guard Dog, 40 Ranger - blocking: 55S 145C (6 rounds)
    31: 1 Metal Toothed, 50 Guard Dog, 80 Ranger, 50 Roughneck - 1:50C 2:50M 1S 119C 80A - 50C 44M lost
    Maximum lost - 1829R 50M 220C

    My lost -1578R 44M 220C

  8. #8
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Feb 2012
    So I finished Gunpowder and I got a lot of experience (and xp :P). I have new ideas for the start (and of course you can just skip the first 15 camps, but I think there is a way to defeat them with minimal losses). I will use new numbering system (from the german abenturer, when the numbers are same I will use the color code (B=Blue, R=red, G=green; for exampe Camp 1B, Camp 3R, etc.).

    Here is the picture:

    When you start from the upper peninsula you can kill camp 9, camp 10 and then can do a longblock with camp 11-12. On that peninsula there is only 2 spot for generals so this is the best you can do. But I think if we clear the previous sectors there is hope for a double long block (camp 10-11-12). I will try it.

    To start from the beginning, I will try new garrison settings for longblocks, and start the whole attack from the green landing zone. After I defeated Camp 3G, I will try a triple longblock in the middle. First I defeat camp 9. Then block camp 7 and camp 6 from above, block camp 5 and attack camp 8 from green landing zone. I really hope with this way we can skip camp 4B.

    After this as I promised I will try a double long block on camp 10-11-12. And then come 2 triple long blocks (these went good, so I will just do them again). Then come camp 21, 22, and an another longblock on camp 23-24. After this I will defeat camp 25, 26 and one watchtower (camp 30).

    Then comes an other longblock with camp 27-28. After this I will kill the other watchtower (camp 29; I need new settings for watchtowers, cannoneers have bigger damage here).

    Because of the Dark Castle is really strong I don't think longblocks on camp 31-32 can work. So I must defeat camp 32, but there is a little hope for blocking camp 31 on the usual way (attack with 1R). When I attacked the dark castle, generals always marching to the castle from right. So we need to block camp 31 when the two waves of the attack of the dark castle tresspassing there.

    New garrison settings for the Dark Castle:
    1: 140B 60C, 2: 250R [75R 140B 60C]
    Last edited by Lisztes; 18.05.12 at 19:08.

  9. #9
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Feb 2012
    So the new plan with settings (the plans are in italic):

    1G (120DM 30DB): 35S 165C (6-12 rounds)
    2G (90DM 90DB): 20S 170C (6-11 rounds)
    3G (100DM 30DC 40DB): 50R 45M 28B 127XB [50R 45M 27B] 1-2 rounds or: 150R 100S [150R] 2 rounds

    9 (75DS 75DLB): 65R 110C 75XB [62R]

    5 (80DB 60DM 60DC): 184C 9S (6-10 rounds)
    6 (80DM 20DC 80DLB): 188C 12S (6-11 rounds)
    7 (50DM 70DC 50DLB): 188C 3S (5-10 rounds)
    8 (50DC 50DS 70DLB): 140R 110S [140R] 2 rounds

    3B (80DM 50DC 40DB): 125R 125S [125R]
    3R (90DM, 60DC, 30DB): 165R 85S [163R]

    10 (50DC 100DS): 62S 138C (7-13 rounds)
    11 (40DC 70DLB 70DS): 26S 2B 170C (7-11 rounds)
    12 (50DC 50DLB 100DS): 42S 90C 118XB [42S 50C] *Longblock with camp 11 works, I'll try a double block with camp 10-11 while attacking camp 12.

    13 (100DC 100DS): 125S (7-13 rounds)
    14 (50DC 70DLB 80DS): 50S 139C 1B (7-12 rounds)
    15 (80DLB 120DS): 80S 120C (7-14 rounds)
    16 (200 DS): 76S 174XB [75S] *It works

    17 (70DLB 130DS): 90S 110C (7-14 rounds)
    18 (50DC 50DLB 100DS): 100S 80C (7-13 rounds)
    19 (50DC 150DS): 160S (7-13 rounds)
    20 (100DS 100DXB): 55S 100C 95XB [52S] *It works too

    21 (50DC 80DS 60DXB): 1: 60R; 2: 50R 17M 70C 113XB [60R; 50R 15M]
    22 (90DS 90DXB): 55R 25M 100C 70XB [55R 22M]

    23 (80DS 80XB 40DC): 41S 159C (7-13 rounds)
    24 (100S 40C 60XB): 30M 110S 35B 75XB [30M 108S 34B] *It works

    25 (120DS 80DXB): 60R 55M 80C 55XB [60R 54M]
    26 (130DS 70DC): 1: 85R; 2: 80R 20M 150XB [85R; 80R 16M]
    30 (50DES 50DK): 65R 185XB [63R] *reinforced watchtower bonus!

    27 (200DS): 178S 10C 10B (7-11 rounds)
    28 (100DS 100DXB): 100C 50R 50M 50XB [50R 48M] *It works

    29 (60DES 40DK): 70R 180XB [69R] *reinforced watchtower bonus!
    32 (60DES 60DXB): 55R 80C 115XB [54R]

    31 (50DES 70DXB): 55R 80C 115XB [54R]
    31 (50DES 70DXB): 1R *I will try a simple block here
    33 (2BB 50DES 50DXB 20DK): 1: 140B 60C, 2: 250R [140B 60C; 75R]

    I really hope my plans will be successful. If they will be, we can count with these losses:
    1243R 230M 277S 110C 201B

    It's definitely not the best, but not that bad Remember: it's for 38k xp, and for a really bad loot (x3)

    Last edited by Lisztes; 18.05.12 at 10:01.

  10. #10
    Nifty Blebekblebek's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    keep them up, and try to sum up your final setup to beat those worthless adv.
    I Might do it since the cost to get Fragments almost equal or sometimes less to spent more troops than buying fragments.

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