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Thread: Help FAQ

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Help FAQ

    Help! How do I refill my mines? I saw the tip on loading screen that I should refill them
    You don't want to refill mines until you start digging for gold. Whoever put that tip up there should go and take it away. And then apologize for confusing all the new players. Mine refilling is very expensive and totally not worth it until you're mining gold. High level players occasionally refill iron too. However, if you've recently won in the lottery and wish to donate your money towards developing this wonderful game, feel free to purchase as many mine refills as your wallet allows.

    Help! I can't complete my quest even though I have done everything it says!
    Is it a waiting quest? You can't complete waiting quests. Complete or cancel your daily quest, then the waiting quest becomes your daily. And then you can complete it.

    Help! This quest asks me to make this and this many items available, what do I do?
    Have them in your storehouse, open the quest, click Finish. This means you will LOSE those items. You'll get a reward though. But is the reward worth more than what you lost? Quite often it isn't. So think twice if you want to complete the quest at all.

    Help! I attacked an easy camp on sector 3 but all my troops got killed!
    There's a camp on sector 6 that is so close to sector 3 it intercepts you. Plenty of thugs and dogs. If you're lucky enough to read this before you get all your troops killed against them, excellent. Now you have three options. Easiest one is to bring 200 recruits and kill that camp. Another option is simply to skip sector 3 until much later. And third option is to learn how blocking works and sneak past that nasty camp that way.

    Help! Bounty Hunter adventure won't finish!
    Visit the adventure island. Open quest log. You should have the adventure there. In addition, there should be an incomplete quest. Complete it. You'll get another one. It may come a bit slow, but they're there. You need to complete all quests. Then the adventure will finish.

    Help! My whisper tab is blinking, but there's no message waiting!
    Happens all the time. Type /w h o (as in sending a whisper to "h" saying "o", notice the spaces between letters) or any other fake whisper to make the blinking stop.

    Help! I can't build anything on this new sector I just conquered!
    As you might remember from taking your first sector that actually had no enemies in it, you had to build a storehouse there first. It's not enough to just kill the enemies.


    Got more super common questions I forgot? Got better answers? Feel free to post. The list is long enough now though, so if there's something worth adding, it'll have to be common enough to replace one of the above. Nobody ever reads a long FAQ.
    Last edited by Borotaur; 28.09.12 at 08:23.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Added the whisper bug issue that puzzles everyone the first time.

  3. #3
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Good list, Borotaur!
    Now we only need to reply to Help! Is there a good FAQ anywhere?

    Quote Originally Posted by Borotaur View Post
    Got more super common questions I forgot?
    Help! My troops are missing after the adventure finished!
    Troops that were not assigned to a general when the adventure completed need 100 minutes to find their way back to your home island. You can see them in your star menu.

  4. #4
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Help! I can't complete 0/12h!

    Quests that ask you to have a production value of at least 0/12h do not mean stop production for 12 hours. They are asking you to produce more of the resource than you consume: to turn from a negative production value (like -100/h) to at least 0/12h or preferably to a positive production value (like 20/12h).

    Look in the economic window to see what your production is doing. Turn the red figures into green ones. You may need to: buff buildings, upgrade buildings, turn off anything that consumes the resource and is also not required in another part of the quest. It may take some time to achieve and a lot of fiddling about with production. Good luck.

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