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Thread: Buffs on "Friends"

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jun 2012

    Buffs on "Friends"

    I have noticed that some people give buffs without checking to see the state of the thing they are applying the buff to. I've seen buffs put on collapsed mines, on sleeping buildings etc. Would it be possible to have those sort of buildings made unavailable for buffing? (Its just a waste of a good buff)

  2. #2
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    A good friend will buff everything. A real friend will check what he's buffing.

    Don't blame BlueByte for your choice in friends.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  3. #3
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by casel0gic View Post
    The original poster did not attribute responsibility to BlueByte. (S)he merely expressed a wish to see exhausted buildings excluded from consideration.
    Exhausted mines are already excluded from buffing.

    I agree, it is not the responsability of BlueByte to make sure that your buff partners buff the right building, but the players are responsible for their own actions. If a "freind" can't see that the building has a big blue "ZZZ" or a big red "!" above, which to any sane mind would read "Do not buff here", then get better freinds.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  4. #4
    Keen Commentor
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    Tierarzt, why all this nagging about BlueByte's responsibility? No one is saying it is, so please stop the trolling.

    I see no harm in this suggestion. Most players certainly knows what the ZZZ and ! are, but you're forgetting at least two things:

    1. New players (players at fairly low lvl) may not know. A lot of players doesn't use the stop production function at all during the tutorial, which alone is a good indicator they don't know what the ZZZs mean.
    2. A 7 year old can play this game. Do you expect such a player to understand everything thay YOU understand? I don't.

    Feel free to say "I disagree" or whatever, but enough talk about BlueByte's responsibility, which isn't the issue at all. And, just because someone doesn't know, it doesn't mean they aren't "sane minds", which frankly is a very rude response from you.

    Btw, it's "friend", not "freind".

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
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    well zzz doesnt mean no buffing

    lots of people use the sleep function to mark the buildings they want buffed. Do not presume functions players will attribute to in game commands to fit your model. It invariably will not

    Lots of people rebuild mines or upgrade buildings nad while getting buffs ask for them to be buffed as well. As upgrading mines takes little time and a fair few upgrades as well- they prefer to get em buffed with the rest instead of having to find buffs later or inconvenience the buffer.

    Getting BB to regulate all this into a "preferred mold" would not improve the game imo. Players have their own responsibilities and if you want the gaming company to think for you and perform most functions automated- what is the point in playing, might just as well go watch tv where you dont need to perform any actions either

  6. #6
    Original Serf
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    I don't see the reason for the flaming on this thread to be honest it was a reasonable question/suggestion....yes people should look more closely at what they r buffing... but that being said it would be nice to have these buildings/expired buildings removed from consideration to remove useless buffing.... no one is saying lets make it so people can pick and choose what they're friends can buff.... merely that buildings/expired buildings can't be buffed like the barracks etc can't be buffed

  7. #7
    Skilled Student
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    agree, while mostly the new players buffing all the buildings (good/bad ones) its a bit of a pain to see them buff a building that cant produce anything anymore.

    But actually its becouse of lacking information about the game, new players are told to buff others, but noone says that it will be stoopid to do it on sleeping/exhousted buildings haha. but the players are small minded too, like u tell them what buildings are best to buff, and the next day u login and see all sleeping buildings buffed again. Haha so funny.

    So yeah i agree, they need to disable buffing on sleeping/exhousted buildings/mines.

  8. #8
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    So yeah i agree, they need to disable buffing on sleeping/exhousted buildings/mines.
    You can't buff exhausted mines!
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candy-Bear View Post
    I don't see the reason for the flaming on this thread to be honest it was a reasonable question/suggestion....yes people should look more closely at what they r buffing... but that being said it would be nice to have these buildings/expired buildings removed from consideration to remove useless buffing.... no one is saying lets make it so people can pick and choose what they're friends can buff.... merely that buildings/expired buildings can't be buffed like the barracks etc can't be buffed
    what flaming

    people use mechanics in different ways. making sleeping buildings unbuffable is counterproductive and limits the gameplay for many. So i dont feel it is an option to do. Why?

    1) People will pause buildings that use expensive materials to make sure they are buffed when producing. Main examples are the buildings in the goldchain
    2) People use sleep to "mark" buildings for buffing. If is actually easier to tell someone to buff x amount of sleeping buildings in sector a,b and c than listing the buildings to be buffed

    Pointing out flaws in a wish is not flaming, it is pointing out a flaw or concept that the posted haven't thought of but people sure want developers to take both positives and negatives in the equation when they want to decide change.

    Feedback that disagrees with original poster's ideas has to be seen in that light- not as flaming- especially if the reasons for disagreeing are being listed

    and as some have stated before- expired buildings and some specific buildings can not be buffed in the first place so the suggestion doesn't apply to them

  10. #10
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    what flaming

    people use mechanics in different ways. making sleeping buildings unbuffable is counterproductive and limits the gameplay for many. So i dont feel it is an option to do. Why?

    1) People will pause buildings that use expensive materials to make sure they are buffed when producing. Main examples are the buildings in the goldchain
    2) People use sleep to "mark" buildings for buffing. If is actually easier to tell someone to buff x amount of sleeping buildings in sector a,b and c than listing the buildings to be buffed

    Pointing out flaws in a wish is not flaming, it is pointing out a flaw or concept that the posted haven't thought of but people sure want developers to take both positives and negatives in the equation when they want to decide change.

    Feedback that disagrees with original poster's ideas has to be seen in that light- not as flaming- especially if the reasons for disagreeing are being listed

    and as some have stated before- expired buildings and some specific buildings can not be buffed in the first place so the suggestion doesn't apply to them

    disagreeing with someones OP is not flaming no..... but Tierarzt going on and on about Bluebyte not being responsible and that the only way to solve the issue is to get better friends is him trying to flame the thread. u actually put a basis/explanation behind ur position on this thread however Tierarzt did not... his main point was that bluebyte isn't responsible for other peoples stupidity or someones lack of "good" friends it did not in any way relate to game dynamics.....

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