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Thread: [Feedback] Dev diary July/August

  1. #11
    Pathfinder poppytat's Avatar
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    baskets anyone??

  2. #12
    Original Serf QueenJules's Avatar
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    Guild Quests option is going to make being in a guild much more exciting. I'm looking forward to the Economy/Quests overhaul, but rather indifferent towards anything else really. Not sure what the Facebook thing is going to be about, suppose Ubisoft have got to make this profitable and unfortunately Facebook is the way at the moment.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by keko4321 View Post
    -in every adventures you only lose recruits which is stupid then no point of building any thing else beside bronze swords
    -no challenge at all in this game even we don't have a ranking lists
    There's the challenge. If you only lose recruits then you're relying totally on the guides. I never use the guides and I make militia, longbowmen, soldiers and now crossbowmen. If you break away from the 'you only lose recruits' mentality you can give yourself a better challenge. Balancing the economy for the higher grade buildings is harder.

  4. #14
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cully View Post
    There's the challenge. If you only lose recruits then you're relying totally on the guides. I never use the guides and I make militia, longbowmen, soldiers and now crossbowmen. If you break away from the 'you only lose recruits' mentality you can give yourself a better challenge. Balancing the economy for the higher grade buildings is harder.
    i don't follow guides but i use simulator , i try something new every run , new blocks , units , i don't mind losing advanced units since its the only fun part for me , but you can't deny this game need more contents , a new adventure every while and then that use a whole new theme (terrain textures) , and enemy units , a bit longer story for every adventure will make things interested .
    for example pretty sure everyone would love to see dungeon themed adventure .
    how they expect players to spend more money in this game when the player at level 42 plus realize soon he will have nothing to do , this game live at newcomers money , and Dev really don't care about us , its pretty obvious latest updates were money making only , i wouldn't mind buying them if the dev give me something in return not only interface improvements .
    Last edited by keko4321; 06.08.12 at 00:31.

  5. #15
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    I can completely understand where keko is coming from . Once you reach the 42+ lvl the game becomes dull and you have a sense of what next ??? The levelling from 42 to 50 is so far from grasp that you almost just want to give up right away. The levelling through the game upto lvl42 i felt was achievable yet challenging but you knew it could be done. Now however i dont even care about making cannoneers. Lets be fair BB thats all thats left now really. The game is aimed at the new players and geared up for spend money quick ethos. Well BB them new players one day become your players that get to LVL42+ so what can you offer them ??? It all becomes rather dull . The same adventures !! The same daily grind of rebuilding wheat fields , wells , mines....... Tedious to be honest. Why put packed wheat fields and bottomless wells all they way at lvl's 48 & 50. Again so far out of reach.

    Surely with the adventure maps there is oppurtunity for some AI within the combat system rather than just being able to read a guide and know how many recruits u need to build. Also why not mess around or randomise the pathing so a guide would not be consistant. Just make things a little more exciting. Some new adventures would also be lovely !!!!! You will soon lose your higher lvl players if you dont keep them interested in this game as they will become very bored and just migrate to another game elsewhere.

  6. #16
    Ruler of the Land BB_Azariel's Avatar
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    Hello all,

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    Remember that we are listening and taking notes. Please continue sharing your honest thoughts with us.

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    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

  7. #17
    Skilled Student herpyderp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keko4321 View Post
    this game need more contents , a new adventure every while and then that use a whole new theme (terrain textures) , and enemy units , a bit longer story for every adventure will make things interested .
    for example pretty sure everyone would love to see dungeon themed adventure .
    This. I'd love to see some different settings other than islands, maybe even a chain of adventures leading up to a possible new unit/specialist/building. I find that I end up doing the same adventures every few days only to sell the stuff for more adventures. I've pretty much run out of space and with upgrades that will throw my economy off balance more than help, I don't know what new things the game is offering.

    I'll withhold judgement on the economic adventures for now but I can't help feeling they will just be more of the same...

  8. #18
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    I have to be honest i'm kind of bored already and im only level 38.

    Guildquests sound good but why do you need 20? surely that means penalising the newer players who cant get or are not already in guids who will have to pay the 400gp for the entry. Its hard enough to get 3 or 4 people to do a quest let alone 20.

    Once you reach a certain economy of build you can pretty much leave your village to it all you need to do is spend hours everyday building fields and finding mines so you need to add something new. With regards building moves there is little point in this unless you can move storehouses as anyone who will need to do this is late in the game and has probably rebuilt around a storehouse anyway so moving buildings will be pointless as there will be little gain.

    There does seem to be some leveling needed from what i understand in terms of troops, building upgrades, level upgrades etc as it seams that you can reach a certain level easily then there is a short middle ground followed by almost impossible to achieve. For example with buildings level 1 easy level 2 easy if youve followed the tutorial level 3 easy as you grow level 4 -really are you serious I have no idea what level 5 upgrades look like as level 3 runs fine and my economy works. Its the same with adventures. you look at the guide and know you dont need more than recruits LB's CAV and the odd soldier none of which dies except recruits. The only real issue i see is that the adventures are either very easy or impossible without vet generals. there needs to be a balance for those that play for fun and those that want to spend money.

    I also agree that if this becomes a facebook style game it will be finished in weeks as nobody will play after level 35 as they will be onto the next new thing.

    Be careful BB Tribal Wars was a great online game with millions playing it before they made it impossible to play without spending money. Now only a few thousand play and its a dead game. Dont let The settlers online go that way.

  9. #19
    Skilled Student
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    If I’m to remain playing and paying for this game it needs to become more complex and challenging. Some of the desired changes I can see mentioned in the diary, some others have been described here by others.

    - Removal of tedious work, i.e. wheat fields, wells, mines/quarries. By the time all this is replaced one just wants to turn off the game and do something else. To some degree this has been achieve by silos, watermills, and newest introduction of unlimited copper mines. They all cost real money and in my opinion it’s fair enough. They cut down time needed to play this game and for some of us it’s a great improvement. So do something with the rest of the mines and quarries. Maybe lat us place the geologist on the island in a nice little building by each deposit so he can replenish it just like in settlers 7 or expand the unlimited mine idea to all of the deposits. I did play with refills for a while but got bored here as one can only buy them one at a time and with very small quantity value.

    - Balancing of expert buildings with the loot received form adventures. Either make those buildings cheaper in operations or decrease the amount of expert weapons that can be received from adventures. As it stands now, there is now real reason to build anything pass exotic wood sawmill.

    - Quests. Here I see that a lot of changes are on the way and it makes me very happy. The existing once are fun on lower level but on higher they just become a nuisance. Again complexity is required. A quest should be composed off many small sub-quests. Each of the difficult in itself to accomplish.

    - Adventures. This is a big problem for me and I know that many will support me in this. The balance between them is way off. Some, like The Nords, are ridiculously easy to make and others, like Secluded Experiments, are way off on the hard side. And yet there is now real difference in gains from those 2 adventures. If their difficulty is to sty this way the rewards from them need to be changed to reflect that. On a different side is the amount of the adventures. There need to be many more of them. Many more. Put some 50 extra and see the big smile on our faces, but remember to either lower their prices in map fragments or let the explorer find more of them. And every now and then add some new once to keep the unexplored part of the game going.

    - Barracks and provision house got a nice upgrade in menu but it was only esthetical. I was hoping for increase in amount produced. When I need to make 3000 recruits it’s a nightmare for me to do it 25 at a time. You should consider giving us the possibility of higher quantity production.

    - Garrisons. A small fix here would help a lot. Let us be able to move them back to star menu and off the island. It could be done by clicking on the storehouse while moving the garrison. I got a lot off generals from starter packs and they steal for much space on the island. When coming back from adventures some of them land half way over the water. I can destroy buildings from trader and they just go back to star menu, so why not garrisons as well.

    - Trade system. I do hope that the new one is not only going to give us the possibility of multiple and different trades, but it will allow for bigger quantities to either be sold or directly traded between two players. When I want to trade 40000 of one recourse for something else it isn’t all that fun to make 100 trades.

    There are other things that can be changed in this game to improve its experience but I think this is enough for now.

  10. #20
    Original Serf
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    cool , I agree ..they can make the island bigger too, if you buy all building licenses ..the island isnt enough

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