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Thread: [Feedback] Trade System

  1. #31
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister-King View Post
    The 24h delay offers more than just protection.
    According to BB_Pandur's post on the German forum, so nicely linked to by Dilbe, the main reason for the 24-hour rule was indeed protection against reverse trades...

    Warum wird der Handel mit neuen Freunden zeitlich (24h) geblockt?
    Unser Support hat festgestellt, dass viele neuere Spieler (aber auch schon ältere Hasen) über den Freundeshandel betrogen werden: So wird im Handel etwas angeboten, dann eine Freundesanfrage gestellt - aus Routine angenommen, und der vermeintliche Betrüger sendet einen Handel genau umgekehrt zu dem, der im Marktplatz eingestellt wurde. Versehentlich ist so ein Handelsangebot schnell angeklickt.
    Why is trade with new friends blocked for 24h?
    Our support has found that many new players (but also older experts) are scammed through the friends trade: A trade is offered in the marketplace, then a friends request arrives - routinely accepted, and the alleged scammer sends exactly the reverse trade of what was entered in the marketplace. Such a trade offer is quickly clicked and accidentally accepted.
    Since this kind of reverse trade scamming anyway will be impossible tomorrow, this 24-hour restriction doesn't offer protection, only unnecessary annoyance. Even if lootspots can still be sold in a somewhat cumbersome way through normal trade, it stops other kinds of trades and help actions that I've done a few times...
    • A player in global-3 asks if someone could help him with a small amount of resources to quickly finish some task or quest.
      I have a few times given away resources for free this way. I won't be doing that tomorrow anymore.
    • A player in global-3 asks if he could borrow some resources, so that he could start an upgrade before going to bed.
      Promises to pay back tomorrow. One of my current friendships started this way, but won't happen again after tomorrow.
    • A player in global-3 needs someone to buff a few buildings for him, but has no buffs in store to swap with.
      Instead he offers resources or gold to the kind person buffing him. Can't be done tomorrow.
    Most of my friends in this game are friends I've made through trade (and not the other way... becoming friends first, and then trading a day or two later). I certainly hope that the game will not become a less friendly one, if we from now on are being restricted mainly to the anonymous marketplace.

  2. #32
    Skilled Student
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    Apr 2012
    So either BB is not reading feedback from players or they try to kill the game. The new trading system is just plain wrong approach. There is only one bright side which allows a player to sell more than 400 quantity, all other aspects of trade system are against trading system. I think it was discussed enough here, no point in beating the dead horse.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2012
    wow that 24 hours thing is so stupid, protecting the unexperience player, that's a joke right?? The only thing it's gone to do, is we'll know 24 later when we get scam lmao!!! My opinion, I prefer to know right now!! trusting peoples don't happend in 24hours, it happend trading!!! Seriously BB get rid of that, it will just made it a living hell for players who do adventures!!! And it wont protect anyone...

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    As far as adventures go, well its going to be alright for those who are gaining their XP by the island forts or for those that are already on the high level (although is an impediment), but what about those of us who are in the low 30's levels and rely on the easy trade of loot spot etc to gain our XP and move up!

    Any slow down of the ability to be on an adventure or loot spot quickly detracts from our gaming experience. Some of us have well established gold chains that we place our concentration to free up other areas in our game!


  5. #35
    Original Serf BlackieIsHere's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Ireland, Derry (:
    I agree with a number of players on this forum 24hours for a trade to occur between 2 players seems unfair (now I realise why everyone was adding me on trade earlier).

    If you have no guild and are a sole runner, you are doing an adventure like Dark Priests which is only 2 days to complete it, how do you sell the lootspot if you have 23 hours left to complete it? This will be for people level -30 so you are hindering lower levels rather than helping them. *Good Job BB another fantastic plan which was well thought through*. I believe there will be no explanation for my answer because you can't get one.

    No-one will buy small adv's anymore due to the time you have to wait to sell the lootspot, which means you are making the game harder than it should be. No-one will buy a lootspot if it's not RTF (ready to finish) as they don't want to wait for it to be completed, so you may have to wait a day to sell it, as I pointed above you may not have the time or friends willing to buy your lootspot to get it done. Therefore you've just lost a lot of gc especially if it was a BK, RB, DB etc. I'd personally lose my patiences.

    So yes BB it's all about money making, as is every game, constumer satisfaction isn't taking into account, it's about ways to make more money. I see Settlers losing more gamers than getting them. Then again I could be wrong.

    Final post about helping newbies lol, this I quite enjoy You are helping hardly anyone, most players are level 20+ therefore know the game, newbies can just get it explained on the way... Isn't there a help chat for that? I must be mistaken maybe there isn't. Since there isn't a help chat in the browser game then it should probably be implemented, but if my some miracle there is a help menu where you can ask for help, then let them stop being so down right lazy and asked for it.

    Last edited by BlackieIsHere; 11.10.12 at 04:30.
    Except the fact that we are imperfectionists, but striving for perfection is what we do.

  6. #36
    Why no member of BB/mods respond on this topic ?

  7. #37
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    what i dont get is why not just add people as u see them yes its a hassle haveing everyone as a friend ..but once on there after the 24hr cool down then all trades ..buying /selling whatever ur doing ..u wont have a problem with as everyone will be ur theres no 24hr wait after that

  8. #38
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    In my personal opinion the new trade system is really cool and a big tumbs up for implementing it!!

    How all changes will work in game only time will tell, and complaining about it before you have encountered the problems is not very usefull. The 24 hour waiting period will not be that difficult to handle if you are willing to either trade lootspots, sell them in guild or (like me) don't delete people from your friendslist after each trade.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    the trade will be instat with new players in TT. exsample: buyer will sell 1gc for 10k logs
    seller will sell 50gc for 1 log

    so 1 stack logs will be trade 400:2

    thats all

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I would really like an answer to that : what this 24h waiting is protecting us of? BB computer is going to back in log history, if 1 of the 2 players already scam before, friend request will be decline?? or previlege of trading with him?? I don't think so... more like we will just have 24h for nothing or to get scam non the less... I really don't understand the logic behind this?? What do you guys expect us to do in those 24h?? go get a cup of coffee with the new friend to see if he is reliable lol???

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