View Poll Results: I agree that newbs shouldnt be able to send friend requests to higher lvl members

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Thread: Random Friend Requests

  1. #1
    Nifty mattc062's Avatar
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    Heanor, Derbyshire, England, UK

    Random Friend Requests

    I love this game a lot as im sure all of you do, but there are a few issues to adress. One of which is the pesky thing of everytime you write on global you get someone that hasn't spoke on global ever asking to be your friend. this is a known problem, so here are a few suggestions to stop it:

    -First the person who applies to be someones friend has to have spoke on global a minimum amount of time on that day or even in that hour.(whatever is appropriate)

    -secondly maybe bring in a minimum level you need to be before applying for friends, maybe level 16 when you get off the tutorial, because the random friend requests tend to be from a newbie or a lower leveled player.

    -thirdly, instead of the above maybe you can make it where the players have to apply to be friends with anyone that is at the same level or the levels below, then some of the bigger players dont get hassled with loads of newbies applying to be friends, but if the higher level player wants to be friends with a lower level player then they can ask the lower level player to be friends.

    these are just a few ideas, and if there are any other ideas please do add them. Thankyou. Mattc062.

  2. #2
    Jolly Advisor
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    Dec 2011
    I and many others have a way of dealing with this problem - we decline almost all of them. There are exceptions - some newcomers take an active role right from the word go and are welcomed when they ask to be friends.

    Setting a lvl to be able to apply to a friend is not a good idea, it really is up to individuals to accept or reject requests.

    Who knows how the mood takes me, if I like your name or your avatar or I'm feeling generous, I might just accept you. I do have a regular cull though of people who haven't moved a lvl in several weeks or have logged in!

  3. #3
    Nifty mattc062's Avatar
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    Heanor, Derbyshire, England, UK
    that is my third point and idea unlucky where the higher level player is the only one who can ask to be a friend with a lower level player, not the lower level player asking to be friends with the higher level player.

  4. #4
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattc062 View Post
    everytime you write on global you get someone that hasn't spoke on global ever asking to be your friend. this is a known problem,
    It's only a problem if YOU make it a problem.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  5. #5
    Jolly Advisor
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    Dec 2011
    that is my third point and idea unlucky where the higher level player is the only one who can ask to be a friend with a lower level player, not the lower level player asking to be friends with the higher level player.
    I find that a very condescending statement to make and the more I think about it the more it annoys me . . . personally, I'm not really interested in making new friends with higher lvl than me players - there are exceptions mainly because I have played with them for 6 months now, but many I am not interested in being game friends with.

    A polite decline doesn't hurt anyone, to have arbitray rules on who can make friends is little more that social engineering.

  6. #6
    Nifty mattc062's Avatar
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    i am only making a point......... please dont destroy me people, loads of people have been complaining that is all.

  7. #7
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattc062 View Post
    i am only making a point......... please dont destroy me people, loads of people have been complaining that is all.
    That's just human nature. If they didn't complain about this, then it would be something else.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  8. #8
    Erudite Pioneer
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    London, UK
    Random friend requests are an irritant but it would also be very annoying to be limited in sending friend requests, since you need to be friends to trade. It's very common to have:

    >P1 on trade channel "offer x for y"
    >P2 whisper to P1 "ok"
    >P1 or P2 makes friend request
    >trade takes place
    >optionally, drop the friendship afterwards

    Any rules on how often you need to speak etc would actually interfere with the active trading community.

  9. #9
    Nifty mattc062's Avatar
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    Heanor, Derbyshire, England, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Lymond View Post
    Random friend requests are an irritant but it would also be very annoying to be limited in sending friend requests, since you need to be friends to trade. It's very common to have:

    >P1 on trade channel "offer x for y"
    >P2 whisper to P1 "ok"
    >P1 or P2 makes friend request
    >trade takes place
    >optionally, drop the friendship afterwards

    Any rules on how often you need to speak etc would actually interfere with the active trading community.
    This is irrelevant because you cannot trade until you are level 17 anyway. Anyways I get the point that if this wasn't a problem something else would be, that is true.... But if you didn't write what you think on here then there would never be any changes to make the game better. That's all I want-to help, as I'm sure you both do too.

  10. #10
    Quartermaster Saraptheold's Avatar
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    Norway - Birthland of giants......and trolls.
    To limit friends requests would be rude to new players. I would rather suggest that you can see what lvl and how many friends the requester has. That way you can easily sort out the newbie lurkers and those that just seems to collect as many friends as possible. I would also suggest that you can block certain persons, as I have several times had more than two friends request from the same person ont the same day. At one time I hadn't even had time to decline the last request.

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