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Thread: [Sheet] Building Movement Costs

  1. #1
    Skilled Student
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    Apr 2012

    Post [Sheet] Building Movement Costs

    As the most of know that the "Building Movement" is in the dev diary and they are testing it now on tsotest.

    I my self got quite a few people who asked for the prices of these placement but i could never find a full list of these buildings and there movement prices.

    So i made up a sheet for all you people that tells what you need from level 1-5.

    Here is the link
    Building Movement Costs

    The sheet is updated and has a new layout.
    (Layout used from Sinister-King)

    The buildings are now placed in tabs like in the game it self.
    - Basic Buildings
    - Intermediate Buildings
    - Advanced Buildings
    - Expert buildings
    * Gems/Event Buildings

    The sheet is not fully updated due the amount of time it take to upgrade certain buildings (Mostly the level 35+ Buildings)
    Do keep in mind that these prices can change at anytime and that i might not have updated it yet.

    I hope these helps.

    Last edited by Kikkah; 26.08.12 at 12:57. Reason: Updated info

  2. #2
    Architect of the Empire Sinister-King's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dark Castle
    Thank you very much, this is handy .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    So disgusted with BB over the cost of moving buildings.

    Many of us have been living on the promise of moving buildings since January so rather than destroy low level buildings we continued to upgrade many of our buildings as is, on the belief that we could move them in the near future - albeit at a cost.

    Now seeing these costs makes my blood boil - upto 1500coin to move a Level 5 building is crazy. If theres anything thats gonna make me leave the game its this....

    BB have been promising us a move function for ages so we continue to invest and upgrade as is and then we are being penalised (through move costs) for having upgraded - wish I had just kept everything at L4 and saved the coin and granite.

    I want to move many of my buildings, some I will have to move to a temp spot whilst reformating my island and then move to the new spot - sounds very, very expensive and not going to happen - BB can forget any any continued support from me either in this forum or with my wallet...

  4. #4
    Skilled Student
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    Apr 2012
    @Sinister-King Thanks for the feedback, if you like anything added or changed let me know.

    @Fishslice Yeah the level 5 movement is quite exspensive indeed. It will cost allot of GC to move all of those buildings =/

  5. #5
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi Fishslice,

    I can understand your current feelings. May I offer a thought please ... I'm reasonably sure I understand the business model that BB are working to on TSO. If my assumption is correct then they are in for a rough ride which will start in about 12 months time. I realise by then you will have moved on to greener pastures. I suspect I will to. For the time being I have set myself a budget to play the game and I have set myself some timeline boundaries which I will be flexible about if I see the walls that currently surround BB's perceived value of their game begin to align themselves with my pocket.

    You and I need to raise the value we place on our time and not let BB's business plan and model frustrate us anymore than it already is :-)

    If I may leave you with an awful cliche. It is what it is and we are where we are ;-)

    Nuttymut :-)

  6. #6
    Skilled Student
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    Apr 2012

    - New layout on the sheet thanks to Sinister-King.
    - All the buildings are listed now
    - Added a few new levels to certain buildings that where missing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Kikkah - New format looks much nicer and easier to read. It's appreciated (well be myself for sure) that you put the information together as it's good for the game to have people like yourself who devote time offline as well as online to putting this data together. The frustration at the prices is very much down to BB and their attitude to players.

    I've supported them elsewhere on this forum with regards to their prices for gem related goods but this is the last straw for me regarding investing money in the game. I feel like I have been reaching for a very attractive carrot for many months only to find that I am being beaten by the stick instead.

    BB should have at least introduced a flat fee for building movements for say 1 month whilst everyone who has continued to invest in their island with a view to be able to use a promised future move function can do so. After that they can charge what they want.

    I still feel 'emotionally' ripped off by BB and so will be saying goodbye to that old friend 'The Trader Shop - Gem Buying Section'.

    Nuttymut - If BB continued to invest in the game and its levels, I would more than likely still be here in 12 months, probably still buying gems and supporting the great guild I am proud to be a member of but given this latest update - I wouldnt be surprised to see my time here measured in weeks rather than months.....

  8. #8
    Skilled Student
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    Apr 2012

    Thanks for the feedback. This game does have improvements here and there.
    The prices for level 1-4 movement are reasonable just the level 5 which is expensive. Some buildings even cost 1000 Coins to swap place.

    I didn't mention the gem prices in the sheet as i guess nobody will do it for gems anyway they ask allot of gems to move certain buildings these gems could be spend otherwise.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    @kikkah - Never having been on the test server I have no idea of the gem prices but to be honest I always assumed it would be like 5-10gems to move a building which all people could do with the free login bonus gems. Having seen the prices in your spreadsheet I am assuming its hundreds of gems per L5 building which goes back to my previous comment regarding BB encouraging people to expand their messy islands rather than rebuild earlier on as the move function was just around the corner.

    Could you give me an example of a L5 Farm move cost in gems please?


  10. #10
    Architect of the Empire Sinister-King's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dark Castle
    To move a L5 Farm = 537 Gems

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