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Thread: Iron smelter stopped working

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Iron smelter stopped working

    My iron smelter just got stuck and wont produce any more iron ingots. It got stuck somewhere between upgrade from level 4>5 ( at the moment at 45% of 7 day upgrade). There is plenty of both iron and coal available in storehouse and there is enough room to produce ingots as well, and of course there is settler in that building also.

    The timer is stuck @ "8 sec left", (which is also same time as it takes to walk from house to deposit / storehouse). Stopping / Starting does not fix it either.

    This is pretty annoying bug, as *all* my iron production is now stopped cause of this bug :/
    Any info how can i get it work again ? I hope that I don't have to delete building as it takes some materials to get upgrade to level 5 going.

    EDIT: after refreshing client it is stuck at 9 sec, otherwise no improvement / change
    EDIT2: added link
    Last edited by Zteelblade; 31.05.12 at 20:58.

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    its not a bug all buildings stop producing when you upgrade. so if you have started a upgrade from lvl 4-5 that building wont produce anything until the 7 days have passed

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    its not a bug all buildings stop producing when you upgrade. so if you have started a upgrade from lvl 4-5 that building wont produce anything until the 7 days have passed
    Ouch , I did not knew that. Its good to know thou

    Guess I have to prepare for that when I am upgrading something viable next time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I have a similar problem with one of my mills right now. Good to know that there is an explanation that was easily found. Thanks.

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