When i listen in our alliance; a lot of player's getting bored; when you have your island & houses you can not grow or expand and are stuck!
I think we need a kind of new land where we can go to explore conquer & claim and where we maybe can fight other player's, it start's to be a bit boring when you can not grow or can expand your territory and your stuck on your island doing adventure's.
So i was wondering when we can expect to start getting off our island? *
If you have suggestions or know when we get more space to claim or when we can get off our island pls let me know; think if it is not changing & that you can do only adventures like thing's or/& grade up your building's, soon some [a lot!] of the die hard players will probably leave to look for a different game! and that wood be a shame!
* if some one from bb good shine a light it wood be great!
* did not know where to post this question so i posted also in suggestion section.