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Thread: WHAT to do after lvl50? & more questions for BB

  1. #1
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Amsterdam/Holland [East of China]

    Question WHAT to do after lvl50? & more questions for BB

    Because i like this game!! but get slowly bored just playing the same adventures over & over again I have just 4 short questions for BB; hope they find the time to tell all about them.

    Here are my Q.

    1. When can my kingdom grow & explore or conquer new land &/or will be there new adventures to play ?
    2.When will it be poss. to send all in friend list a mail in once ? [so it is nicer & easyer to communicate in game &/or tell all you go on vacation, will help to create a closer community]
    3.When is PvP starting?
    4. When they start selling gem Vouchers again? & where can i get them? [don't like to spend money online, but in shop they say they can't order them any more; why?]

    Realy love this game; but if it stays so static as now i will move on like lot's of players who wood stay if there is more variance & things to do in game play, pls tell us what & when we all can expect!

    Tnx for making such a nice beta! Love the new production overview! it is awesome!
    Think the final game will be Super cool!

    Greetings & Kill all Bandits now!

    Last edited by DonDa; 07.09.12 at 23:41.

  2. #2
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    EDIT BB_Dantesama

    Hello Nuttymut,

    Although I do appreciate a little sarcasm once in a while, I will not tolerate offensive posts.

    If you have a complaint or wish to express something in particular, you are welcome to send me a private message.

    Please be considerate of others nuttymut.

    Thank you.

    Last edited by BB_Dantesama; 11.09.12 at 15:57.

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Once i realised we could only reach lv50 i really slowed down my xp grinding, and started to take more pleasure in the game.

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Amsterdam/Holland [East of China]
    yeee me to! but need a goal next to upgrade my houses & doing a adv.! )

    Still curious what bb is having to say!

  5. #5
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Have a look at the July/August Dev Diary in the forum. It mentions a few things that are on the way and when to expect them, one of them being for levels 50+.

  6. #6
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Amsterdam/Holland [East of China]
    i looked there; but saw no answer on my questions !

    tnx anyway funky!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Features for Level 50+: Level cap raise + science system + new buildings (approx. Nov + Dec)

    And slightly further back there is a post explaining the science a bit more:

    Features for Level 50+ (approx. Fall)

    We’ve been working on new elements for high level players in order to increase the level cap in the future. An important part will be the new science system. You will be able to gain skill points and use them in different kind of skill trees. Furthermore there will be new units and new adventures for high levels. An important step will be the re-balancing of the units in advance.

    Please keep in mind that the dates are estimations and may differ. The features have to fit our needs in terms of quality and technical aspects and they have to pass several test phases (one is the pre-staging test you’re welcome to participate in).

  8. #8
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer BB_Dantesama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hello DonDa,

    Just a reminder to everyone, please take the time to have a look around the forum, especially the dev diaries for any information regarding upcoming features

    1. When can my kingdom grow & explore or conquer new land &/or will be there new adventures to play ?

    We are aware that expanding one's kingdom and playing some adventures sound very exciting and fun! However, right now, we are focusing on implementing features such as the new trading system for example. There are many features planned in the very near future, have a look right here!

    When will it be poss. to send all in friend list a mail in once ?

    This is actually a very good idea and has already been suggested but there are no plans for this feature right now.

    When is PvP starting?

    PVP is most likely to be available in the 1st quarter of 2013, you will be informed when approaching release date.

    Believe me, you will see it coming

    When they start selling gem Vouchers again? & where can i get them?

    We are actually working on a starter pack, unfortunately, I cannot give you a release date.

    Hope this clears things a little.


  9. #9
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Nuttymut View Post
    EDIT BB_Dantesama

    Hello Nuttymut,

    Although I do appreciate a little sarcasm once in a while, I will not tolerate offensive posts.

    If you have a complaint or wish to express something in particular, you are welcome to send me a private message.

    Please be considerate of others nuttymut.

    Thank you.


    1 ) The Mods can stop removing my posts for no reason at all

    2 ) They can treat me as a human being and contact me when they have removed my posts (instead of just removing them - highly disrespectful)

    3 ) Allow me to voice my opinion on the open boards - unless you are trying to hide something

    4 ) Reply to my ticket (strangely enough a complaint about a moderator - suitably ignored)

    I will not be contacting you - I value my time more highly - and I seem to feel that you aren't moderating these boards so much as policing them. If you wish to treat me with a lack of respect and dignity please do not try and take the moral high ground after the event. I clearly have an issue with moderation both on the boards and on the forum, yet no one seems to want to take ownership of this issue.

    I have had two posts removed that should not have been removed. That has been met by a total ignorance by BB.

    You reap what you sow.

    Last edited by Nuttymut; 11.09.12 at 16:22.

  10. #10
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Amsterdam/Holland [East of China]
    tnx Dantesema ! mm hope you implant all the new things soon!
    & tnx for answering! Tnx again for the great beta! the real game will be great & fun to play i imagine! Can't wait
    Any way you do already a lot better than those pp @ support! they never take the time to send any reply or what ever, mm maybe support is still in the making & development to ?

    Maybe next to the option of mailing all my friends; a list that i can scroll like when you invite friends to join a adventure should also be great until we are able to group mail; than i can just copy & past text to all! this is quit easy to program & should not be more than a few day's work, because it is just a adjustment of a existing window or app.

    It is a bit frustrating that there is no outbox where my mail is kept after sending {so it happens that i send the same person a mail a view time's} ai ai
    & a other thing is; becouse this is a beta ; do all players who play now get a nice great compensation of playing a beta game when the final version is released? [next to the fun of playing this great cool game of course ]

    Hope the trade system will be nice & slow like now, because I'm a little bit dyslectic so i need to see & read all trade's a view time's before i make a decision what to buy or sell; & a trade record i heard will be there also? so we can see which players are scammers & remove them from our friend list, maybe a do not trade with him/ here thing? like a ignore button?! [in trade i look always who is making the offer so i'm sure i just trade with the player's i like to trade with or i think deserve my stuff ]

    Hope the final game will be ready soon so you [@BB] will have the time to start making small adjustments to improve game playing.

    I like that new cool tool where you can see what you short & need to to trade to have no shortage!
    It wood be great if the shortage/ sur plus application some how was linked with the trade system and automatic traded good's when your stock is coming under a sudden point!? That you can set.
    ex. like less than 10 pine wood logs => start buying log's @ 2 gc till you ok for next 9 or 12h etc


    *Tnx again for making time!
    Last edited by DonDa; 14.09.12 at 01:33.

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