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Thread: Arrows to tell you your stock

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Arrows to tell you your stock

    is it possible in the town hall, that will tell you if your stock or a certain produce is going up or down or levelled off? Its a touch annoying to sit down and work out how many trees my foresters produce, how much wood is needed and how many planks i need etc, where if i looked at the logs and there was a downward arrow i would know i need to adjust it

  2. #2
    Forum Explorer
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    Nov 2011
    I've never once had to sit down and work anything out. If I see something dropping dramatically I alter the production time. If I upgrade something and I'm not sure, I make a note of the resource and go back and check 24 hours later.

  3. #3
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    You're supposed to play the game, not the game play itself for you. If you can't make a few simple calculations in your own head, then there's no hope.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  4. #4
    Glorious Graduate Elles0705's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tierarzt View Post
    If you can't make a few simple calculations in your own head, then there's no hope.
    Whyyy ... whyyyyyyy? Why do you have to be such a "Negative Nellie"?

    Why comment where's there's nothing helpful to add? I see many of your comments totally negative, sarcastic, and very unhelpful. Are you posting just to see the number of your post go up? Please try to help, instead of being snide. It will make the forums a happier place! :-)

  5. #5
    Original Serf scott-wsm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elles0705 View Post
    Whyyy ... whyyyyyyy? Why do you have to be such a "Negative Nellie"?

    Why comment where's there's nothing helpful to add? I see many of your comments totally negative, sarcastic, and very unhelpful. Are you posting just to see the number of your post go up? Please try to help, instead of being snide. It will make the forums a happier place! :-)
    I totaly agree, I hate forums cos its filled with stupid comments that are of no use to anybody.

    I came to suggest the same thing, either [COLOR="rgb(0, 0, 0)"]green red & black text or up & down arrow[/COLOR]

    I know alot of coding goes into this.

  6. #6
    Original Serf
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    Actually I didn't think Tier's comment was negative. It's exactly what I've been thinking while reading through this forum and it's exactly right. The whole point of TSO is that YOU play it. It's not supposed to do stuff for you. You're supposed to work stuff out, keep an eye on things, adjust stuff for yourself. If all the tools suggeted on this forum were implemented there'd be no point playing the game at all.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    its only a suggestion and its not taking anything away from the game. Surely the idea is to be able to develop a society that you can use not have to work out whats being produced.

  8. #8
    Original Serf
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    I think it would definitely add something to have this functionality, a game I played a while back (NileOnline) had this and it helped massively and enhanced the gameplay.

  9. #9
    Pathfinder Kahless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cakaroth View Post
    is it possible in the town hall, that will tell you if your stock or a certain produce is going up or down or levelled off? Its a touch annoying to sit down and work out how many trees my foresters produce, how much wood is needed and how many planks i need etc, where if i looked at the logs and there was a downward arrow i would know i need to adjust it
    I think this is a very good idea. I'm playing Anno 1404 at the moment, a game which is superficially similar to Settlers, and that has tool tips that tell you whether your stock of a particular item is increasing or decreasing. You still have to micro-manage your production levels, but the information makes doing that a lot less hit-or-miss. I want to play an enjoyable game, not take a course in basic accountancy.

  10. #10
    Forum Explorer
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    If I have 5K of something one day, and 3K the next I can see its going down. I dont need anyone to tell me. we really don't need too much automation in this game. Thats part of its charm.

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