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Thread: Waste of Building Licences (Mines)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Waste of Building Licences (Mines)

    I believe mines (or any other building that requires replacement every few days) should not count towards the building licences as they are a waste, with them only lasting a few days to hours.

    This is an unfair feature of the game as farms do not count towards the licenses.

    I would like to hear what everyone else has to say on this matter.

  2. #2
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolvie2012 View Post

    This is an unfair feature of the game as farms do not count towards the licenses.
    Farms do use licences.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    only farmfields dont use license- same way quarries don;t use license. Neither produces items either. Farm does, Mine does.

    So all buildings producing goods use license- all others don;t (house produces settler spaces :P) nothing unfair there.

  4. #4
    Keen Commentor
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    Mar 2012
    well to be honest houses shood not use lisences as if you dont buy any lisences and want to play this game you pritty much forsed to try to buy nobles for gc to have enuf space for you to produse any thing i mean with out buying lisences you have not many and with pop neededs for adventures you need atlest 40 or more nobles and even more if you use normal houses

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by morgy321 View Post
    well to be honest houses shood not use lisences as if you dont buy any lisences and want to play this game you pritty much forsed to try to buy nobles for gc to have enuf space for you to produse any thing i mean with out buying lisences you have not many and with pop neededs for adventures you need atlest 40 or more nobles and even more if you use normal houses

    On that line of thought i also have one: To be honest, they should not provide the game for free with a shop to buy items because you shouldnt be forced to pay for stuff in the shop but can;t expect the game to be totally free either....

    You can't have your cake and eat it. Either they have f2p with DESIRABLE items in the shop or they have a pay to play model. A model with crappy items in shop and some refills wont generate the cash to keep the game afloat on its own power. The licenses are the trade off you get when playing for free- you get less flexibility which means less production which means less speed unless you either are good at trading and buy it from people buying gems, or buy gems and enhance the economy by buying licenses and freeing licenses with noble deeds

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I see where you are coming from Qualan, but if you think about it the people who pay are going to get a head of anyone who doesn't a lot faster. It just depends how interested you are in the game and if you are able to pay, so personally I think that is fair but they should not make you pay for licences they have really gone to waste. I mean a licence should be for a building that is currently built and on your game, not one that is no longer there. It makes me lose interest in this game.

    There's a few of ups and down with this game, but when you get to that certain point where you can't do anything then it's game over. No point paying if you can't raise up any further.

  7. #7
    Skilled Student
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    You can't have your cake and eat it. Either they have f2p with DESIRABLE items in the shop or they have a pay to play model. A model with crappy items in shop and some refills wont generate the cash to keep the game afloat on its own power. The licenses are the trade off you get when playing for free- you get less flexibility which means less production which means less speed unless you either are good at trading and buy it from people buying gems, or buy gems and enhance the economy by buying licenses and freeing licenses with noble deeds
    Well teir model is piece of... without PVP. Sorry for that but in MOST such games PVP is an aspect which generates money. Players are paying for temporary 24h protections, tyhey are paying for resources needed to rebuild their armies, paying for speeding armies when attacking other players (there is no need to pay for attacking NPC he wont get any anyways). So my conclusions: Without PVP they should forget about money and if things will stay as they are its possible that this game will end before anything serious will be done. Srsly how far prices are going to drop 3-5 GCs/stack marble/HWP/Tools? That would be around prince of running gold chain unbuffed or with few buffs so it would be worth rebuilding mines.
    BTW IMO they could generate gems pretty well with permanent mines:
    1) There would be a reason to upgrade mines. (Now its reasonable only if you use refills and maybe lv 2 Copper mines w/o refills)
    2) There would be a reason to speed up geologists (if they would just add resouce to random ore deposit regardless of the fact mine is built there or not).
    3) There could be a way to force geologist to add resouce to a specific mine (instead of random) mine for a fee ofc.

    Ofc maybe refills could become useless, but well who is buying any other refills than those for Gold/Coal mines anyways?

  8. #8
    Jolly Advisor
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    Dec 2011
    lets see the point of the thread was licenses for mines . . . well you do get them back when the mine runs out - many players don't watch this and quickly spend the license on building someting else, and then moan they didn't get the license back. - Solution balance your economy - oh and when you get to 0 licenses, you watch your mines a lot more carefully!!

    Introduced red herrings - 1 - noble houses - these can be bought with the weekly free log in gems so don't affect numbers of licenses + gems you get for leveling after lvl 32 - and indeed can be saved up to get enough to buy licenses - the game just takes a bit longer

    red herring 2 - prices on Northisle server - try trading goods for goods or reducing your production of goods and produce gold if everything is so cheap
    red herring 3 - pvp there are numerous threads all over the forum dedicated to that topic so please pvp there

  9. #9
    Forum Explorer
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    Part of the game is in planning your buildings, and so planning which deposits to mine to best help 'your' island and 'your' economy. It is possible to complete the island and adventures by keeping within the building licences you are given if you plan right. If houses and mines were all given free, then it would be way to easy.

  10. #10
    Original Serf
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    why can we not get the licence back when the mine is exhausted and demolished????
    or can we not use a licence to obtain a miner as we can stone and marble masons that way when the mines run out they can be demolished and a geologist sent out to find more resources. I don't expect to be able to obtain copper iron or coal etc without using licences but to have one taken from you just because the resource has become exhausted seems overly harsh and unfair

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