Hi all settlers!
I would like to propose some cool changes for barracks/and pr.house

1.) Move up and down function (like with building queue)

2. Possibility to set repetition - e.g. for fish refills if you create 10-20 fish refills daily, it would be better move the slider to the 25 (max 2500) and set there repetitions (at least 10)

The same for barracks, on higher levels you create over 1K R daily, its 40*25 units in barracks... its so many clicking and it could be easily set with repetitions set 25R and fill field with number 10 or move new slider to number 10 (to make 250 R with one click). Or simply raise the amount of units from 25 to 50 at least.

3.) Longbows > Bows - there is already something like this but in oposite way. Nobody needs LB after level 36 and they are dropping from every adventure and a lot of them. It would be nice to have possibility to transfer Longbows to Bows - because you can use B in some sucide waves at adventures. Nobody will use LB's (twice more production time and 50% more brew).